Der Vorgang 26986

Der erste Kontakt 26986

Anzahl der Mails: 33

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xxx? This is right? Or not? I m glad to receive your letter, I found it in spam. I decided to communicate on the Internet. I want to try it. How is your day? Mood? Do you like me? I want more photos of you, to get to know you more. This will help me in communication. What are you interested in? Ask me. I will be happy to answer. I do not know what else to say. What are you interested in? Waiting for an answer. I hope to continue the communication. If you don t want to communicate, tell me about it. I will not bother you. I feel sad and lonely here. I was left alone a few months ago. I hope I can communicate with you. Or have you changed your mind? I hope not.

I m glad to see your photo. I want more photos. I will be glad to see your smile.
xxx, I ll tell you about myself. My height is 170 centimeters. Weight 55 kilograms. You can see the hair color in the photo. I work as a nurse and physician assistant. I fill out papers, write prescriptions. I graduated from medical college. I don t have any personal relationships right now. I m lonely. Live alone. Home, work, home. Last year, at a class reunion, a school friend spoke about her life. She said that she had been living in Europe, Sweden, for more than 8 years. A friend came to her grandmother s funeral. She met a man on the Internet, packed her things and left. They live happily. I listened to her, but didn t pay attention. She told many different stories. She left, and I stayed here. I thought and decided to try to find happiness on the Internet. I live in a room. No family. I have is no one except colleagues. There are no roads, communications, nothing at all. I don t know when there will be a connection. I’m going to die here, they’ll bury me like my grandmother. We wanted to go to Turkey with her. But she will die. Consequences of covid 19. I decided to change everything. I read books, watch TV, work 6 days a week. I m afraid to communicate on the Internet. I read a lot of stories about deception, about maniacs, slavery, mockery. Because it is impossible to know each other well. Because vile people exist and live. Which are deceiving. Cruel, crazy. I m watching the cinema. That s why I m careful. I hope you don t be offended. I want to get to know you better before the meeting. I want to understand you, then we can exchange more personal information and meet. Fine? I wrote to you, I thought I’d remember correctly the email that was given to me on or some other. I wrote it down on a piece of paper, but lost the sheet. I deleted the password from the profile. So I wrote it from memory. If it s wrong, sorry. I hope for communication. Save me from loneliness. I will be grateful, I hope you are a good man. Waiting for an answer.
xxx I live in Ortevi, South Ossetia in xxxia. I will soon be 33 years old on October 8th. I want to tell you about my relationships with men, why my life didn’t work out. A guy beat me up badly in college. He wanted to rape me, I fought him off and hit him with a stone that I picked up from the ground. Nobody started talking to me. They said he couldn t do that. But he was drunk, no one believes me. They thought I made it all up. I graduated from college and went to work with my grandmother at a paramedic station. I’m offended by the whole world, I live here. Work, home, work. I communicate with colleagues at work. I don t drink alcohol, I don t smoke. Basically I work from morning to evening, every day. Read books. I read a book on psychology. I realized that I don’t need to hide from people. We need to move on with our lives. I decided to try to live differently. I can t find a man here. I don t want an angry, tough man. I want to love and be loved. I am ready to change everything in life, I am open to this world. I know that I am scared when I am alone with a man. Even if I m on the bus. I m very worried. I need to fix this. I think you can help me. You are far and near. Can you help me with communication? I can help you too if you tell me how. If I don t answer a question, tell me what. I read carefully, I may forget or you may not understand the answer. Fine? How can I call you? How will you like it? I like it if you call me Mariam. I hope not to stress you too much, I will be very grateful if you find time every day to read my letter and respond. I m very interested in you. I want to get to know you, communicate. If you don t like me, you want to stop communicating, write. I understand. I will continue to live without waiting for you. I will not be offended. Waiting for an answer. How should I contact you? I beg you, tell me how you would like me to address you. I want you to enjoy reading my letters. I am sending my photos. Hope I made your day better. Smile. Everything will be fine. I will go to work. It’s a pity that there is no Internet there and you have to go to the library.
xxx I have many hobbies. I didn’t communicate much, but I studied a lot. I read a books. I knit, useful for operations and stitching wounds. I was interested in fishing. Gardening. I can drive a car and a motorcycle. I learned horse riding. Tell about yourself. What are your interests? What are your plans in life? I m not very sociable. When I talk, I can become silent. I am very comfortable communicating through letters. No excitement. I really want to try everything in this life. I m afraid. I understand that you need to fight your fears. I decided to try online dating. Make a questionnaire. We exchanged emails. I received a response, wrote down the email, and lost the entry sheet. We agreed to exchange photos. I wrote it as I remember. Several variants. We received replies that such an address does not exist, your letter was sent to spam. I noticed this recently. Decided to write. I think this is what was supposed to happen? Website I can t log into my profile right now. I didn t remember the password. I thought it wouldn t be necessary. I make a complex password, I forgot it. I have no Internet experience. I won’t make a new profile if we continue to communicate. What if you re not interested in me? If you don t want to communicate. Tell me about it. I ll understand. I will not bother you with my letters, questions and photographs. I hope we can continue to communicate. Waiting for an answer. I m really looking forward to. I feel very lonely here.
xxx I hope you re in a good mood. I m in a good mood today. Life has changed. I had no one to talk to, discuss my life. Now I ve met you. I wrote that it is difficult for me to communicate through conversations. When I write letters, it is very convenient for me. If you don t like me, you don t want this kind of communication. Tell me. I don t want to bore you with my letters and questions. I will continue to search for my happiness. I think I can do it. He who seeks will find. If I don t answer your question, it means I didn t understand it, or you didn t understand my answer. To come to an understanding, immediately say that you missed it. I appreciate communication with you. I study Englsih at school and college. I can make mistakes. I apologize right away. I may forget because I am writing a letter in another language. Because I m worried. I ask for your understanding and forgiveness. If you tell me what questions you didn t answer. I will answer this question. I don t have a very good memory. I know it. I can t change it, it s just physiology. Today I m making pizza, ham and cheese. What did you eat? The weather is good today. I will go to work. I miss. I m waiting for a letter. I hope you are pleased to meet us. I am sending my photo. Do you like it? I m waiting for your photos. I m waiting for your answer. I m really looking forward to it.
xxx I came after work. I thought I d check whether you wrote the letter or not. I m going home and making soup. Meat, potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, satsebeli. It s called xxxian borscht. Grandma s favorite soup. Have you tasted it this dish? What are your plans for the evening? I will knit socks and think about you. Waiting for your letter and photo. I m very interested in you. I want to get to know you better, more. Hope you send more photos. I ll tell you more about myself. I listen to the radio, and there is different music. The main thing is to suit the mood. I prefer comedies. When I watch dramas, I cry. That s why I don t like drama. Not watch action or horror. Lots of explosions and effects. I m very impressionable. I ve been sleeping alone in a room for a long time. How I started working. I do not have anyone. Parents died in the war in 2008. Grandma is die during the covid epidemic, I don’t have anyone except her. Therefore, I cannot talk about the family. If you tell me about your family, I ll be happy to read it. If you don t want to, don t say it. I am very lonely and I dream of a partner. To go through life together. How to go about your day? How are you? Don t you get tired of my letters and questions? If you don t like it, tell me right away. I want there to be no secrets between you and me. I will answer you honestly, sincerely. I feel like I can trust you. I don t know why I have this feeling. I can t explain this feeling. I am pleased to write to you. I feel like I can talk to you about everything. I want to talk to you about everything, I want to get to know you better. I want to look at your photos, learn about your life. I ll go cook some delicious potatoes in the oven. I ll make a salad. Do you want to try? I m waiting for your answer.
xxx I do not know what to do. Because you are silent. Are you not receiving my letters? Or don t you want to talk to me? You do not want to talk to me? Or you don’t know what I’m writing to you. It s very sad and lonely here. I hope we can communicate. I m waiting for your answer. I hope you can answer and explain to me. Why did you write to me then? For me to answer you? Or will you meet another girl? I want to know the reason for your silence. Why don t you want to communicate? What s wrong with me?
xxx, how are you feeling? How is your day? How are you feeling? What are your plans? Were you waiting for my letter? I m really looking forward to your letter. You are very interesting to me, I want to get to know you more, better. I live for many years, every day is similar to the previous day. Work, home, eat, sleep. Work, home, eat, sleep. So every day. Now I choose every day the photo that I will send to you. I m waiting for your answer. I m talking about myself. Sorry if I missed the question. I am reading your letter. Then I write to you. I may forget to answer some questions. You are like a breath of fresh air to me. That s why I want to get to know you more and more. I want to say I like you. Very. I ll tell you more about myself. I have a nursing education, study massage. I can do therapeutic and relaxing exercises, I know stretching exercises and back treatment. I cook food very well, that’s what my colleagues tell me. I don t think they re lying. I like walking in the fresh air, swimming, swimming. I m a very calm girl. A very stable psyche, as it says in my description. I m tired of living alone. At first I liked it, now I’m very bored and lonely. After my grandmother died, I became very sad and lonely. I m glad I met you. You woke me up from sleep, from hypnosis. At work they said that they haven’t seen my smile for a long time. Now I shine like the sun. Can you imagine? Do you like my letters? Or are you already tired of reading? I shall wait for your answer. I ll be looking forward to your photos very much. I want to see your smile. I m sure your smile is beautiful.
xxx I couldn’t sleep for a long time today. I tossed and turned in bed. I was wondering if you write to me or not. Did you send photos or not? I think about whether you like me or not. You are in my head, in my thoughts. I lay there smiling. How do you do it? You re far away, how do you manage to cheer me up? make my life more fun? Now I m not sad. I think of you. I ll choose a photo for you. I think I ll tell you about myself. The weather is good outside now. I went to the Internet cafe, thinking about a walk with you. We could talk. I like you. Is it true. I don t know how this happens. You turned my gray life into a life filled with colorful paints. I hope you don’t leave me, don’t stop our communication. This will be very sad for me. Today I m going to the bathhouse. I go to the bathhouse once a week. Usually on Friday or Saturday, but on Friday and Saturday I will work and there is no time for a bath. Heat it with wood, it s very hot. Do you like the bathhouse? Or a sauna. I don t know which way to go. I like to warm myself and steam with brooms. Do you wanna come with me? I go alone to make tea with honey. Wash, steam, drink tea. Then sleep very well. Nothing new happened at work today. They brought in a woman who had cut off her finger with an axe. They couldn t reattach the finger. Because the bone crumbled. I m doing a dressing. Do you have some new? What s going on in your life besides my letters? I hope you are doing well. Luck goes with you. You will meet me! Agree? This is luck? Or not? Hope so. I will be waiting for your letter. I ll go to the bathhouse. I m sending my photo. Liked?

xxx neighbor come visit me. I got ready to go to the bathhouse, she said that she would go with me. She was bored sitting alone, she came to me. I told you about you. About the fact that I communicate with you. You should have seen her eyes. She didn t know this was possible. I didn t know before either. She told me to be careful. To think about your safety. She sees many different films, and communication on the Internet does not end well anywhere. I said it s only a movie. In life everything can be different. You re good, I feel like you won t hurt me. I m right? I want to ask you. Are you going to tell anyone about me? To a friend? Family? What did they tell you? Are you showing my photo? I wonder what people close to you think about me. Or don t tell anyone about me. Is this your secret? The neighbor said that I need to find a man here. I talked about it all evening. She said it would be better and more fun. She said you won t come here. She started suggesting options from her family and friends. I m tired of listening to this. She said that I found you, I am communicating with you. I don t need anyone else. I only want to communicate with you. Now she will discuss all this with everyone in the village. Now everyone will ask me about you. To give advice. I asked her not to tell anyone. I don t think she can remain silent. Let him do what he wants. I m sending you a photo. Like? I m really looking forward to your answer. I really like you, I want to continue communicating. I hope you don t mind continuing to communicate. I don t want to push or ask. If I don t suit you. Tell me right away. I don t want there to be any secrets between you and me. We can talk about everything sincerely, without lies. I like it. And you? I miss you already. Waiting for an answer.
xxx today at work I was immediately called to the chief doctor. They asked who communicate with me and for how long. I said I didn t want to answer these questions. This is my personal space. The neighbor told everything very quickly. Today is a fun day. Everyone gives good advice. How and what to be afraid of. I’m sitting in an Internet cafe right now and the administrator has already walked behind me several times. Can you imagine? They said not to take any nude photos, not to send any money, not to sell anything to help you. In the movies they see how the girls left for their grooms. They were met, then sold into slavery, injected with drugs and abused. They were then killed and burned. They treated them like animals. Today I learn a lot of new things that I have never even heard of. I know that you are not a scoundrel, you are a smart, good man. I m sure you can t be a villain. I really want to continue communicating with you and learning more about you. Now I’m even more excited about communication, I want to get to know you more. There are now several old women in the Internet cafe, come and look at me. They ask to show your photo. So that there are no observers of my letters. Everyone is very interested in who I am talking to now. Until Monday. I ll come earlier, when they are still doing housework. I send my kisses to cheer you up. Did you smile?
xxx How are you mood? How are you feeling? What was interesting today? Now I come to the Internet cafe, there is no one here. Administrator only. He looks at me and smiles. Everyone is talking about me and you now. Life in the village became lively. How fun it is to be the center of attention. This morning, a neighbor came to apologize for telling her daughter about you. And she, to the whole village. A secret to the whole world! I said not to be offended. Now you are officially my man! How do you like that? I hope I didn t scare you. I want to know more about your day, entertainment, relaxation. How to spend your days and nights. Tell me? I like to cook different dishes, watch movies, comedies. It turns out that there are many different recipes in the boarding school. What s your favorite dish? I like to eat. I have many favorite dishes. My grandmother was always surprised that I ate well without gaining weight. Always in shape. I run several hours a week. Do gymnastics every morning. I didn t like yoga. I always wanted to have good stretching, like gymnasts. But I can t do it. What else can I tell you about me? I will go to work. I ll come back in the evening. Maybe I’ll already get an answer from you. I m really looking forward to it.
xxx I made a very tasty small pizza. I ate everything at once. I lay down on the sofa and fell asleep. I woke up in the morning and went to work. I m now coming to the Internet cafe. How is your day? How are you? Nothing interesting at work. Everyone continues to discuss my communication with you. I didn t react at all. I don t answer questions. I think that soon they will not be interested. Tell me how you imagine our first date? Did you think about that? If you and I lived in the same city, you invite me for a walk. How and what happened next? Where are you going to walk with me? What to show? Where should we go? I think a lot about what to show you if you come. I think we ll go for a walk, into nature. I will make pies and delicious tea. I ll take some sweets and a basket of food with me and let s go to the lake. Very clean lake. It is located in the forest. Untitled. Small. With very clean water. We can swim and lie in the sun. Eat delicious pies. Talk about different topics, discuss everything. First kiss. Everything is very romantic. What are your ideas? Tell me. I really want to know. I went to work. It will be necessary to do cleaning and distribute medicines. There are two old women currently undergoing treatment. They talk to each other all the time. They are never silent. We discussed everything and everyone. I ll go. I look forward to your ideas about the first meeting.
xxx I slept very well. Everything I wrote in the last letter I saw in a dream. Can you imagine? I woke up because I had a dream about my idea. I felt very good. I opened my eyes, lie in bed, thank fate that I met you. I was all alone, now I have you. Over the past many months and days I have only thought about beauty. No sadness. Everyone is talking about you and me. Today no one asks anything anymore. Nobody gives advice because I don t pay attention, I don t answer questions. Today I want to make an Ossetian pie with cheese. I go get milk, flour and cheese now. Now, when I cook dishes, I think whether you will like it or not. I think you ll like my cooking skills. I think about how science has come up with everything. Computers, Internet. Why can’t I connect through the device to a computer and physically be transported to you. This is probably fantasy, this is impossible. If this is possible, life will be even more fun. I was daydreaming today. How are you? Dream? Is luck smiling on you? Waiting for your letter. I hope I have brought improvements to your life. Joy. Everything will be fine. My kisses. On your cheek.
xxx I really like to eat. A neighbor came yesterday. She asks about you again. She s interested. I said I wouldn t discuss it. I said that you are a great man, I really like talking to you. I don t want to discuss you. This is my personal space. I treated her to a pie. She said it turned out very tasty. She s sure you liked it too. If you could try them. I smiled, go to bed. Today I woke up early. I did the exercises, make some tea, go to work. They brought in a child who almost cut off his own leg with an axe. This is terrible. He was chopping wood and missed. Skinned the bone. The bone was not damaged. He screamed very loudly, I gave an injection, he calmed down. Everything was stitched up, everything was processed, and he was taken home.

Need to be careful in everything. I m afraid to take risks. I m very careful. Maybe you need to relax? How do you think? I want to consult with you, ask you. Now I m thinking about what you ll say. What will be your opinion? You are always with me now. In my thoughts. I m very grateful to you. If I don t notice the questions, or don t answer. Do not be offended by me. I can forget when I write you a letter. It takes me a long time to write because I don’t know some words. I write, then delete, I think how to write correctly. So as not to lose the meaning. I like you. I don t want you to delete my email and forget about me. I am very sincere with you. You change my life. You help me feel better. Thank you. I m very grateful to you. I really like you. I don t know what love is. I know that I want to communicate with you and don’t want to lose you. What is this feeling called? How do you think? I m waiting for your answer tomorrow.
xxx I m waiting for your letter to the Internet cafe. I hope you write to me soon. I was thinking of coming, and you already write me. But your letter is not come. I m in a bad mood today. Probably because after tomorrow is my birthday and there is no mood to celebrate.
xxx, it s quiet at work. They brought in a boy who axe missed and hit leg. The wound is healing. Very good. I bandaged it and processed it. I think he will soon forget that his leg hurts. The scar will remain for life. It s always like that. I don t know how to describe my feelings correctly. How can you describe feelings in another language. I can t form them in my head yet. I know I like you very much. I already wrote to you about this. I feel that you are close to me in spirit. I think that we met not by chance. This is fate, or heaven s desire. How do you think? I really want to understand. Me and you, in different countries. There are thousands of kilometers between you and me. How did it happen? Why? Maybe because the universe heard your and my dreams? Desires? You sometimes asked yourself why this is so in life. When there will be happiness. Where is it? How and where to look? They say here that happiness will find you on its own. The main thing is to see happiness and not miss it. I think you are my happiness. I m yours. What do you think? Sorry for asking such questions. You really really lift my spirits. You excite me all over. I am so happy when I read your letters or write mine. When to choose a photo for you. Where did you be all this time? Why weren t we born in the same place? Why is it so difficult? Maybe this happened so that we could get to know each other better. Not fast. For a long time. Carefully. Lots of thoughts in my head. I don t know how to say all this. I know that I can’t imagine life without you now. I want you in my life. You do not mind?
xxx I immediately need to run to work. They say the boy has a high fever. He feels bad. I don t know what I did wrong yesterday. I went to an Internet cafe and met his mother. She told me everything. I ll go help them. I ll be back if it s nothing serious. Or I can only answer tomorrow, If I have to go to the city and take the boy there. Don t forget about me. I ll be back soon. Kiss.
xxx, I just got back from a nearby town. All is well with the boy. He had a simple cold. And the doctors, and I, too, thought that the problem was due to a wound and there was some kind of foreign object left there, or a fragment of an ax or a piece of wood, or a bone was still touched. Therefore, it was necessary to go to a neighboring city to get an x-ray. The wound was clean and without problems. It was just a common cold. And I was very nervous and worried about the boy. I ve been exploring ways we can communicate with you other than letters. I want to hear your voice. I ve been meaning to call you for a long time. I found a way. I can call. I need to go to the next town. There to have a public telephone. I can buy an international calling card and call you. To call I need to know your full number.

1)country code and country name, 2)region code, 3)your number. It is written that you can specify a number with +. If it is a cell phone or mobile phone. Sorry, I never called other countries. I m very worried. If I go, I want to be able to talk to you. I ll be leaving soon to deliver reports and tests. The car will arrive at the regional hospital, I’ll take everything, I’ll stay overnight. I want to try to call you. Fine? You do not mind? Can you find out how to dial your number so I can call you? Send me this data. Fine? I think a lot about you. There are a lot of thoughts in my head. I want more and more of you. I don t know how this is correct. I like talking to you. I tell you everything. I don t talk much in my life, but with you I can discuss everything. It s never been so easy for me. I kept everything to myself. Now I can tell you everything. I m open to you like a book. I will tell you that I like you, that I will experience pleasant feelings towards you. I have thoughts about you. I feel better every day. You appeared in my life, I came to life. You make my life better. My state of mind, I felt at ease. I walk down the street, smile, I want to jump to heaven. I wait for your letter every day. I think you should write to me. I choose a photo. The photo I will send to you. Thank you for being in my life. I hope you won t leave me alone? I really want to look into your eyes now. I m very worried. May be repeated. Sorry. I m worried when I write to you. There are probably a lot of mistakes. I want to hear you, hug you. Feel your warmth. I m sure you are very warm and pleasant. Are you a good kisser? I think I love you xxx!!! I don t know exactly because I don t know this feeling. I feel good, thank you for that. THANK YOU!
xxx if I have your phone number. I can talk to you. I hope you can give me your phone number. I want to hear your voice. Should I talk to you?
How are you? Everything is fine? My day started off poorly. I fell off the porch. Hurry up, stumble, fall. I got dirty and had to go back and change clothes. When I got out of the bath, I remembered that I forgot the photo. I think the fall was not accidental. This happened so I could come back for the photo I wanted to send you. Like? Heaven takes care of you so that you receive my letter with a photo. Can you imagine? I need to run to work. Try to come in the evening. If I have time, I will write later. I hope I'll make it in time. Kiss
xxx I didn't sleep all night. I checked all the medications, took an inventory, filled out all the documents. My colleagues look at me as a traitor and enemy of the people. But I just want to live. I've worked here all my life. I will help everyone. When I refused to go help the Russian occupiers, everyone was offended at me. It�s as if they forgot everything that happened in 2008. They don't want to talk to me. Because I chose you. They say that if I go to you, I should forget about my homeland. Sorry, I'm very tired. It's hard for me. I am going to sleep. I'll report more tomorrow. Sorry for the short letter. I really need your support. Do not leave me. There are a few days left. I will be fired, they will give me documents and I will leave here. It�s very hard, I want to hug you and forget about all the bad things. I'm waiting for your letter tomorrow. I have no one left except you.
xxx, I shouldn't tell you about this. It's probably a secret. I don't know. I can't remain silent. The decree arrived today. All nurses and doctors need to do a physical examination. Questionnaires have arrived. Recruit nurses to help the military. I don't want to go to war. I'm very sad. I do not know what will happen. What to do. What should I do? I'm thinking of quitting. I'd rather be out of work, but alive. I do not know what to do. Many thoughts. How do you think? What would you do? Tell me your thoughts. I'll go and sleep. This news gives me a headache. I will be waiting for your letter tomorrow. Do not leave me. I beg you, don't leave me alone. I do not know what to do.
xxx, I hope you don't leave me. I ask you to answer. I felt scared. I don't want to go to war. Now I have other ideas and thoughts. I want to meet you. You do not mind?
xxx, I don't want to go to war. I have thoughts and ideas of meeting with you. I don't want to go to someone else's war and die or be wounded. I'm scared to stay here and scared to go there. I wrote a letter of resignation. Now I have to stay for 10-12 days to work, submit papers and reports. I'll be out of work. This is better than packing up and going to the occupied parts of Ukraine and helping the Russian military. This is a shame for me. I don't want to go there. I want to meet you. I will pack my things when I pick up my documents. I will be leaving here. I will look for ways, find out how and what can be done to come to you. Or wait until you can come to me. I think it's difficult to come here. It's better to meet somewhere else. I'll find out everything and let you know. What options might there be? Fine? I ask you not to leave me. I will go to work. There is a lot that needs to be done to avoid problems when leaving. Everything will be fine. I think I made the right choice. How do you think? Tell me your opinion.
xxx I am waiting for your letter to the Internet cafe. I hope you write to me soon. I'm really looking forward to. I think to come, and you already answered. But your letter is not there. I'm really looking forward to. I will come later.
xxx I was hoping you wrote to me. But there is no letter. Email Empty. It became sad. I hope to write to me soon. I'll be back soon.
xxx, I worry when there are no letters from you. I have no one left except you. Nobody talks to me here. Only working moments. Your letters are salvation for me. Write me. How are you? How is your day?
xxx, I'm waiting for your answer. I hope you will write me your details. So that I can check everything, find out and be well prepared. I'm really looking forward to.