Der Vorgang 26744

Der erste Kontakt 26744

Anzahl der Mails: 8

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Hello xxx

I wrote you a letter that week,

but apparently you never received it.

The reason I do not know.

I suspect that you are not receiving my emails

due to the fact that they arrive in your wrong mailbox folder.

Please take my letter out of there and mark my letter

and move my letter to inbox

I am sending this short letter just to inform you of this thought.

I will continue to communicate with you as soon as I see your new letter for me.

Today is Friday and I am writing this letter to you at 12:25 time.

I really hope that you will answer me back very soon.

I think of you

Hello xxx

I forgot to tell you why I have this 2nd email account, it is totally secure and its my personal and private account here

nobody has this email address because I hadn t found a man that I m interested in till I met you xxx.

That other one is more for my job I get my load information and all the messages from the company, and a lot of junk mail.

Can t get any junk mail on my private email account everything is blocked except for who ever I allow,

you are the only one that can send me emails on this account

I m glad that you were able to answer me back and say something

I am a free woman and free from prejudice,

but I m still looking for a man for living together and common life at home

What would you like from our acquaintance?

Your Gulnara

Hello xxx,

I am happy to start our acquaintance and share some information about myself. My name is Gulnara and I am from Kirgizstan. I am 160 height and weigh about 55.

I have many interests and hobbies. I love to travel around my country and discovering new places, immersing myself in different atmosphere and enjoying the local cuisine. I am also into photography and love capturing the beautiful moments around me.

My hobby is photography. I love capturing moments and creating stories through a camera lens. I started with photography a few years ago and since then it has become an integral part of my life.

In my free time, I often do sports, especially fitness and yoga. They help me keep fit and feel energetic. In addition, I am fond of reading books, watching movies and listening to music of different genres.

Tell us about yourself, your interests and hobbies. I am very curious to know more about you and share experiences. I look forward to our friendship and interesting conversations!

Best wishes,

your Gulnara
Hello xxx,

I hope this letter will bring you joy and interest. I wanted to share some aspects of my past life with you so that you can get to know me better.

I was born and raised in Kara-Balta, a city in Kyrgyzstan, the administrative center of the Zhaiyl district of the Chui region. My past life was full of various experiences and adventures. I graduated from the Humanitarian and Economic College "Abai" and received a degree in law. Worked as a lawyer or for several years, which brought me satisfaction and the opportunity to grow professionally.

However, I was always looking for new challenges and adventures, so I made the decision to go on a journey and start a new chapter in my life. This led me to the fact that I saw your address on the bulletin board and I decided to try to write to you, suddenly something will come of it, and here s a miracle, you answered me and we are already exchanging messages with you.

My past life also includes my interests and hobbies. I have always been passionate about art, especially painting and photography. I also love traveling around my country and immersing myself in different parts of my country, learning about new traditions. When I have free time, I also enjoy reading books and doing yoga for health and harmony.

This is just a brief introduction to my past life. I am very glad that now we have the opportunity to meet and exchange stories. I look forward to your reply and hope that we can get to know each other even better.

I am a little mischievous and this is manifested by the fact that I like to photograph myself in different clothes.

I hope that you will not criticize my tonight s evening outfit too much.

Best wishes,

Hello xxx,

I hope this letter reaches you in good health and high spirits. My name is Gulnara and I wrote this letter to share with you my thoughts and observations about love relationships.

Firstly, I forgot to tell you, I am 31 years old but I look younger, since I have not had a physical job in my life, I work as a lawyer in a small private company that specializes in the production of wooden doors for home and office,

my job is that there are always dissatisfied buyers of doors and often complain about the quality,

and I need to explain from the Kyrgyz law who is right and who is wrong.

Because it often happens that the door itself was of high quality, but due to the fact that the people who bought the door called an unscrupulous master who installed the door incorrectly, and now it creaks and torments those who bought it,

from the point of view of the law, the door at the time of purchase was of high quality, but it was not installed with high quality,

so I work as a lawyer in a small private company where I carefully study every complaint about the door.

I would like to tell you a few words about myself and my past life, why I am here and how it led me to seek relationships in another country.

Lately I ve had a bad relationship experience here in my country. I was disappointed and hurt to learn that there was no mutual respect and support in this relationship. This led me to the realization that I want to find an exceptional relationship where a man will respect and appreciate his beloved woman.

Past relationships were solely on the fact that I must completely obey a man who often waved his hand to try to hit me.

There were blows, and it was at the most inopportune moment, every time I was not ready to be hit.

I m just tired of enduring such a life and such relationships,

I found the strength in myself to take all my will into a fist and I got out of such a relationship, because I feel like an abuser all the time. Do you know what it s like to be an abuser?

An abuser is a relationship in which a partner violates the personal boundaries of another person, humiliates, allows cruelty in communication and actions in order to suppress the will, often cruelty manifests itself in physical violence.

I repeat. I took all my willpower into a fist and loudly declared that I was tired of such relationships and that I wanted to break such relationships once and for all so that I would no longer feel like an abuser.

I lived alone for about half a year in order to restore my former feelings and come to a normal life and no longer feel that someone humiliates me.

In my free time, I read a lot and walked outdoors.

I became interested in studying relations in other countries.

And I came to the conclusion that it is easier and more reliable to build an honest and healthy relationship in another country.

I started researching relationships in other countries, I learned about the culture and values of people in your country.

Around the world, the traditional respect and care that men show to their partners is famous.

In your country, there is an opportunity to find a relationship in which each partner will mutually support each other and succeed in everything together.

I am not looking for the perfect fairy tale, but I hope to find a partner who appreciates and respects me for who I am.

If you are open to acquaintance and are interested in the opportunity to get to know each other better, I would like to continue our communication. I would be glad if you tell me about your views on relationships and what they mean to you.

Can not wait for your reply.

I wish you peace in your heart for the whole day

Best wishes,

Hello xxx,

How are you? Hope you are doing well and enjoying your days.

Today as I write this letter here I have Thursday 31 August

I would like to share with you how my day went.

In the morning I woke up early. I made myself coffee and had a light breakfast to give me energy for the day.

I usually prefer instant coffee with foam, usually Nescafe Crema, do you sell such coffee in your store?

My breakfast consisted of a couple of slices of bread and 2 fried eggs.

I usually have something light for breakfast every morning, usually butter biscuits, cheese and of course coffee!

Then I got dressed and went to work, you already know that I work as a lawyer

Today the day has passed and now I have evening

and I had a very busy day in which I deal with various legal issues,

I advise clients and help them protect their rights.

This requires not only deep knowledge of the law, but also the skills of analysis and problem solving.

I am so passionate about my work because it provides an opportunity to help people and solve difficult situations. Being a lawyer requires responsibility and a thorough approach, but it also gives me a sense of fulfillment and achievement.

I would like to know what you think about my profession and maybe you also have experience or interest in legal matters. I would love to hear your thoughts and discuss this topic further.

In the evening I decided to spend 30 minutes outdoors as the weather was perfect.

I went for a walk in the park and enjoyed the wonderful views. There were many people walking, sitting on a bench and talking about something or just relaxing.

I even saw someone kissing. I also wanted to, but I do not have a partner with whom I could do it on the bench.

I took a walk and got some fresh air to de-stress after a long day.

I am single and I am looking for my other half, because I so want to be hugged and kissed on the cheek and on the lips, and I do not have a beloved man who could take care of me.

I want to meet a man to be happy, I want to spend a lot of time together and I just want to sit together in front of the TV, watch some kind of romantic saga and slowly kiss, getting an unforgettable feeling of love from this.

But I don t have that kind of relationship and I m single.

It s embarrassing to ask this, but I know that I will regret not asking you about it.

Would you like to sit on the sofa in the evening and kiss?

I think that at this moment you can get a lot of positive sensations.

I like to take pictures in the evening and I will send you some photos with me so that you can see me in different images and in different clothes.

In general, my day was full of various and interesting moments.

I m glad I can share them with you.

Tell us how your days are going and what are you planning to do in the near future?

Looking forward to your reply!

Hello xxx,

Today I checked my email and found your letter. To say that I am happy is to say nothing.

It is with great pleasure that I would like to answer your letter.

First of all, I want to say what day it is today, today is Monday here, September 4th.

Autumn has come and when I go to work I see how the leaves begin to turn yellow and probably tomorrow these leaves will already begin to fall and fall to the ground.

The cool season begins in which, as usual, I will climb into a warm jacket and wear it for a very long time.

Here is where I live, and I live in the city of Kara-Balta, maybe you don t remember from which country I want to remind you I m from Kyrgyzstan.

Since I told you where I live in what country, it s probably time to ask you.

Please tell me about your hometown, I am in my country, what habits do you have in your country, what could you learn from the life and customs in your country???

I already told you that I work as a lawyer and my job is to monitor the quality of the goods and at the moment when customers are dissatisfied with the quality, I have to make an examination

and protect my firm s rights because I already told you that I work as a lawyer for a door manufacturing firm.

It often happens that customers buy doors and then hire an installer who has no experience.

and a master without experience tries to install a door but spoils its mechanism and often it fails. I often encounter the fact that people try to save on everything they can.

This is probably because everything has become very expensive and when people buy a door they are looking for a master who could install them cheaper, so recently there have been more cases that a good new door is simply spoiled,

and then they say that it was of poor quality, something I encounter daily in my work.

So I said where and what I do.

Tell us what you do what kind of work do you do every day?

What do you do to earn the money you live on?

I also want to ask your forgiveness that I did not answer you on Saturday and Sunday, you must have lost me.

This Saturday and Sunday I was completely far from the computer and could not answer you

I could not answer you because I did not open my computer because I spent a lot of time on the street I was in the park where I saw how many people were walking

or rather, they were couples in love who held hands, sat on a bench and even kissed.

I haven’t had this in a long time and therefore I was very pleased to even look at it.

I even closed my eyes when I sat down on the bench, and imagined that one day I would also walk holding hands with someone and kiss.

But now I don’t have a man, I’m a lonely woman, I can’t afford it to kiss someone because I don’t have anyone, I’m alone, I’m very lonely

If you saw how I live, you would see that in my soul I am not as happy as I would like to be because I am very lonely and my soul too and I will tell you honestly in the future I would really like to meet a loved one with whom I could share my the joy of your warmth and share with your loved one everything that I have in my soul, perhaps you could become if you wanted it

And in order to somehow destroy the loneliness and feel a little better, I try to please myself with something, I like to take pictures of myself and shoot videos of myself on which I dress and dance in front of the camera.

I would really like that I had a man who loves me,

maybe you can be it.

Hello xxx,

I hope you are enjoying your day and my letter adds some freshness to your everyday life.

Today I decided to tell you about my morning routine, which helps me wake up and start the day with a positive mood.

Every morning, as soon as I wake up, the first thing I do is take a shower.

It seems to me that this is a magical place where I can feel complete harmony with myself and immerse myself in the wonderful world of water.

When the jets of warm water fall on my body, I feel how the worries begin to wash away, as if the water washes away all sadness and fatigue from me.

I close my eyes and let myself forget the outside world for a few minutes

plunging into your own inner world.

When I part with warm drops, I feel refreshed and awakened.

My body and mind are cleared and I am ready to take on the challenges of the day.

While I m applying moisturizer to my skin and brushing my hair, I feel more confident and ready to overcome any obstacles that may come my way.

Now that you know about my morning routine, I would like to hear about your morning habits.

How do you start your day?

What rituals help you wake up and be ready for new challenges?
