Der Vorgang 24799

Der erste Kontakt 24799

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Heyyy xxx!
don t forget me!
I hope all is well and you are in a good mood, right?
As promised, I will send you a more detailed letter today and I
can`t wait to tell you more about myself.
I am emailing you from my work computer because my home computer is
broken and I took it in for repair. My computer is old and the
maintenance guy told me there are a lot of issues to fix even if they
try to fix it.
I`m almost always at work so it won`t be a problem for us to
communicate and I can use my work computer to email without any
problems. I got your email address on one of the dating sites but I
can`t remember what it was called like a month ago and I couldn`t
bring myself to message you. A month ago I was on different dating
sites trying to find my love, but I only met men trying to get Sex
dating, Nude pictures, money or simple games. It was not my goal, so I
was surprised to meet these people on the Internet.
Even though it was a few days ago, I have decided to reconnect on
the internet and drop you a line. I hope it`s not wrong, I hope not.
Are you a single and independent person? Whether you have a boyfriend,
I have no reason to interfere. You just can`t answer me. This is
something of primary importance to me.
And now I`m ready to tell you a little bit about my personality...
My name is Aryana, I`m 32 years old and I live in a city called
Bishkek. That`s a city in Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Republic), you can find a
lot of information about my city on the internet. My birthday is
August 25 (Virgo), 1990.
I have never had a marriage in my life, so I have no children. My
past relationship ended two years ago because this guy I was in love
with cheated on me with another girl. I got fired two and a half years
ago. He took a lot of drugs and cheated on me with another woman. He
followed me for his 3 months, gave flowers and begged for forgiveness.
But I can`t betray easily. It`s not a problem now, it`s been 2 years
since I`ve been a single woman and I want to start a new relationship.
am looking for a man.
I have my apartment in the city center. My profession is dentistry
and maxillofacial surgery. I work in a private clinic in the city
where I live. I am a doctor of the highest category and have undergone
training and professional development three times in different
countries. The trainings were conducted in order to introduce new
technologies and new developments in the field of dentistry. I worked
3 years ago in the USA in a large clinic in Manhattan (New York) and
did an internship for 4 months. I liked New York and especially
Central Park. France is the cradle of romance and love, and Israel is
the cradle of religion.
My height is 170 cm and my weight is 56 kg. I don`t smoke and drink
alcohol occasionally. I keep on a healthy diet and go to the gym 2-3
times a week. I like outgoing, gentle and self-confident people. I
also like it when a man has a sense of humor. As they say, we have
humor and life is long ...)))
xxx did you like my letter and is it not tiring, is there a
spark of hope? I will always be candid and forthright in my emails and
will answer every one of your questions candidly. That`s why I want
you to be honest, open up to me, and not play games. In this letter I
have tried to say more about my character, but if you have questions I
can answer them in the next letter. I hope your next post will also be
longer and you will tell me more about yourself and your lifestyle.
xxx I am interested in everything about your life, your city,
your country, your work and your friends. Please don`t forget to send
me your pictures, because I want to see a picture of the man I am
writing about in such sarcastic and unreserved emails. I am sending
you more of my pictures too. I have a glimmer of hope that you will
like me, do you?? Please be straight with me because this is important
to me. Either way you don`t believe me and think I`m a fraud, so we`d
better end now, because without trust nothing can be done. Agree??
Thank you very much for your kind letter.
From all my heart, your Aryana...