Der Vorgang 24591

Der erste Kontakt 24591

Anzahl der Mails: 2

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I wonder if a single person can call himself absolutely happy?
I think not, but what do you think about it? I believe that loneliness is the most terrible punishment for a person, but for what sins is this punishment?
I don t think I m a sinner and I hope you are too (smiles).
Therefore, I am writing to you now, hoping for your answer to me.
Hoping that you re as lonely as I am. And that you want to get rid of this terrible condition.
Sometimes all it takes is a small step, a chance. And I take this step, write you this short letter and send you my photo.
I can only hope that you will like it and be interested in communicating with me further.
Who knows how it will end. It may turn out that the Universe gave us this chance and in the end we will be the happiest people. Let s try?
Oh, I forgot, my name is Marina. I am 29 years old, I am writing to you from Kazakhstan.
Good mood, do not be bored!
Hello. At first I wish to tell thank you xxx for your response to my early skimpy writing! I hope you really took interest to me and after your reply to this my letter I will be absolute sure about it.
Because of it this my writing will not be too great and not so informative. I hope you will not be offended by it?
So, as you know I am Marina. I m 29 years old and I live in country Kazakhstan. But my friends say that I look younger. I consider for girl this is well(smile). What do you think? I live miles away from my parents. I earn a living as administrator of little health center. Have no babies and brothers or sisters. To receive your communication details I went to local branch of international dating agency. I paid them little funds for they supply me only a few email addresses of bachelor people from overseas.
In this message I either wish to tell, that I’m absolute serious about my intentions to find my second half. And for this in my later on messages I will say you much more of me and my life. For you able to learn me better and for I able to do so. On the side, I expect you will not be contrary to if I write you large, instructive messages in future? Will you have time to read and reply it? For I may also see that you are serious about it. I expect at least we may grow into good friends at the final or somebody more closed. Do you have a large number of close friends? I want to ensure you straight away that for me irrelevant difference in age between you and me or anything like this. I will say you of it more my ideas in my following message s and I expect you perceive it.
I will write you my message s from my job if I have time or from internet cafe, due to I do not have a computer at home. Mobile internet in addition work bad in my sector cause there are numerous mountains around and in my country it works well only in the capital, in Astana and other big cities. So I can t be lots of time on-line. I either have no any registrations of social networks such as Face Book. Possibly for you it seems weird according your ideas of modern life, but I really don’t have need of this.
I have only a few close friends and most of them indwell here in my city. Even if you verify on internet very only a few people from my country there are in international social networks. There are only a few reasons for it and I will either say you about it in my upcoming writing s. I have a usual Cell phone (not smart phone), but it works only inside of my country. So to begin our two-way communication I propose to use e-mail and then when I recognize you better, we will find some different ways to be in contact, I give assurance you.
I will say you in my later on writing that I had already some bad experience about internet, because of it I’m trying to be prudently now.
Sorry, I fail to remember to tell, that I live in small town Chundzha. I’ve never been foreign parts. I think I need end on it. I hope that you not lose your interest in me at the end of peruse this letter. I in addition be waiting that you will write me some more details about your life and in addition send me more pics. xxx not many questions for you extra(smile). Do you like animals? What was the best task you ever prepared in your life?
Do you admire great cities more or countryside and why? I consider plenty questions for the start(smile). I really expect that get started of this exchange of letters able to convert into a start out of new life for both us. I suppose in your and my antecedent life there were some bad moments and periods… And I m just plead you to give me an opportunity to know you rather! Who knows, perhaps I can help you forget all the heavy-hearted things that were in your previous life.
Have a good day! Marina