Der Vorgang 25760

Der erste Kontakt 25760

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Good Day, I chanced upon your e-mail on one of the dating sites on the internet, but I hesitated to message to you. I am now writing you a message and therefore I hope that you wouldn t brush out my letter and you would message back to me. I ve been trying for a long time to build a relationship on the Internet, however it seems all the males on the Internet are just addicted to money, nudes and pornography. I, on the other hand, am only interested in upright relationship. I am an upright woman, I am not a swindler and I do not need your cash. I expect you would as well be upright man and single-eyed with me. You can call me MARINA. I have never been married therefore I don t have children and I would like to meet a man in another land. I I don t like to drink or to smoke both. I am thirty six years old. I am staying in in the country of KAZAKHSTAN. Are you familiar with my country? It s a huge country with good people. I am attaching you my picture and I believe you like me. I will await your letter, assuming you are forthright man, not a scammer or an adventurer or nudes seeker. I also would like you to drop me some lines about your city and your country. That really interests me. The age does not make a problem for me, so it is not a thing to take it into account.

If you are interested in me Please reply ONLY to my personal mail box:

Looking forward to hearing from you and your picture, MARINA.