Der Vorgang 24596

Der erste Kontakt 24596

Anzahl der Mails: 4

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Hi. I m novice to the site. I decided to write to you, let s get acquainted. I found your address at the marital agcy.

So, let me tell you a bit about myself. My name Darya. I m 31 years old, and I am still lonely girl, never been married. By character, I am kind, sympathetic girl. I have friends, hobbies, good job, and I m not just wasting my time.

So, I want to find a loved one, to create a strong relationship. This is the most important thing for me. Age difference or nationality - not a embarrass for me at all. I am interested in what is in his soul, what is in his mind. I just need a single man who is my best friend and faithful partner, to whom I dedicate my life and I will love. It is likely that I m looking for you and you re the only one I need - who knows? I hope that you are looking for the same thing.

See you my human. Sending you a high hi from Russia!
Hello xxx. You answered me and made my day! In some ways it’s much more easier to write - you must agree with it or what are you doing here :) here I can be myself. Please write me more about yourself. What do you do for having rest? Do you have any hobby? My hobbies are reading books, going to the gym. I like to ride a bike, skiing. I love active sports and have no bad habits.

I would like to know are you married or not? Do you have children? I do not have them. I turned to a dating agency "Amur" to search for a man, and there they gave me your email address. My intentions are to have a strong and happy family and one day get married or live in a civil marriage. I am not afraid of age difference. Age is just a number and it doesn t mean anything, the main thing is feelings. In my 31 years old, I am happy, but I am lonely and I want to feel love and care.

As I said in the first message, I am from Russia. I live in Rostov already 12 years -it s a small town and I m used to this silence. We live together with my friend Svetlana in a rented apartment, it allows us to both saving :). I have a dog, I call him Richie. My mom lives about 40 min from Rostov, with my sister.

I think that we could continue to communicate to learn something interesting about each other. Also, the distance does not bother me, if we want to meet, you can always find a way, if we really want to see, and it will not be a one-time meeting

Hope to hear from you soon and tell us more about yourself, this will give a better idea about us and our life. Take care, bye.
Hey! I expected to see a message from you today. Why you dont write me? Did I scare you? Please write to me. How was your day off? I was in the village with my mother, I visit her every weekend. I look forward to your message.
How do you? I have not received a message from you for a long time, I have already written to you several times. I just thought if you didn t even like me, you d let me know. xxx tell me this problem is in me that you are silent or in you?
