Der Vorgang 24627

Der erste Kontakt 24627

Anzahl der Mails: 5

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Hello DarlingMy name is Tatiana. I am thirty-five years old already. I m from Ukraine! I have a good job and a steady income If you think I’m not honest and I’ll justify and prove something to you. Better not text me back! Of course, like any girl, I dream of a family. My goal is to meet my man. Maybe even on the internet In fact age does not matter at all! I m no longer young myself. By all accounts, I consider myself always a beautiful and well-behaved girl I cook well and always keep clean! If you want a nice girl like me, let’s try to start a relationship. My main goal is to meet an interesting, confident man who has goals in life. One who wants to achieve his goals and develop. If your goal is just fun or some kind of perversion, just don’t answer that letter.

If you are interested in me Please write ONLY to my regular email:

Waiting for your photo and some information about you.
Good day xxx,

I hope you are doing OK.As I promised,I m texting you this mail.Put your mind that I find the time and boldness to do this just like I promised.
Yesterday,whensince I read your email and wrote back it,I have thought a lot how I can introduce myself.
After finishing my work,my best friend and I we walked to a cafeteria to catch up and have a cup of coffee.We often do this after working.
I ve told friend that I ve had your message.She was unhappy,referred me that fisrt time, some freaks and liars who are looking only for fun sent me letters.
I instantly said that you just need give a man a chance,not all men are alike.Furthermore,I don t owe anything to anyone and don t ask for a lot of things.
That would meant that I can discontinue talking at any time.I only access my mail at work.I haven t got a PC at home because there is no need for it.
I m sorry for the people who depend upon the gadgets and current technologies.I started ask,give me a hand,give me advice how to better write about me.
My friend briefly said that you should tell the information,things as they are.This is only real way to to build a normal dialogue.
Also said that I need not be so confiding and opinionated.Well,here is the whole information about me.I m 36 years old,my birthday is eighteenth March 1986.
I was born and grew up in Ukraine,in the city of Lviv.This is an industrial city in central Ukraine,I m not sure you ve heard about that.
Here I was born,spent my childhood and ended university of medicine.So,I m working in a private dental clinic,I m a dental specialist.
I make dental plates and implants.I have won competition several times and qualified in Europe,everytime,I select the country myself.
This is permitted by the terms of the competition.I love all of that so much.I was always wondering to pursue science and obtain new knowledge.
As you can imagine,I have a rather rich and interesting biography.But,disappointingly,it has always prevented my love life.
What man can take it?Each normal man,above all,wants a true and tender wife.I realized it too late.
At a certain point,it has become difficult for me get to know new people.
I m not blaming anyone but myself.After all,science is not a woman s business.I m well aware that I got to change who I am and change my life.
It led to online dating.Writing letters is truly really romantic.
You always have some time to think about what to write,it s an opportunity to express your thoughts.Probably,that s good enough for today.
I briefly told about myself as a woman.So you read carefully,you could possibly find out my self and manner.
Excuse me if there is nothing concrete in this letter you wanted to know.I will tell you about me into the details,step-by-step.
I m asking you to try to answer my messages every other day.Only a brief message.I can see that it s not that easy.
But you may comment anything about me. Or at the very least tell me about your day today.

Always sincerely yours,Tatiana

I do hope that you are doing well.You can tell so many moment in e-mails.Tell me,maybe you didn’t like something in my letters or my picture?
I hope you’ve read everything I sent earlier.I received your last letter lately.I understand that you have a lot of work or my letter may simply not come.
Please check the junk folder. Maybe my E-mails are there.I want to know your news.I hope that everything is fine with you and you just have no enough time
to answer me.If you have 5-10 minutes of your time,please write me the reply how your day was.I would really like to continue our communication.

Yours as always,Tatiana
Hey there my dear friend xxx,

I have sent you an E-Mail with my photos,but today you did not answer me.Why?This morning,as usual,I checked my mail-box and really wanted to see your letter.
May I ask why?I am very worried about you.I really need your support today.I’ve sent the results of all my research work to the Medical Association and will wait
for a response from the medical board.I m so worried!I believed you would answer me today and tell me all your news.How was your day?I do not want to seem
boring.I can see that you may be busy.I’m looking forward to your news and your reply.

Yours sincerely,Tatiana

Our exchange of correspondence, which was to be very continuous as we wished, has become much more relaxed, it seems to me...I sent you my last emails that may have gone astray in cyberspace or had fallen into your Spam. But no new email from you. Maybe you were irritated but I have nothing to do with it and I must tell you that I myself am saddened by this situation because I liked to correspond with you.Well whatever happens I ll just wait for your letter.Receive my best regards.Your,Tatiana