Der Vorgang 25987

Der erste Kontakt 25987

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hi! I really hope you re still searching for another person for a lasting relationship. It is really hard these days to find a genuine spouse, so this is why Choice to email you. I am seeking out a brainy gentleman to build a truly solid & durable partnership with. I do not require a person for one-night-stand or a young and irresponsible boy. This is not my kind of companion, I simply need somebody who has real purposes and simply won t participate in any stupid games. Somebody who is going to take care of me the right way. I hope that you are a genuine and valid man, and I will look forward to your answer soon.

Interested? Please answer ONLY to my private email:

Remember to say to me details about your way of life, your passions, and your spare-time activities.