Der Vorgang 26683

Der erste Kontakt 26683

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Es wurden insgesamt -- 1 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello ! I live tremendously content that me captivated you and if ye

do not object, then I I ll inform you a bit about myself. I am 35 ages

old, my name is Aigerim. Me don t I do not have never been married and

dwell alone with my grandmother. Later a few years following

graduation. I do started working for a construction company

accountant. In my spare time, I do go to the gym to keep your body in

good shape. I like to travel but owing to the serious schedule of

work, I do do not always manage to do this. At I have friends who I

also enjoy spending time with. We together we visit museums, theaters,

cafes, and most of all we like to play bowling. In my letter I am

sending you an image of myself, hopefully that you will like them. I

really liked you and I would I d like to know a little more about you.

If you don t mind, I will ask a few inquiries for you. Do you like

amusement? How can you describe your nature? What qualities do thou

value most in a woman? Were you married ? Are you currently in a

relationship with anyone? If you want to ask me a question, please

inquire . I gladly answer them for you. I finish my letter and wait

for yours. answer . Aigerim