Der Vorgang 24790

Der erste Kontakt 24790

Anzahl der Mails: 2

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Hello my friend xxx!
I m glad to receive a letter from you, and I am grateful that you want to continue our communication. Before I start write to you my message, I want to ask you, please read this letter very carefully, this is a very important for me, I want to know your opinion about all my words. Please, don t afraid tell my what in your heart and opinion about us. I always try to appreciate honesty in relationship and always tell only in my heart. I hate liars and persons, who put some masks to face. I am a woman for one man and if, someone will love me, then for me there will be no one man else. I am glad that I can write to you today. I thought that today they would not turn on electricity at all. Since yesterday after dinner they did not give him. Apparently some substation was destroyed.I love animals, they are not able to lie and are always sincere. I like horses, cats, parrots, but most of all I like dogs. I think that dog is the most faithful animal. Of course there are breeds of dogs which may be aggressive, but it all depends on education and training master. Personally, I like the Husky breed. They are very beautiful and harmless. I believe that this should be an animal.
Now we have minus 3 degrees. Without precipitation. But a strong wind blows.
I want to see what you look like. Send me your photo, please?
Now I try not to think too much about the war that we go. Since, when I begin to be interested in the situation, it becomes very bad for me. And so I decided not to check it myself. And I learn all the really important information from the people who surround me.
I m not afraid of my work, I m not ashamed of it. I like to dance, and I like good music. And I have a beautiful body.
I do not have complexes, and I think it s good.
Complexes make life boring. xxx do not think that I m corrupt. I am very vulnerable, tender and very true.In my free time I like to run in the mornings, and in the winter I go to the stadium to skate. In the mornings I always do gymnastics. I try to visit the pool almost free times in week. I very like to swim. During swimming, all muscle groups work, and this is very useful for well-being. Do you like to swim? However, I do not like it when someone starts bubbling in the pool, making a jacuzzi from the pool I hope you understand what I m talking about. It looks, of course, funny, only the smell is not very pleasant. I hope that you re not going to eat lunch. Sorry if I was spoil your appetite.
I just want to tell you, I really love life, and I rejoice at every moments. But I try to live with dignity, that I should not be ashamed of my actions. In fact, God sees everything. So I believe that I m not doing anything wrong in my work and life. As you can see, my photos are not too frank. But with each following letter my photos will be more and more frank. As I told you earlier, I want to build only a trusting relationship and don t want to hide something from you. You always can ask me everything what important for you. As for me, you are very pleasant to me, it s very nice and grateful for me to communicate with you. I think I was not mistaken in chose you and I really want to continue our correspondence.
I want to tell you more about me. I am 26 years old. I am an orphan. I have no relatives. My height is 171 cm. I weigh 54 kg. I do not have children. But I love children and in the future I would like to have two children (a boy and a girl).
Written you about kids and remember my not easy childhood. I grew up in an orphanage (shelter for children who do not have parents). It was very difficult years, it was very difficult for me. I m terribly recalling my life in a children s shelter. Poverty, hunger, constant insults and peer bullying. It hurts me to remember these years. And I do not want to talk about it right now. All this is very painful for me and please do not ask me about it, I promises, I will tell you about this part of my life later, when I will be ready for remember this such a painfully years. But what to do, it was part of my life. But there are also positive aspects, At the age of 18, when I reached adulthood, I left the orphanage and started an independent, adult life. After reaching the age of majority (18 years), the state gave me an apartment and now I live in Ukraine in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk.
In the orphanage I studied perfectly, this set me apart from the rest of the children, and it paid off and I was able to enter the for free. Now I am studying at the Department of general surgery. Next year I have to finish my studies at the National Medical University, and very soon I would be arriving at Germany to practice (an internship in the specialty of a pediatric surgeon). My profession has now gained particular popularity, in fact, the load even at a student of medical universities is huge, I am a doctor and that means my knowledge and my hands provide great help to the victims because of the war. Even now I save human lives, and fortunately, Ukraine needs even more educated doctors and therefore I will have a great opportunity to increase my skills.
Any way, my birthday is March 13, 1996 (Fish) and I truly hope all be ready soon and we can celebrate this important day for me in Berlin together. I got an opportunity to pass an internship in Germany for excellent studies at the National Medical University. It is a government grant that helps develop the skills of young professionals, but right now I do not know exactly where I will be in Germany despite the fact that all my documents are ready.
I know only one thing, first, within two weeks, I must to get practice and accreditation in the Berlin. After two weeks of practice, I can go to another city. As I know I would choose this city by myself, or I can stay in the Berlin. For the duration of the practice I will be provided with accommodation in the hotel and meals, in addition I will receive a good salary.Of course I had a desire to find a friend in Germany, and faith smiled at me - you appeared in my life. Any way I will tell you all details about my trip when I will know it. For now all my paperwork is ready, so I ll be in Germany very soon. My internship will take 6 months, during this time I will be in Germany. I think that s good idea, we can meet in reality and have some fun. I would like to know you in a more intimate atmosphere! We can talk for years, but never understand that this person is the ideal partner for you, until we try touch each other.
I do not force you to do this, because in the course of communication this will happen by itself. But you must to know, after the end of the internship, I must go back to Ukraine, in order to finish my studies. After finish my studies I want to sell an apartment and leave the country. My apartment is very small, but, no matter what, it is in my personal possession, and I m very happy about it. Repair in the apartment I did according to my taste and desire. I got a very comfortable apartment. At least, this is my desire to have money for start new life outside of Ukraine.
In order to study at the university, I needed an additional income, so I worked as a dancer in a nightclub. I want to immediately explain that I danced only in the club and no more! I have no sex for money. I also despise these girls. I never agree with sex for money. Now I also need to do in a dance studio, but I really like it and I get great pleasure when I am dance. Because of my classes and work, I have very little free time, I rarely go home.I think that this letter was too big, and you are tired of reading it. So I will finish my letter. If possible, I want to ask you, when sending photos, you reduce and trim them, because I have a very slow Internet speed, and unfortunately I can not upload large photos. I m using the Adsl Usb modem. This system does not work very well, and besides it is not cheap. I pay for the downloaded megabytes, and if you download a large number of megabytes, it will be expensive. So I ask, please, reduce the size of your photos.
As I already told you, my Internet speed is very low. Therefore, it is more convenient for me to write to you only e-mail. About such modern means of communication as Skype, facebook and various kinds of messengers so far I can only dream of. The usual e-mail for me is the most acceptable and convenient option.
Please write me what you think about all this, I really would like to know your opinion.
I hope you did not fall asleep while reading my letter. I hope my letter has lifted up your mood.
I m looking forward to your new letter to me. With best regards!
P.S I send you new photos and I hope that you will like it. It is important for me to know what impression you make on my photos, and I also want to see more of your photos, and I hope that you will send new photos for me.
Hi xxx!
How s tricks?
A delightfully clear day, Happiness at every step And a wonderful mood, In a friendly, close circle.
How is tricks? I sent you a letter a few days ago, but you never answered me. Did you find my letter? Didn t you find the time to answer me? I still have not heard you, and honestly, I can not find an explanation for this. I don’t know why you didn’t answer, maybe you are not interested in keeping in touch? Let s continue our communication and see what will be in future. I just want to understand our future prospects. If you are not interested in continuing to talk with me, just tell me about it. I want you to be honest with me and tell me what you think.I ll understand everything. I will be happy to see your letter. I wish you a great mood and a good day!
It is actually vitally important for me.
Do not forget me, write as quick as possible.
Wish you all the best! Yours Maryna.