Der Vorgang 24946

Der erste Kontakt 24946

Anzahl der Mails: 7

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Good afternoon. It s finally Monday and I could write to you. I ve already said that sometimes I can t write on weekends because I don t have access to a computer. I hope that when you receive this letter you will understand that I have been thinking about you all weekend and was looking forward to reading your letter and answering you. I don t have much time right now. But I ll try to write to you tonight. Looking forward to. A kiss your irina.
Hello. Now I m waiting for your letters every day. Because I have no one left after all these events in Ukraine. My parents have stayed there and I can t contact them yet.
I ve had relationships in the past. But unfortunately I finished it 3 years ago. Then I found out that my boyfriend cheated on me with another girl with whom he worked. I couldn t forgive him.
I don t even know where he is now. I ve lost a lot of my friends. Someone decided to stay in Ukraine. Someone also left for another country. I can t find them yet either...
Today it s my turn to cook and clean in the dining room. I am glad of this, because now I have the opportunity to come to the camp office and use the computer. That s why I m writing to you.
I haven t told anyone about you. But I often think about you. I ve been trying to keep myself busy all day. So time goes faster. I thought I would only be in camp for a month or a little more.
Then I wanted to return to Ukraine. Now I doubt it. I don t want to think about the bad now. I like to think about you and that now I can talk to you.
What is your weather like? It s getting cold here and it s raining and snowing today. We have to sleep in our clothes under a blanket, because nothing is heated. We were promised to bring stoves that
need to be heated with firewood. I hope that this nightmare will end soon and I will be able to find a job. Then I can rent a room or a hostel. I ve already tried watching several options.
But we are advised not to go far from the camp. Last weekend I went to see the neighborhoods nearby and there was an unpleasant moment for me. Some people looked at me with disgust,
probably because I have old clothes in which I fled from Ukraine. And while I can t afford to buy something. But it s better than living in a house that was destroyed by the Russian army.
I have to go to the dining room now. I ll try to write to you tomorrow.
I m waiting impatiently for your answer. He sent me more of his photos.
Your friend Irina
Good afternoon. I am so glad that I can come back to you and write. Because I was sick all this time and even had to visit the local hospital a few times. But they calmed me down and said that I just had a cold and I can go back to camp without problems and continue to do what I was doing before. I hope that now I can write to you every day. I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow. I will repeat my letters if you have not received them. A kiss. Your friend Irina.
Dear good evening. I am very glad that you wrote to me again. Yesterday I couldn t sleep because I was afraid that something bad would happen, the men drank a lot of alcohol, it s good that they slept in another tent and not much further from us
, they started shouting at each other and fighting, like they even took someone to the hospital. Then after a few hours I was able to fall asleep, but I couldn t sleep for a long time. I had to get up at 7 in the morning
to do the cleaning and set the breakfast tables. Otherwise, I m fine. Yesterday I lay and thought for a long time. I would really like to leave here for another place, because it s terrible and there are a lot of bad people
, I m very afraid that they can rape here, because almost no one guards us. I heard that a few days ago, several girls were raped here. It s good that our languages are not much alike,
and I can understand them. And I was told that we could be transferred to another big city and it would be even worse there. I am very worried and try not to think about it. I hope that
I can think of something and run away from here. But I don t have anything yet. How was your day? I hope everything is fine and your day went better. Now I have to go, I m waiting for your letters, only they calm me down. Your friend Irina.
Dear . You asked me to come to you. I talked to my supervisor who is responsible for me in the camp. She said that I could easily go to any place
in the world without any problems, and I would be able to use my passport of a citizen of Ukraine. In order for me to be able to come to you, I need your full address,
a phone number that I can call you at any time. And the nearest train station, bus station or airport. The only thing I was told was that I would have to pay for it myself
the way to you. The allowance that they give us is not even enough for food and we are trying to get something for free. Also, without a phone, I will not be able to move on my own
without a navigator and translator. I am very afraid to leave here for the time being, but here everything reminds me of the war and my defenselessness and worry for my parents. Send me the exact data, I will try to find
out how to get to you and how much it will cost. Your letters are a very strong support for me and I want to thank you. Until I find a job, I can clean your place and cook for you.
every day and wait while you re busy. Would you like that? I was told that I would not be able to use the computer because it had to be picked up and brought another one in 2 days. I hope that tomorrow
or the day after tomorrow I will definitely write to you. I also found an old flash drive with photos in my things and I m sending you some of my photos, I hope you like them. I m looking forward to your news.
Your friend Irina.
Dear good afternoon. It s already Tuesday. How was your weekend? I hope that everything is fine. I never got your answer. I hope that you will write me an answer to my letters soon. Always waiting. A kiss
Good afternoon. I already thought that I had lost access to my email, and that it had been stolen. But I was able to recover and I am writing to you that I have always thought about you. And I hope that you will answer me as soon as you receive my letter. Looking forward to. A kiss