Der Vorgang 24785

Der erste Kontakt 24785

Anzahl der Mails: 8

Es wurden insgesamt -- 8 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hallo! Where r U from? at this moment I am waiting for top dude! I m lonely precious 31 years old Babe from Mariupol and now I am in Bulgaria! My e-mail box for response is .
I will reply to You my picture attach;) talk to you later
Good afternoon. I m sorry for answering you just now. Now I am in Bulgaria in a refugee camp from Ukraine. near the town of Ruse. I don t have a phone here yet,
I don t have a computer, and I can t write often. I didn t even know if you had received my letter or not, because the Internet is not always available here. But I was pleasantly surprised that you answered me.
a little bit about me. My full name is Irina. I am 31 years old. My last relationship ended 3 years ago. I used to live in the city of Mariupol in Ukraine. But because of the war, I temporarily left there.

In the refugee camp, I help with the cleaning of the dining room and cooking. So I can take my mind off everything I ve been through over the last 5 months.
I can t write you much right now. Because I was only allowed to use the computer for 10 minutes. I wanted to try to find information about my parents or at least find
out news about my city. I realized that it was very badly destroyed and there was nothing left, only the Russian army.
I will try to write to you as soon as I have the opportunity. It s a little hard to live in a refugee camp. But I want to stay optimistic.
I promise to write you more in the next letter. Now I have to go to serve dinner and take in the new refugees. I hope that our friendship will help me get away from this terrible dream.
I have some photos left on Gdrive and flash. It seems that these photos are from another life...

Sincerely, Irina.
Good afternoon. This is Irina. Have you received my letters? I just haven t waited for your answer. Perhaps you were busy during the week and could write. But today is a day off and I hope that you can write to me as soon as you receive this letter. I look forward to your answer always. Sincerely Irina.
Hello. I am happy to see your letter. I m a little out of the habit of talking not only about the war. People talk about it here every day... It s not uplifting.
A lot of people here don t have a connection the same way I do. Fortunately, volunteers come almost every day who sometimes give the opportunity to use a computer.
I m using my old email that I used at work. I have a hope that someone from our city will write to me. I don t have a connection with my mom...
I used to live in the city of Mariupol. And I left when the war started. I invited my parents to come with me. But they decided to stay. No one thought that the Russians would come to this city.
I thought I could come home in a couple of months. But I can t do it yet and I don t know when I ll be able to come back.
Today there was very terrible news that in Germany refugees were kicked out of camps. No one knows where they want to send them. Everyone was afraid that this would happen here too. But for now we are safe.
If what happened in Germany happens here, then I do not know what to do next.
Can you understand my English? I studied it a bit when I was a student. I thought that I would work as a tourist guide in Kiev. But fate went the other way.
Everything is very difficult here, I have not been able to find a job for 8 weeks. I m ready to go wash floors and clean houses. I can cook pretty well. But no one needs it here. We live in temporary houses
and there are many people like me here.
I also don t have a Bulgarian passport, only a Ukrainian passport. I applied to the consulate, but so far they haven t even answered me what I should provide them with. I don t have much time to write to you.
I m sorry that I don t write enough and I probably didn t answer your questions. But I will try to write to you again in the next few days and send you a photo. Good. I have to go. Now I can only communicate with you and wait for a letter.
Sincerely Irina.
Good afternoon. It s already Tuesday and I haven t received your answer. I hope that tomorrow you will definitely write. I m very tired today. And it s time for me to go to bed. I m waiting for tomorrow. your irina
Good afternoon. It s finally Monday and I could write to you. I ve already said that sometimes I can t write on weekends because I don t have access to a computer. I hope that when you receive this letter you will understand that I have been thinking about you all weekend and was looking forward to reading your letter and answering you. I don t have much time right now. But I ll try to write to you tonight. Looking forward to. A kiss your irina.
Good afternoon. I am so glad that I can come back to you and write. Because I was sick all this time and even had to visit the local hospital a few times. But they calmed me down and said that I just had a cold and I can go back to camp without problems and continue to do what I was doing before. I hope that now I can write to you every day. I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow. I will repeat my letters if you have not received them. A kiss. Your friend Irina.
Good afternoon. I already thought that I had lost access to my email, and that it had been stolen. But I was able to recover and I am writing to you that I have always thought about you. And I hope that you will answer me as soon as you receive my letter. Looking forward to. A kiss