Der Vorgang 27077

Der erste Kontakt 27077

Anzahl der Mails: 3

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Hello xxx! My name its Mariya! I m from Russia. I really hope, this is not mistake. If say true, i dont wait your answer. Because from beginning, this is story from dating web-cite, was doubtful. They told me, that you interesting to meet girl from Russia.

But strange, that they was not give your photos, or may be your profile. I will say so sorry, if my message disturb you. I m 34 years old, single. Write to me, if you interesting. But please dont write to me just for fun. Only real communication! Mariya
Hello xxx! Thank you for your answer! I am pleased to receive your letter. I like your photo so much. You looking so intelligent man! Well, we live in such a world that anyone can get our information and use it as he needs. Isn t it? This is the greatest danger. Since we can become victims of scammers at any time. But in any case, I apologize again. As I have already told you, I am from Russia, I live in the city of Omsk, this is Siberia. Why am I looking for a person from abroad? This is not an easy question, since there are many factors in one to answer. Firstly, my past relationships, and secondly, the mentality of Russian men and women. Thirdly, I feel that I live in the wrong place, and I can t explain this feeling. I don t want to tie myself up with Russian men, because for the most part they only care about themselves. I want to give my love, care and support, and of course get it back. As I said, I don t want to waste my time or yours on games or fun. Only real, serious relationships. Since I have no desire and strength to waste myself on emptiness. So if you re just as serious, write to me. I ll be waiting for your answer. Mariya
Hello xxx ! Thank you so much for your letter. That s very nice of you. I will really be glad to learn more about you, your family, your culture.

How is the weather? The autumn weather is very pleasant here, it hasn t rained for several weeks. And it s sunny every day, but I think it won t be for long, and yet autumn will take its toll.

I want to say that I remember myself probably from the age of 4, I have a very good memory, this is both good and probably bad. Since I remember all the good things, but also the bad ones. Since in my past relationships, I remembered all the bad things towards me. Of course, I didn t throw scandals or dramas, but still, I think it doesn t go away and remains forever in our memory. what do you think? But I don t dwell on it and move on. Like I said, I m a free girl. My past relationship ended because we had too many complaints about each other. My ex was very jealous, and threw me tantrums on any occasion, even if a stranger looked at me in the store, just looked, and not as vulgar. By the way, I did a lot more things at home, I cooked, cleaned, pulled the house in order. But he took everything for granted, and never remembered it. It felt like we were living two different lives. In the end, my patience just wasn t enough. I couldn t go on living like this. Intimacy with my man is important to me, not only physically, but also spiritually. In past relationships, I gave more than I received, and I burned out. I hope you understand what I mean. Therefore, for me, important feelings and support, mutual pastime, family conversations. I am a woman- the keeper of the hearth, warmth, comfort, love, but I want to feel next to your shoulder and support. Tell me about yourself.

Well, I guess I ll finish my letter and wait for your answer. Maria

PS i want tell you, i will send to you my photo, but just for you. Dont think, that i m walking like this on the street, of course no.