Der Vorgang 25877

Der erste Kontakt 25877

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
My name is Tina, and I found your page on the internet. I have to say that you grabbed my attention, and I could not resist contacting you. I am a single woman who wishes to find someone genuine for a serious, long-term partnership.
I would like to know more regarding you and find out if our characters and objectives align? If you re up for it, I d really appreciate if you d spend the effort to reply to this message. I genuinely desire to get to know you better.
I have included a picture of myself to this e-mail, and I want to find out if you appreciate what you observe? I would also be thankful if you would take some moments to respond to this email, and inform me know if you might be interested in becoming to learn about one another more.
Eagerly forward to hearing a reply from you in the near future.
Kind regards,
Good afternoon xxx!
I m pleased that you received my letter. I understand that getting a email from someone you have not met before may be startling. Please be afraid, there s no reason to be scared. I m intrigued to learn more about you better, that s why I decided to write to you... Good evening! I also enjoy talking with you. Thank you for sharing information about yourself. It s nice to know that you live in Düsseldorf, a city famous for its airport and the beautiful river Rhine. Germany is a country rich in culture and history. Your professional efforts as a senior consultant for a well-known German consulting company sound impressive. I am not familiar with EAYAW. I understand that COVID-19 has disrupted many plans, including going to the theater. Hopefully, over time, we can all return to enjoying such a cultural experience. I m sorry to hear about the loss of your parents and the absence of siblings. It can be a challenging experience, but I believe that cherished memories and personal growth can arise under such circumstances. As for dogs, I appreciate them, but like you, I don t have pets at the moment due to being busy. They require time and attention, which can be difficult to provide all the time when we have a challenging career.
My name is Temirkan. That is my formal name. But my buddies call me Tina. I m 35 years of age. I reside in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. I possess a decent job. I am employed as a realtor. Talking personally about myself, my height is 165 cm and my weight is 52 kilograms. I m not going to pen down much now. I realize that not everybody would be willing to correspond with an individual who is so distant. But if you are ready to dialog with me, I would be happy to share you about myself and my purpose in my next letter. Is that okay?
I hope I have to capture you and that you will writing to me. I look forward to your next e-mail and lovely photos!
Greeting! I m wondering if whether or not my message have already you successfully. Did you take into account looking into your junk mailbox? It seems that my letters are not getting through, since I write to you frequently, yet get replies from you sporadically. I would kindly suggest that you check your bulk folder and respond to my most recent note, in case you maintain an interest in proceeding with our talk...
