Der Vorgang 26963

Der erste Kontakt 26963

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hi xxx!!

This is Vera, do you remember I wrote to you recently? Something happened

to my mail and it stopped working, so I asked the programmer at work to create

a new email address for me and I hope we can continue our communication further.

I ll be waiting for a letter from you. Don t forget to add me to your favorites list

so as not to lose emails from me and I will do the same. Have a nice day!


P.S. If you can, please send me your last letter.
Hello my dear friend!

How are you? I really hope that everything is fine with you and you were just busy.

I wrote you a letter and was waiting for an answer, but unfortunately I still haven t

received it and I started to worry. Maybe I offended you in some way? I thought you

were as interested in communicating with me as I am. If you re not interested

in continuing to get to know me or you ve found someone else, then just tell me about it

and then I won t bother you anymore. It is possible that my letter got to you in

an unwanted folder, because I have told you so much about myself (smile). If you find

my email, then add my email address to the favorites list and then my emails

will not get into spam. I hope to get an answer from you soon.

Your new friend Vera.