Der Vorgang 24889

Der erste Kontakt 24889

Anzahl der Mails: 2

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Hola Rafdorn!
I hope your day is going great.
I hope all is well and you are in a good mood, right?
As promised, I am texting you a more detailed letter today and I
really want to tell you as much as possible about me.
My computer at home broke and I sent it in for repair, so I`m
writing an email from my computer at work. My computer is old and the
handyman told me that he had a lot of problems to solve, but he would
try to fix it.
I am almost always at work, so communication is not a problem for us
and I can easily email you from my work computer. I have your email
address on one of the dating sites but I can`t remember what it was
called as it was a month ago and I didn`t dare send you a message. A
month ago, I was on several dating sites to find my lover, but I only
came across men who were just trying to get sex dates, nude photos,
money or simple games. This was not my goal, so I was shocked to meet
these people on I-Net.
Although a few days ago I decided to meet again on the Internet and
throw a line. Hopefully it`s not a mistake and I won`t be frustrated.
Are you a single and free man? Whether you have a lover, there is no
reason for me to interfere. you just can`t answer me. It is an
important thing for me.
And now I`m ready to tell you a bit about my personality... My
first name is Aryana. I`m along 32 years old and I am living in city
which is named Bishkek. That is a city in Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz
Republic). You can find a huge amount of info about my city on the
Net. My date of birth is August 25 (Zodiac sign Virgo), 1990.
There is no marriage in my life so I have no children. My last
relationship was 2 years ago because this guy I loved cheated on me
with another girl. We`ve been dating for eight years and weren`t ready
to get married, but he got fired 2.5 years ago. Drunk, drug addict and
cheated on me with another girl. He chased me for 3 months, gave me
flowers and promised forgiveness. However, I can hardly cheat. That
doesn`t matter now and it`s my second year as a single lady, now I`m
desperate to build a new relationship. I am looking for a man from
another country, because I don`t want to live in Kyrgyzstan.
I have an apartment downtown. My occupation is dentistry and
maxillofacial surgery. I work in a private clinic in the city where I
live. I am a doctor of higher category and I participated in
internship and advanced training in different countries three times.
The training is conducted to introduce new technologies and new
developments in the field of dentistry. I have been to the US to work
in a big clinic in Manhattan (New York) 3 years ago and did an
internship for 4 months. I liked New York and especially Central Park.
France is the cradle of romance and love, and Israel is the cradle of
I am 170 cm tall and weigh 56 kg. I don`t smoke and rarely drink
alcohol. I follow a healthy diet and go to the gym 2-3 times a week. I
like honest, gentle and confident men. I also like it when a man has a
sense of humor. As they say, we have a sense of humor and laughter
prolongs life...)))
Rafdorn There is a spark of hope that you liked my email and it was
not tedious?? I will always be forthright and explicit in my emails
and will answer every of your question frankly. That`s the reason I am
asking you to be fair, open with me and not play games. In this
letter, I was trying to tell more about my personality but if you have
questions, I can answer them in the next letter. I have a hope that
your next message will also be longer and you will tell me more about
you and your lifestyle.
Rafdorn I am interested in everything about your life, your city,
your country, your work and your friends. Please do not forget to send
me your photos, as I want to see a photo of the one who I am writing
to such marrowy and unreserved emails. I am sending you more of my
photos as well. I have a spark of hope that you like me, do you??
Please be upright with me because this is important to me. Whether you
don`t believe me and think I`m a fraud, therfore we`d better finish
right now, as without trust nothing can be done. Agree?? With many
thanks for your good letter.
Your ever Aryana...
Hello my dear xxx!
It`s always a pleasure to see you.
I was worried. I sent you a letter. also thought. maybe you dont want to answer me. But now I understand that I did not try in vain. thanks to you.
Please don t ignore my request and send me your photo. without a photo there can be no acquaintance.
I would be very happy if you send me as many of your photos as possible, photos from home or from friends. I`m interested in everything about you. I want to get to know you as well as possible.
I really want to chat to help us get to know each other better so we can meet up. I think in the 21st century where there are many flights every day, meeting is not a big deal. Distance means nothing to me. What matters is the desire of two people to be husband and wife. do you support this?? Whether in the chat we became closer and were able to start our relationship, I don`t think there is any difficulty in coming to your country.
xxx As I told you before, I am messaging you from my clinic`s computer. As I spend most of time at clinic at my work computer that I don`t need a computer at all at home. There is no problem for me to write to you from the clinic`s computer. I have a smartphone although this day I dropped it in a medical sanitiser. I was very sorrowful and directly took my smartphone for repair, but the handymam told me that the solution had corroded several small parts and it was easier to buy a new smartphone than to repair the old one. However I have been planning to buy a new smartphone for a long time and now I will have a chance to buy a new mobile phone in two weeks, when I receive my salary. These days all electronic devices is very pricy, as the dollar and euro have grown very much in Kyrgyzstan.
Still I ask you not to worry and in 2-3 weeks I will buy a new mobile phone and immediately share my phone number with you so that we can message each other on WhatsApp. In the meantime, I hope you will be patient, due to the fact that there is no chance to buy a phone until I am paid. Without a smartphone I cannot use WhatsApp and I ask you to be a little patient. I am sincere with you and I only tell you the truth and ask you not to doubt me.
But until I bought the phone, it`s easy to call you from the office phone at the clinic and write you from the computer at the clinic. I would appreciate it if you could write your phone number in the following message. I will be happy to call you in the next few days. do you want to know my voice too? I believe that phone conversations help build trust in each other. Do you understand what I mean? So in the next letter please write your complete phone number including country code. have understood? I can`t wait to speak with you on the phone. It would be helpful if you could tell me the number. I just want to call you and see what you sound like.
xxx Unfortunately, I don`t have a Facebook profile. I deleted my page a year ago because several weird men were constantly emailing me with a sex offer and asking me for money for my nudes. so I suggested deleting my page, because I didn`t find anything interesting there. Social networks are not to my taste because I prefer real communication. My friend was crossing the road 3 months ago and writing something on her phone on Facebook and didn`t notice how she crossed the street and was hit by a car and died. It seems like many people these days look like zombies and spend time on their phones, thus not noticing the dangers. I`m even glad I drowned my smartphone in disinfectant solution, so for 2 weeks I rest from a cell phone and spend more time on real communication with people, rather than virtual.
I have heard a lot of information about Net scams and I want to assure you that I do not need anything from you. I am not interested in your personal information, bank account and money. All I want is a relationship built on love and trust. I ask you not to compare me with other girls, and what is worse with scammers. I am a dentist of the highest category, I have been in several countries and that is easy for me to pay for myself and be an independent woman. It is not my plan to spend time with a man who plays with emotions, who is looking for money or adventure. I want to find a man who knows what he wants, who is genuine, inquisitive and with a good sense of humor..) I hope for your sincerity and adventure. We should be honest with each other and get to know each other every day. I am sure that only the gradual progress of the relationship will help us to meet. What do you think about it?
Finally, I want to tell you more about my family... Unfortunately, I have no one, since my father left me and my mother when I was seven years old. He left us for another woman and from that moment I don`t have any information about where he lives and if he is alive or not. He never even tried to contact me again and I`m very angry with him for that. My mother came out of cancer two years ago. I love my mother very much because she was the only person who really loved me. I am an only child, so I have no siblings. I had an uncle and an aunt, but they met in a car accident a year ago. Today, I am a completely single woman, but I have no one but my friends. I have my friends to support me. My best friend`s name is Alina and only she is allowed to know all the secrets I have, that`s why I trust her even with my life. Our mothers were best friends and now we are.
I am planning to move out of the country where I live forever, as nothing keeps me here and my country is not progressing at all. I would never build a relationship with the local men because they are not interested in anything except alcohol and drugs. Therefore, I want to find a man on the Internet with whom I can build a strong relationship based on love and trust. Maybe you are those men?))) At first glance, it seems that you are a well-adjusted man on whom I like to rely. What is your point of view? I look forward to your reply and will reply as soon as I receive your mail,
Yours truly Aryana...