Der Vorgang 24865

Der erste Kontakt 24865

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Recently, I began to remark how precipitously my time is elapse...
Yes, I am still very far from old age, but on the other hand, my current life does not suit me.
And the base reason for this is my loneliness, the lack of a loved one with whom I would like to spend the whole of my life.
Yes, I may be sure that if I find such a person whom I love, and its feeling is mutual, so I will be faithful to him all my life.
And these are not empty sound, these are mine principles!
Because of it I decided to take the first moving and attempt to find a man on-line. And today you read my text.
If you, also as me, know how bad it is to return to an empty home, lie down in a cold bed, not have concern,
affectivity and just the best person in life with whom you can tell at any desire, express thoughts, feelings,
experiences, then I suppose you will understand me and my root why I am messaging you.
Perhaps we could provide each other a chance to get to know each other better and understand if we may be a lovely couple or just become a good friends.
If you are got interest and you wish to try, then I will wait for your fast repsonce. Oh, I forgot, my name is Olka.
I am from Russia, i hope to get to know each other will not be a problem.
I would like to ask you, if you are tired of lonesomeness, disillusionment and want to edit your life, just write me back to this letter.
I absolutely do not important what’s your age, skin color or life situation.
I am sure that true beauty are deep in the soul of a person, and true kindliness is in his heart.
If my ideas are similar to you, I will expect for your answer early.
I m sorry if I spent your time and you are not interested in my message. Have a good day.