Der Vorgang 24615

Der erste Kontakt 24615

Anzahl der Mails: 3

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Hello again, my new friend! The day before yesterday, I sent you a mail with a small reminder about myself, but I never received an answer from you, which I was really waiting for. Did you get my mail? Maybe you have problems with the Internet? Or is there no time? Write me a email that everything is fine with you, so that I don t worry. You disappeared so suddenly (Smiles). I hope you will not change your mind about continuing our acquaintance? Please forgive me if this looks like a lack of patience. But I really, really would like to get to know you and get to know each other better. I wish you good health! I hope you will find the time to answer me.
Best regards. Anna.

P.S. Please check the spam email again, it is possible that my emails go there because you did not add me to the list of favourite mail addresses.
Hello again, it’s Anna, I hope you remember me. I wrote you a email a few days ago, but didn’t get an answer from you. It’s likely you didn’t receive my letter, so I’m sending it again, I hope you get it this time. Hey my Fr iend! How are you? I want to introduce myself again, my name is Anna, I’m 34 years old. I don’t know if you have experience meeting people on the internet, but it’s the first time for me. I ll tell you a bit about myself and about how I found your email address. I m from the country called Russia and my home is in a small thorp called Alekseevka, not far from the town of Penza. Have you ever been to Russia? We have a lot of picturesque places here, we are surrounded by forests, rivers and lakes. If you have never been here, then I think you would really enjoy a visit to Russia one day. About myself, I can say that I m a happy person but like everyone else I would like to find a friend close to my soul and find true love, a person who will treat each other with respect and attention just like I do. Honesty and sincerity are the key to a good relationship for me. I hope that my nationality and the culture difference does not scare you and we can get to know each other better. Recently, I was sent to work in the city of Penza and in the evening I had some free time before going home back to the thorp I saw a sign in the street "Let s Meet." It seemed funny and as I came closer, I saw that it was a dating agency. I have never had experience dating men on the Internet and I decided to stop by to find out what services their agency offers. At the entrance I was met by a girl and with a smile who asked me to sit next to her at the table. She kindly poured me tea and asked me to briefly describe myself. It turned out that their agency provides services for lonely men and women. They help people to find new friends or to find new love. It was very interesting to me, although at first I was a little skeptical. I immediately decided to learn a little more about their organization. The girl told me that many people are looking for their soul mate and people turn to them every day for help. I was told in confidence that even a lot of famous people, such as singers or actors in our country, also use their services. Of course, I was really happy after I spoke to her, because it meant I could try to find someone that could become close to me. I decided to try it out and to and trust her, and I said that it doesn’t matter to how handsome a person is, or how wealthy they are, the main thing is that a man is kind and sincere. I immediately told her that I was not interested in a relationship for intimate correspondence or a one-off meeting. More than anything I want to start my own family, but first, people should get to know each other better and even if we could stay friends, I would still be very pleased. She had a look at her computer and gave me your email address. I don’t know what you look like or what life you have so I decided to try to write to you. I paid them a small amount for their services and I hope that our communication will be interesting. Also, Maybe my long-awaited vacation will begin soon, so we could get to know each other even better at the first meeting. I think that would be great, don t you think? I hope it doesn t matter to you that I m not from your country, because for me distance is not the main thing and I will be very happy to get to know you better. As a child, I dreamed of becoming an English translator and wanted to work with our President, to know state and international secrets (smile). But fate decided otherwise. I started my education in medical school. After graduating from school, I entered Medical University and now I work as a female gynecologist in a hospital. Every day, I help girls cope with their illnesses and help solve all their worries. I really like my job and many people say that my job to help people is very honorable.
I really, really, like it when girls come back to me to thank me. Most often, they bring me some kind of sweets, such as a chocolate bar or a cake. And yes, I ve a sweet tooth (smile). In my letter, I will attach some of my photo so that you can see what I look like. I hope you’ll send me your pic too (smile).
I want to say that I ve blond hair, although sometimes, like all girls, I dye my hair. My height is 5 feet 6 inches (170 centimeters). My weight is 125 pounds (56 kilograms). Like I said, I m 34 years old. I was born on June 29, 1988.
I understand that everyone has different tastes, so I do not want to impose on you and if you are not interested in me, then please tell me right away and I ll not bother you anymore. I can tell you a little bit about myself, that I am an optimist at heart, and this helps me cope with difficult situations in my life.
I am not a little girl and look at my life from a philosophical point of view. I cannot make myself an absolutely happy woman. I have a great job and a nice house. But there are other things that make people happy. It s not material things, it s something more. I decided to write you my thoughts first. This means that I took a step towards meeting you and decided to open my soul to you. In any case, I hope that you will also be interested in our acquaintance, and I look forward to your letter by mail.
Ending my email, I hope that it was not boring for you and I would like to ask you a few questions to get to know you better. Do you have any experience communicating with people from other countries? It seems to me that you have more experience in this than I do (smile). Can you tell me what you do? What is your job or hobby? I hope I m not asking embarrassing questions, and if so, you can just skip them and not answer them. I would really like to get your photo in order to understand who’s writing to me and to imagine you every time you write a email to me if you are interested in me (smile). I won t bore you any more with my long mail, but I ve a great desire to get to know you better as soon as possible (smile).

P.S. I received your reply, but unfortunately it ended up in my spam folder and I didn t see your email right away. It was recommended that I add you to the "Favorites" list so that your letters don’t get lost anymore. Maybe you should try doing that too? Put me on your "Favorites" list. I will look forward to your reply.
Hi! I haven t received your email for several days, there s not a word from you. Are you alright? I hope I m not the reason for your lack of an answer. I m worried about you. I would like to receive your email and continue our communication, learn a little more about you, your interests. I really like receiving your letters and learning something new about you, your country, the culture of your people. This is an invaluable experience when we can share something new with each other. I ve already sent about 3-4 emails but I didn t get an answer from you. If you don t want to continue our communication anymore just write about it, I ll understand. It s just not nice for a man to leave without saying goodbye and not say a word.
I want to wish you a good day and a good mood. I hope that you are safe.

P.S. Please check the spam-email again, maybe you haven t added me to the list of favourite email addresses and just can t see them.