Der Vorgang 26389

Der erste Kontakt 26389

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hi! Hey!

I stumbled upon your profile and I appreciated it. So I chose to reach out to you and familiarize myself with you.
I m a little concerned because I ve never met men on the Internet before.
I expect that you are pleased to get to know me and send me a reply. I ll be happily to share you more about myself.
I ll be patiently awaiting your response.

Hey, I am extremely pleased to uncover your profile)
I am a modest Ukrainian woman, in hunt of love and affection, I believe that you are the person who is seeking the same as me.
We could chat via email.
I will be overjoyed if you write me a letter).

Let s have a conversation and get to know each other more deeply.