Der Vorgang 24684

Der erste Kontakt 24684

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Nice looking girl looking for a man. I want to rent a room in your house! If you are currently living alone, please help me with housing! I am a European woman, I am 33 years old.
I am so glad to get your answer! It really made me happy!
Thank you very much for your responsiveness, I feel not so alone in this world.
Whats your name? I want to know your name.
I now live in a rented apartment in London and I am going to work at the moment.
This week I am asked to move out of a rented apartment and I am forced to find housing in Europe.
Now I live completely alone and have very few people I know in the UK.
I understand that I do not currently have the financial means to rent a new apartment in London.
Please tell me what city do you live in?
Write to me about your marital status! You are married?
Lets try to combine our bodies in one house.
I would love to see you in a photo, please send me your photo.
I am sending you a photo I took last year.

With very best wishes