Der Vorgang 26883

Der erste Kontakt 26883

Anzahl der Mails: 14

Es wurden insgesamt -- 14 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello, Hope you are fine!

I recently came across your email address on a website

and decided to try to contact you.

I sincerely hope that this letter reaches you.

and we can get to know each other.

I would like to know more about you and share some moments of my life.

I saw your photo and became interested in you.

It seems to me that we may have common interests

and topics for discussion.

So I see that your nickname is xxx

What s your real name?

If you are interested in chatting and getting to know each other better,

I will be glad to hear from you. If not, please

feel free to say and I ll understand.

Anyway, I wish you a wonderful day

and hope for a positive response.

Best wishes,

Hello xxx,

I am happy to start our acquaintance and share some information about myself. My name is Saara and I am from Kirgizstan. I am 160 height and weigh about 55.

I have many interests and hobbies. I love to travel around my country and discovering new places, immersing myself in different atmosphere and enjoying the local cuisine. I am also into photography and love capturing the beautiful moments around me.

My hobby is photography. I love capturing moments and creating stories through a camera lens. I started with photography a few years ago and since then it has become an integral part of my life.

In my free time, I often do sports, especially fitness and yoga. They help me keep fit and feel energetic. In addition, I am fond of reading books, watching movies and listening to music of different genres.

Tell us about yourself, your interests and hobbies. I am very curious to know more about you and share experiences. I look forward to our friendship and interesting conversations!

Best wishes,

your Saara
Hello xxx,

I hope this letter will bring you joy and interest. I wanted to share some aspects of my past life with you so that you can get to know me better.

I was born and raised in Kara-Balta, a city in Kyrgyzstan, the administrative center of the Zhaiyl district of the Chui region. My past life was full of various experiences and adventures. I graduated from the Humanitarian and Economic College "Abai" and received a degree in law. Worked as a lawyer or for several years, which brought me satisfaction and the opportunity to grow professionally.

However, I was always looking for new challenges and adventures, so I made the decision to go on a journey and start a new chapter in my life. This led me to the fact that I saw your address on the bulletin board and I decided to try to write to you, suddenly something will come of it, and here s a miracle, you answered me and we are already exchanging messages with you.

My past life also includes my interests and hobbies. I have always been passionate about art, especially painting and photography. I also love traveling around my country and immersing myself in different parts of my country, learning about new traditions. When I have free time, I also enjoy reading books and doing yoga for health and harmony.

This is just a brief introduction to my past life. I am very glad that now we have the opportunity to meet and exchange stories. I look forward to your reply and hope that we can get to know each other even better.

I am a little mischievous and this is manifested by the fact that I like to photograph myself in different clothes.

I hope that you will not criticize my yesterday s evening outfit too much.

Best wishes,

Hello xxx,

I hope this letter reaches you in good health and high spirits.

And to make your mood more ardent, I just want to surprise you this morning,

I am sending you a video of me where I send you a fiery kiss,

I hope my kiss will warm your heart in the morning and melt your ice.

My name is Saara and I wrote this letter to share with you my thoughts and observations about love relationships.

Firstly, I forgot to tell you, I am 31 years old but I look younger,

since I have not had a physical job in my life,

I work as a lawyer in a small private company that specializes in the production of wooden doors for home and office,

my job is that there are always dissatisfied buyers of doors and often complain about the quality,

and I need to explain from the Kyrgyz law who is right and who is wrong.

Because it often happens that the door itself was of high quality, but due to the fact that the people who bought the door called an unscrupulous master who installed the door incorrectly, and now it creaks and torments those who bought it,

from the point of view of the law, the door at the time of purchase was of high quality, but it was not installed with high quality,

so I work as a lawyer in a small private company where I carefully study every complaint about the door.

I don t work for myself. I have a boss. And I got a job under an employment contract with a fixed salary.

I don t receive large fees for my work.

I have a salary and every month I receive a fixed salary.

In other words, my salary is the same every month, and like all normal people, I stretch it so that it’s enough for me.

How are you doing with this?

I would like to tell you a few words about myself and my past life, why I am here and how it led me to seek relationships in another country.

Lately I ve had a bad relationship experience here in my country. I was disappointed and hurt to learn that there was no mutual respect and support in this relationship. This led me to the realization that I want to find an exceptional relationship where a man will respect and appreciate his beloved woman.

Past relationships were solely on the fact that I must completely obey a man who often waved his hand to try to hit me.

There were blows, and it was at the most inopportune moment, every time I was not ready to be hit.

I m just tired of enduring such a life and such relationships,

I found the strength in myself to take all my will into a fist and I got out of such a relationship,

because I feel like an abuser all the time.

Do you know what it s like to be an abuser?

An abuser is a relationship in which a partner violates the personal boundaries of another person, humiliates,

allows cruelty in communication and actions in order to suppress the will,

often cruelty manifests itself in physical violence.

To put it simply, an abuser is a victim.

I repeat. I took all my willpower into a fist and loudly declared that I was tired of such relationships

and that I wanted to break such relationships once

and for all so that I would no longer feel like an abuser.

I lived alone for about half a year in order to restore my former feelings and come to a normal life and no longer feel that someone humiliates me.

In my free time, I read a lot and walked outdoors.

I became interested in studying relations in other countries.

And I came to the conclusion that it is easier and more reliable to build an honest and healthy relationship in another country.

I started researching relationships in other countries, I learned about the culture and values of people in your country.

Around the world, the traditional respect and care that men show to their partners is famous.

In your country, there is an opportunity to find a relationship in which each partner will mutually support each other and succeed in everything together.

I am not looking for the perfect fairy tale, but I hope to find a partner who appreciates and respects me for who I am.

If you are open to acquaintance and are interested in the opportunity to get to know each other better, I would like to continue our communication.

I would be glad if you tell me about your views on relationships and what they mean to you.

Can not wait for your reply.

I wish you peace in your heart for the whole day

Best wishes,

Hello xxx,

Today I checked my email and found your letter. To say that I am happy is to say nothing.

It is with great pleasure that I would like to answer your letter.

First of all, I want to say what day it is today, today is Friday here, 22 September.

Autumn has come and when I go to work I see how the leaves begin to turn yellow and probably tomorrow these leaves will already begin to fall and fall to the ground.

The cool season begins in which, as usual, I will climb into a warm jacket and wear it for a very long time.

Here is where I live, and I live in the city of Kara-Balta, maybe you don t remember from which country I want to remind you I m from Kyrgyzstan.

Since I told you where I live in what country, it s probably time to ask you.

Please tell me about your hometown, I am in my country, what habits do you have in your country, what could you learn from the life and customs in your country???

I already told you that I work as a lawyer and

my job is to monitor the quality of the goods and at the moment when customers are dissatisfied with the quality, I have to make an examination

and protect my firm s rights because I already told you that I work as a lawyer for a door manufacturing firm.

It often happens that customers buy doors and then hire an installer who has no experience.

and a master without experience tries to install a door but spoils its mechanism and often it fails. I often encounter the fact that people try to save on everything they can.

This is probably because everything has become very expensive and when people buy a door they are looking for a master who could install them cheaper, so recently there have been more cases that a good new door is simply spoiled,

and then they say that it was of poor quality, something I encounter daily in my work.

you already know that I work as a lawyer, but I work for a company and my salary is standard, no more, no less

So I said where and what I do.

Tell us what you do what kind of work do you do every day?

What do you do to earn the money you live on?

I spend a lot of time alone, so I am free to communicate with you and I want to tell you a lot of things,

After a working and tiring day, you always need to put your thoughts in order and calm down somewhere in the park where there is no noise and loud sounds from surrounding people, usually such a place is the nearest park.

I was in the park where I saw how many people were walking

or rather, they were couples in love who held hands, sat on a bench and even kissed.

I haven’t had this in a long time and therefore I was very pleased to even look at it.

I even closed my eyes when I sat down on the bench, and imagined that one day I would also walk holding hands with someone and kiss.

But now I don’t have a man, I’m a lonely woman, I can’t afford it to kiss someone because I don’t have anyone, I’m alone, I’m very lonely

If you saw how I live, you would see that in my soul I am not as happy as I would like to be because I am very lonely and my soul too and I will tell you honestly in the future I would really like to meet a loved one with whom I could share my the joy of your warmth and share with your loved one everything that I have in my soul, perhaps you could become if you wanted it

The fact that I m lonely and I m going crazy from loneliness, I ll show you this on video

but there’s no one to show it to, only you and me are watching

There is no husband, and never was, otherwise there would be eyes who could look at me in the evenings

so today you can see me going crazy alone,

If I had a husband, I would dress for him so that he could take off my clothes.

And in order to somehow destroy the loneliness and feel a little better, I try to please myself with something, I like to take pictures of myself and shoot videos of myself on which I dress in front of the camera.

I would really like that I had a man who loves me,

maybe you can be it.

Hello xxx,

Yesterday I wrote you a letter, but you never received it because you still haven’t answered me.

I don’t know the reason why you don’t answer me back.

I just suspect that my emails are not arriving in the correct folder in your mailbox.

I want to ask you to check all the folders in your mailbox and find my letter.

Please remove my email from the wrong folder and mark it and move it to your inbox.

This way you can receive new emails from me in your inbox.

Today, when I write this letter to you, it’s Friday, 22 September.

I am writing you this letter to remind you of myself, I hope that you will answer me soon.

Now I will continue my work. I will think about you.

Hello xxx,

I am glad to receive your letter, I really like the way you write!

What a pleasure to read your letter this morning, your words warm my heart.

Did the latest video I sent you shock you?

Did you probably get a heart attack from the video I sent you in my last letter?

Yes, I like to dress up, but I do it in secret from other people, I do it at home, you see my latex clothes

I really like to wear latex and stockings at home and take different photos with him

But I can confess to you that I never dress like that

and do not go out into the street in such clothes.

Because other people might think that I m not normal or horny.

All my clothes that you see in the photo I wear only at home and these clothes are only for my eyes.

I can have fun like this every night at home.

It s all because I m single and I don t have a family I don t have a husband I don t have children I m not in a relationship.

And at home in a calm environment I do what I want.

This morning, when I was getting ready for work, I accidentally caught my tights with my nails and accidentally tore them.

What a shame that my favorite tights, which I still felt comfortable walking in, were torn,

but that’s okay, now I’ll wear them under my trousers.

Now it’s autumn, you need to warm yourself there when you go outside.

Now I’ll wear tights under my pants, I’ll show you today that my tights are torn

I hope you won t be shocked by my photos?

Honestly? Did I shock you? Or were you speechless when you saw my torn tights?

I also want to confess to you and I don’t want to hide something from you,

My English is not as good as I would like

You probably want to hear my voice on the phone, to be honest, I would also really like to talk to you on the phone, but due to the fact that I know little English words,

I’ll just be ashamed that I can’t understand skipping your words and not hearing all of them.

But I try very hard and study English so that in the future I can understand well what I hear with my ears.

You already know that I work as a lawyer and you probably already guessed that I have a mobile phone.

Yes, I have a mobile phone.

But I can’t give it to you, since this is my work phone

and a lot of people who speak the Kyrgyz language call it. If I give you the mobile phone number of my work, then you will call there every day and you will distract me from work.

And even if you call, I will hardly understand what you are saying. Because it s much easier for me to write.

Now, when I write this letter, I write many sentences myself,

I type them on the keyboard, but sometimes I look at the translator to fully study the meanings of all the words.

Why did I decide to study English so abruptly?

I ll tell you honestly here where I live, I m not quite happy with my life because I m not satisfied with the salary in my small town.

Since childhood, from an early age, I have always dreamed of living better than everyone else,

And when I turned 31, I began to understand even more how life works.

I realized that there are things in life that you need to live and see, for example, I realized that you can live life somewhere in a remote village where your hands will hurt from calluses due to the fact that you have to keep your garden

in which I would plant potatoes onions carrots peppers cucumbers and tomatoes,

But for myself, I always always wanted a better life for myself, one in which it would be possible to work in my specialty

and receive a good stable salary, which would be enough not to dig the earth in the garden, but to enjoy life

and raise children with a healthy husband somewhere abroad.

maybe you don t notice but my eyes, what s wrong with my eyes?

My eyes are sparkling with happiness because I met you on the Internet, and I would be even more glad if I could meet you in real life somewhere in your native land.

Hello xxx and with the beginning of a sunny morning,

What a great mood I am in this Monday morning.

I m sorry I was away yesterday Sunday,

I had a lot to do cleaning my apartment,

I washed, cooked, cleaned. you work all week and live on the fly?

and always at the end of the week I do a complete cleaning of my apartment and, of course, washing and ironing.

And at the end of the day I simply didn’t even have the strength to sit down at the computer and open my mailbox to print to you what I did all day Sunday,

and just this Monday morning, I m ready to type and tell you to wish you a good morning

and may your whole day be filled only with good events.

And together with my letter, I wish you a sunny mood for the whole day

I want to give you a sunny mood with all my heart and soul

I send you a sunny mood and my smile through the letter through my video

I m taking a video this morning.

If you were nearby, everything would be different

We could feel touch and get goosebumps from each other

We are adults with you and I am not shy because I know that you will send me your video or photo too?

See you soon.

Hello xxx,

I honestly confess to you that I want to move to live in another country,

in which I will receive a stable normal salary several times more than I receive now, because the money that I earn now is not enough for me to live, I don’t have to take small loans,

and sometimes pay them back sometimes there is simply nothing to pay so the salary is not enough.

If I still had a family, I would have no idea how you can survive in my country.

I spend all my money on utilities, clothes and food. Since the salary is small, so my money quickly ends.

I know that if I move to live in another country with a normal civilization where the salary is much higher, then I can already start a family, have children, live normally, raise children and love my future husband.

I’ll say right away that I don’t think it’s necessary to get married and go to the registry office

if I meet a man suddenly it will be you,

then I can live without a registry office,

but at the same time I would like you and I to have something in common,

I want to live as a family and be happy next to my loved one,

I keep thinking that you can become this person, would you have a desire to take me and start living with me?

The fact is that I already thought about it and came to the conclusion that I could move to live in another country

and could get a job and take some other language for training that will be necessary in your country

so that I can work in all areas and start getting a normal salary

to support our family with you, for example.

I can share this salary with my future husband and have a common life.

If you and I lived together,

I could earn money and share some of my money with you so that we can have a common life and shop together so we will depend on each other and so we can create our common future together.

What do you say to that, what are your thoughts on the matter?

My dear xxx, please don t ask me for my phone number as I m not sure if I can talk on the phone.

I will be ashamed when you call me on the phone and instead of my voice you will hear only my breathing.

I will try to learn English even better in the near future so that we can understand each other.

Maybe after I learn English even better, I will agree to a call with you,

but for now you have to understand me that I don’t want to breathe into the phone, so I’ll better write to you here because it’s much easier for me.

I think you will understand me. Thanks for understanding.

I want your day to be filled with joy and happiness, I want you to see something very beautiful after reading my letter, so I will be open to you, I will send you my video

Hello xxx,

I hope you received the video file that was in the last letter.

If you don’t see it and letters with it, then it must be somewhere in your other folder

just look at all the folders in your mailbox

somewhere in them there should be video and my letter in which when I wrote I put all my emotions

What new happened to you on this day?

Autumn has come, I see how good autumn is in its own way.

I see the leaves of the trees starting to turn yellow, and this is that time of year when you can take an armful of yellow leaves from the ground, throw them in the air and take a great photo outside on a sunny day.

It would be nice if you and I could take a photo together like this. What do you think about it?

I want to tell you the good news

I want you to be as happy as I am

I have a big event in my life.

I m tired of working every day. And I really want a weekend.

I looked at my work schedule and see that I can take 14 days of vacation and be free during this time and can fly to you xxx.

I would like to spend this vacation to meet you and get to know you personally.

I want to fly to your country within 14 days.

My vacation begins on Monday, 2 October.

I will come to you on the passenger plane on 7 October.

I will fly from Kyrgyzstan from Bishkek city to meet you.

I will fly to your country and airport on 7 October.

I want you to be ready to meet me

Schedule in numbers 7 October 2023 - 21 October 2023

And on 21 October I m flying back to Kyrgyzstan !

We will be together for 14 nights!

xxx you xxx and I am Saara.

I ask you to write me your home address in full;

This is a necessary action, so that I know your name and know where you live in your country

Please write to me the name of your nearest international airport?

write me the full name of your second nearest international airport.

I want to see all possible flights for the 7 October.

I want to fly to visit you and get to know you personally,

I want to be your guest and I want to see how hospitable you are and I want to see with my own eyes how you treat me in real life.

I want you and I to become friends during my vacation and become more than just friends.

I want you to know that I trust you and I want to become more than just friends with you.

Did you watch the video I sent you yesterday?

I want to show you how much I trust you,

Below is a photo from yesterday evening, I think you will be happy to look at my photos?

If a man and woman love each other and there is trust between them,

then why not take advantage of this moment?

That s why today I want to show you how much I trust you,

I hope that you won’t tell anyone that I’m sending you photos of myself in pantyhose?

I can trust you with the most valuable thing I have, right?

And the most valuable thing I have is my reputation, and now my reputation is in your hands.

I hope that you will not show my photos to anyone!!!

My photos and my videos are for your eyes only.

I believe you and I trust you with my property, these are my photos!

Look at them as much as you want!

I kiss you xxx, best regards Saara
Hello xxx and good morning my dear friend,

into this night with Thursday night until Friday.

I can t sleep and the reason for my insomnia is you xxx.

I tried to fall asleep but it doesn t happen to me, it s all because I m thinking about how I want to visit you on my vacation.

What a wonderful atmosphere I have on this day.

I would like to tell you again about my journey to you.

I will fly to you to meet you in person.

I will fly to you on a plane on 7 October

This afternoon I go to the cash register and buy a ticket for your airport.

I have to clarify again.

Write to me again. The exact name of the airport where you will meet me.

Write me your name and surname.

I would like to know your full first and last name so I know who I am flying to.

I need your full first and last name just for this.

Please write me your full home address.

I would like to plan a route from your airport to your home.

If you don t meet me at the airport, I can come to you by public transport.

I just need to know:

Your nearest airport

Your street and house number

District and city name

Postal code

I will look forward to the meeting with you that will happen on 7 October.

I m waiting that you don t mind meeting me,

at your home?

If you don t let me into your house,

then I have to spend the night on the street,

near your home or looking for a place

where I will spend the night near you.

Can I trust you? I hope you won t show my photos to anyone.

Because my photos are for your eyes only.

Today I want you to imagine how I change clothes at your home,

I even took a few photos of me for you especially for this purpose,

so that when you look through them you can imagine me at home,

when you open my photos you will see how I change into different clothes,

but in the photo you will see how I undress and what I usually take off first.

I have already told you that showing my genitals is unacceptable for me and I confirm my words

I do not and have never had a desire to photograph them, since this is still not acceptable to me

But I can send you a photo of me in my underpants, I think that every person has underpants.

I think you also have a photo in your panties and you can also safely send me a photo of yourself in your panties, because there is nothing shameful in that.

I think more and more about us, I often have a lot of fantasies about what we could do together, like, for example, we go on a nice evening walk along a river together, everything is comfortable, we shook hands but when a bench came up we took a seat

and then what has to come comes, I took you in my arms and don t want to let you go and then I started kissing you beautifully

and you returned the kisses, that would be nice, right?

Last and most importantly!

Write me the name of your airport!

Today at noon on Friday I buy a ticket to your airport.

So write me everything correctly without errors.

The exact name of the airport, no errors!

I m just glad that in my life who - it appeared, who understands me and shares my dreams. xxx you, my dear.

I thank you and God that we met each other.

I very much wait for your answer to my letter.

Love and Kisses! Saara
Hello xxx !!!

I have news and now - I have goosebumps from this news.

Early this morning, I bought a ticket in your airport.

My flight will be 7 October and I landed at your airport on 7 October.

I already bought a return ticket . I do this in advance.

In accordance with the rules and the law.))

The truth is that is super the news??))

Is this a surprise for you?

And in the next letter I will send you the details of the flight.

And I hope that you write down details of the flight on a piece of A4 paper (large format).

What would not lose and not to forget !!!

dear xxx, I have a little dream. Perhaps you will not find it difficult to carry them out?

For a long time, no one gave me flowers. I don t feel like a desirable woman((((

And I so want to feel like a desirable woman

But I m lonely here and I don t have anyone

i am here alone :((

What, I m lonely woman, I ll show you photos. in which you can see with the naked eye.

I am always alone in the photo and there you can see that I m a lonely woman :((

Now you will see with your own eyes. As far as I m lonely woman

Maybe it s a shameful that I m lonely, but such is my life.

Tell me on the day when we meet with you, it will not be difficult for you to give me a small bouquet of flowers as a sign of the meeting, you can even from one flower.

Will it be easy for you? I don t want to bring you the inconvenience.

But so would you make me the happiest woman that day, then I would feel like a desirable woman

So, you would make me the happiest woman when 7 October, at least give me the cheapest flower.

that s what i see. xxx and Saara = butterflies in the stomach

On October 7th we will hold hands for the first time

And these thoughts give me goosebumps.

Please write to me, are you happy?

I will wait for your answer.

Your Saara
Hello xxx,

My working day is over. And tomorrow morning I m going to Bishkek.

I will go to Bishkek to fly to you from Bishkek airport.

tomorrow morning I will drive to the train station to take the train and go to Bishkek.

I ll take the train to Bishkek at night,

and tomorrow morning on Monday 2 October. I will be at the Bishkek train station.

Tomorrow I will look for an airport in Bishkek.

And I m going to write to you from an internet cafe in Bishkek airport.

It s great that I arrive at your airport on 7 October.

Remember that I was born 7 October, 1991.

It means my birthday happened 7 October, 2023.

And we, you xxx and I Saara, celebrate my 32 years - 7 October - together,

hugging each other on your couch.

at your home... Hurrah)))))

I am so happy that my 32 years meet with you.

We will celebrate 2 bright events one after the other, together with you.

Is it warm in your home? It s just that I want to wear a dressing gown in your house.

You and me. We are already adults. I hope you don t mind my bathrobe?

Do you have a bathhouse nearby? Can we go to the sauna?

I can take a swimsuit and put it on.

Then we can go to the pool together and swim together there.

You re wearing swimming trunks and I m wearing a swimsuit.

Remember that we meet with you 7 October, 2023 - This is the day of our meeting,

and on the same day we will celebrate my birthday together on 7 October.

I am so happy that my 32 years meet with you.

Two holidays together, that is 2 bright events in a row.

now, remember that tomorrow morning, I will go to the train.

I ll go by train in Bishkek.

And only in the middle of the day I will be in Bishkek.

Be patient...

Don t be bored. See you soon

Love and kisses to you xxx.

Your Saara
Hello dear xxx, have a nice sunny Monday.

Are you ready for good news? If so!

Then I will try to describe all the news I have for you today

Yesterday evening I left my hometown by train and today at lunchtime I arrived at Bishkek airport.

Now I m writing to you from Internet Cafe at Bishkek Airport.

I am writing this letter to you so that you can be happy for me.

The fact that I am alive and that everything is fine with me.

And now I m waiting for a flight to your country to your airport!!

My departure will be by plane from Bishkek Kyrgyzstan on 7 October.

as there are no direct flights to your country on other days.

And I arrive at your airport on 7 October.

My plan is that I want to meet you in person.

and spend 14 wonderful days with you.

From 7 October to 21 October I will live in your house or in the nearest hostel.

My return flight to Kyrgyzstan is on 21 October.

I couldn t find and buy a direct flight to your airport.

And the only possible flight to your airport was through an international airport another country

That s why First I fly to Turkish airport, then I fly to your airport.

I would like to introduce you to the details of the flight from Kyrgyzstan to Turkish

Bishkek Kyrgyzstan, FRU → Istanbul, SAW

The airline - Pegasus Airlines,

aircraft: Airbus A320-100/200

Departs Saturday 7 October, 2023 05:30 local time

Arrival Saturday 7 October 2023 08:15 local time

Flight PC-705,

tour duration 4h 10m

I said that the flight to your airport has transfers

And from Istanbul, SAW I fly to your airport


I will tell you a more precise time of arrival of the plane at your airport,

closer to Saturday, so to make sure that there was no flight shift and there was no change in flight number and arrival time.

So that you don’t come to your airport in vain.

I m so waiting for you to wait for me with open arms and after we see each other s eyes

You take my hand and hug me.

I expect you to give me feelings and emotions that I haven t had in so long.

And I m waiting for you to say a lot of nice words to me and you will kiss me and smile at me.

After all, your smile and kind words will be the best gift for me.

I will send you a photo so you can imagine me next to you.

Last night I took a photo of myself especially for you xxx.

I have a great longing for you and also many fantasies that drive me uphill unchecked, but I would first like to say what exactly I want.

I want to love you without restricting you, appreciate you without judging you, take you seriously without committing to anything, come to you without forcing myself on you,

Give yourself something without expectations.

Now I will wait for a flight to your country.

Wish me good luck!

Be patient..See you soon

Your Saara