Der Vorgang 25006

Der erste Kontakt 25006

Anzahl der Mails: 5

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Let s sad talk:)

For now I m searching for cute mister,
I m single superb Babe. e-mail me: ;-)
I will send You my photos. good bye
Hello xxx!!
Haven t had a letter from you for a long time. I hope you are well? It
is very sad when I do not receive letters from you. How is your week
going? Not very tired during this time after the weekend? I have a
short day at work today. I need to go to the veterinary clinic today
to take Ball for a vaccination. Last time he was calm when I drove
him. I don’t know how it will be today) So wish me luck! I hope
tomorrow I will come to work and be able to answer your letter! I m
also waiting for a photo :) See you tomorrow, Tamara.
Hello xxx!!
How are you How is your health? I have a headache for the last two
days because of the weather. But in general, I m fine! My work day is
over and I m going home. Tomorrow I will rather go to an exhibition of
exotic animals, I want to look at them) What are you going to do? I
hope to receive a letter from you on Monday!!! Have a nice weekend! Tamara.
Hello xxx!
It s already Tuesday! You still haven t answered me, I want to
continue our communication. I understand that you may be busy, but I
hope that you will find time to write to me! It s quite sunny today
and I m in a good mood. It was going to be even better when you write
to me! Tell me how you spent the weekend and send a photo! I will be
waiting for your answer! :) Tamara.
Hello hello !!
Enough time has passed since our first letter. So far I haven t
received a response from you. If you do not want to continue our
acquaintance, then tell me, stop ignoring me. I hope that tomorrow I
will receive a letter from you. If not, I will move on. Sincerely, Tamara.