Der Vorgang 26659

Der erste Kontakt 26659

Anzahl der Mails: 13

Es wurden insgesamt -- 13 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Greetings friend I would like to get acquainted with you. I have found youremail address through a dating agency. I really hope you like my photos. To begin with I want to tell some pieces of information about myself. Now I m 40 years old. I am Cancer according to the star sign. I ve never been married and I haven t got any children. I live in France. I ll be so pleased to watch your photos. I m really sure that you ll be happy to become a friend of mine. I think u will find time to become acquainted with each other a little bit more. What country do you live in? How old are you?

Interested? Please write ONLY to my personal mailbox:

I ll look forward to a response sincerely from you.
I want to get to know you. I contacted a dating agency.

And they gave me your email. Now I will tell you a little

about me. My name is Diana. I am 40 years old. I live in Paris.

I work as a chef in a French restaurant. I like my job. I know a lot about healthy eating

so I am not overweight like other chefs. smile. I don t know what else to tell you because this is

my first acquaintance on the Internet. I want you to ask me what interests you. I also have several

questions for you. Do you currently have a girlfriend? Who do you live with? What is your profession? What is your date of birth?

I hope we can get to know each other better. I ll be waiting for your reply and some photos. It s better for me to

we communicated in English. I want to learn english even more. I hope you will advise me. lol.

Write to me, don t forget me.

Still, it s good that I have a new friend. Lol. Let s exchange

letters, and cheer each other up. I m just tired of listening to information about viruses, and about the war.

Life goes on and we must look for the positive.

I find it interesting and I want to get to know you better. It s always nice to make new friends. Especially from another country. Learn

new cultures, trends. I live in France, in the beautiful city of Paris. I decided to find a friend on the Internet.

Suddenly, I will be able to find my other half there. I will be very happy. Because me

I already want to have my own family, love and cherish my husband. Can I ask you a question? What is more important to you in a relationship?

love or respect? If I get in a relationship. I want the relationship to be trust, honesty, understanding, sincerity,

loyalty. If this is all, then we will not have any disputes. I don t like people who constantly argue.

What is your hobby?

My hobby is cooking. I am constantly coming up with new recipes. With this letter I am sending you pictures. I did recently

cookies at home. It turned out great. If I had the opportunity, I would treat you to cookies. Now I will be waiting for your letter with a big

looking forward. Diana.
My day started off great today. I was awakened by a ray of sunshine. I did my morning exercises as usual.

Then I took a shower and made myself some coffee. I found your letter and my mood improved even more.

Because I like to receive your letters and have a correspondence with you. Do you like to read my letters and receive

my photos? I really hope this is mutual. We have an age difference, but that doesn t bother me at all.

Because I appreciate the spiritual qualities in a person. I m trying to understand his inner world. I don t chase pretty boys

and wealth. All I want is to have a strong family. Be loved and give love in return. What do you appreciate

in girls? What kind of girls do you like? What qualities do you value in them? May I ask you a question? When you have

was the last relationship, what did you appreciate in your girlfriend? What were her pros and cons? If you re interested, next

letter, I ll tell you about my former relationship.

Now I will look forward to your next letter with great impatience. Diana.

What have you been doing today? I hope you enjoyed today?

Did anything good happen to you that day? I liked this day. Today I want to tell you about my family and childhood.

I didn t see my mom and dad. Dad was in a car accident when mom was pregnant. My mother when she gave birth to me

she died. I always dreamed that I had parents like other children. When I was 4 years old, my uncle took custody.

I lived with him for two years. But then he began to abuse alcohol. And he was deprived of custody. I was taken to an orphanage

for orphans. When I was 10 years old, I was taken to Paris by good people, Joseph and Margo. I love them very much. Thanks to them

I felt like the right kid. I am talking about this now with tears in my eyes. What s your parents name?

Do you love them? I want you to talk about your relatives.

Now I will cook a cake at home. And I bet you would lick your fingers if you tried my cake.

Because all my friends think I m a good cook. Can you send me some new photos?

Now I go to my favorite place, in my apartment. This is a kitchen stove. smile.

Your Diana.
Hello my dear Bunny!

I am very glad, Bunny, that today I found your letter, and it is so important for me to answer you.

Tell me, do you mind that I called you "Bunny"?

You know I want to do something nice for you.

You can also come up with some kind word for me. Or is it better to always call you by your first name? What do you think

would it be more convenient? I want to write so much to you that I don t know where to start. How are you? smile. I hope your day

went well. I am also in a good mood now. Because today was a busy day for me.

Today I took a walk around the city. I visited the 5D cinema for the first time. I have many impressions.

I put on special glasses, and they put me in a chair. My chair, went in different directions. And I seem to be rolling

on a cart on rails. And when I was driving past the waterfall, small drops of water hit my face. It made me

impression of reality. Have you been to the 5D cinema? Did you like it?

What is your weather like? We have great weather, the sun is shining. Please tell me honestly. Do you like it

communicate with me? Receive my letters, my photos? I want you to answer honestly. And now I m waiting for your answer.

Your Diana.
How are you? How are you?

Now since I think you are my best friend, I want to

talk to you about frank topics. Can we share secrets with you?

I would like to tell you about my past relationships.

My ex-boyfriend loved me very much, and we had a lot of love with him.

We trusted each other, and it seemed to me that I had found my happiness, and I didn’t need anything,

I just wanted to be always by his side. One day I was invited to a cooking competition, and I had to go to another city.

But our bus flight was postponed due to technical reasons. My ex-boyfriend thought I was already in another city. When I returned home

I saw him with another girl. It hurt me a lot, because I thought that I could trust him, and he would never betray me.

And he betrayed me. You know, I wouldn t want to be in the same situation again. Maybe that s why I decided to find myself a guy from another country.

I think you have a different outlook on life. I hope if you love a girl you never do that? What is important to you

in a relationship? I hope you are a good man?

And our wonderful conversations continue to gain momentum, maybe it s for the best?

As always, I will wait for your answer.

Your Diana!
You know, my mood is super when I open your letter.

You are such a good man.

I think that I am very lucky to have you, you are a very interesting and still mysterious person for me.

But I have a very strong desire to complete all your puzzles. I hope you want me to open them?

Today I had an interesting day. Students came to me today to study. I did the training.

I met good people. They then gave me flowers. And they said I was a good teacher. smile.

I was so pleased. It is very good that I chose the profession of a cook. I like to cook food. And as they say

a happy person should enjoy his work. Every person has a favorite dish.

I want to know what is your favorite food? I try to cook food so that each of my dishes is

favorite dish. smile. I really want to see your new photos. I ll be waiting for your letter.


What is your mood? Fine? I hope you re doing great.

Have you thought about our letters?? Tell me, are you tired of writing letters to me?

I will never get tired of talking to you! Are you offended that I write to you??

If you don t like something, please let me know. I will try to fix it.

I hope you can understand me that I am writing for the first time with someone in another country. Before as

write something, I think a very long time.

I think it should be between two people who write to each other.

I will miss your attention if one day you do not write to me.

Even now, I can assume that if you don t answer me, for some reason, I m missing something, so I need to.

Today with colleagues at work, we joked all day. All colleagues have a good mood on payday.

They say that lately I ve been smiling more,

and become a bit mysterious. They joke that I fell in love. But I also joked, I told them that my prince had not yet been born,

whom I will love.

I began to think very often about your photographs, about your letters. I am very glad that you exist.

Now I will be waiting with great impatience for your letter.

I was happy to receive your letter!

When I turned on the Internet and found a letter from you, I had a good mood.

When you see my letter, do you rejoice? Tell me please ??

I want to know everything about you because I think we can be happy. Do you understand what I am talking about? We have a mutual


I say what I have accumulated in my head!

I don t know if I told you or not, but I always live by the principle - "the bitter truth is better than the sweet lie." You agree with me,

tell me?

When I sat down at the PC, I write down all my thoughts. And you are reading this now! lol.

You know. I think I ve fallen in love. Yes Yes Yes! I hope you are reading this now and you are starting to smile.

I just from the first letter, I felt something special for you that I haven t felt in a long time.

My heart begins to heat up and beat very hard when I receive your letters. How to call it??

Love or very strong sympathy ??? I hope first. I m so excited right now that I don t even know what else to say to you.

But I don t want you to think that I m crazy, I start to fall in love with you even though I know quite a bit of time.

I m quite serious and I m telling the truth what I feel for you. Your answer now, for me the energy and joy of life.

I love you!

Your Diana.
I am glad to receive your letter. I also want you to take new photos. I often re-read our letters.

I would like to talk to you today on a very serious topic? Will you listen to me, I hope attentively?

I really thought for a long time before talking about it. I want to meet you. I need more,

than these letters. Maybe now you are afraid of my words and intentions? I m telling you now this is serious.

I m ready to meet you. Don t you want it?

Yes, I understand that we know very little of each other, but I am not afraid of you, I believe in you very much.

I would only like to trust me, and don t you think that these are just words! Together we can build our happiness.

I really think that we can create harmony between us. Do you agree with me? I can fly to you.

I hope you will be waiting for me at the airport? And don t forget to buy flowers? lol. But first I need to sort out my affairs.

Tomorrow I fly to Bulgaria. Remember I told you about the uncle who took custody? He died four years ago and

gave me a house. I decided to sell the house to a real estate agency for 70,000 euros. With this money I want

do your business. At first I wanted to open my own cafe. But my boss said there wasn t enough money. Because there are very

strong competition, and large taxes to be paid. All sorts of checks can still come. I don t want to spend this money in the air

and I thought for a long time what I can do. I decided that it is possible to open a cleaning company. I have enough money, and the inspectors

catering, will not waste my nerves. lol. I share my plans for the future life because I hope

that we will be together. Now I want to know what do you think about it? I can come to you, but I don t want to inconvenience you

I will live in a hotel. I want you to know that my intentions are serious. I am waiting for your letter.

I love you.

Your Diana.
I am glad to receive your letter. As you know, I flew to Bulgaria. And now I am here.

I have a meeting with a realtor tomorrow. I will sell the apartment, and then

I want to come to you. Will you be glad to see me? I think this is a stupid question. smile. When I entered the apartment today,

I was horrified. After all, 4 years in it, no one lived. There was a lot of dust and cobwebs. I ve been cleaning all day today.

I was constantly thinking about you. It s very good that we got to know you. Finally, I feel like a happy girl.

I understand that there is a man on earth who thinks of me. I thank God that we know each other. You have no idea

how much I love you. It seems to me that my love has no limit. are you really not going to hurt me? Do you really love

me? Are you really going to love only me? You won t flirt with other girls? I feel like I can t live

further, in this unfair world, if you betray me. My biggest fear is betrayal. It s such a bad feeling. When you

love a man with all your heart. When she is ready to give her life for him. And he s sleeping with another woman. This is a blow to the heart. I hope,

you understand me? But I think I m writing this in vain. I am sure that you are a good and fair man. And never

hurt me. Do you love me. I am also ready to give you all my love. I will be your devoted woman.

I will tell you that you are the best in the world. I want us to compliment each other every day. And each of our

a new day started with a kiss. It is so romantic. how do you imagine our first day of meeting? I want to

we cooked good food. And organized a romantic evening by candlelight. We would sit at the table, drink wine, and talk.

Then I want us to dance a slow foxtrot. With this song that I sent you with this letter. This song

I love. And I always dreamed, when I have a man, to dance with this song. I hope you like her too.

We ll see you in a few days. And I think it s better than letters, photos and songs. Do you agree with me?

Now I am waiting for your letter with great impatience.

I love you.

Your Diana.

I am glad to receive your letter. I love you. I will repeat these words for the rest of my life.

And I will never take those words back. You give me the happiness that all women dream of. When we

meet, I will also make you happy. I will give you all the love, tenderness, care, loyalty. We will

happy every day we spent together. Today I met with a realtor, but the meeting did not end the way I expected.

For 4 years, Housing and communal services have accumulated 3000 euro. And I have only 2500 euro. For the deal to go through

in the apartment, there should be no debt. And only then, I will be able to sell the apartment. I told the realtor to go first

sold the apartment, and only then paid off the debt. But the realtor said to re-document the apartment,

she must be debt-free. Can you send me 500 euro? I will then sell the apartment, and I will fly to you.

And when we meet, I will return this money to you. I hope you can help me. Because I don t know where to get the money.

I don t have a single acquaintance in Bulgaria. I really hope that you will not leave me in trouble.

I have great excitement before our meeting. It s not like writing letters. smile. But now I m thinking more about selling

apartments. I am sending you a copy of my passport. If you go to Western Union, there will be no problem. My name is Diana Petkova.

Bogariya, Sofia. You can also send money to my bank account. DSK BANK STSABGSF BG50 STSA 9300 0030 0213 69

I am waiting for your letter with great impatience.

Your Diana.