Der Vorgang 27102

Der erste Kontakt 27102

Anzahl der Mails: 9

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Hello I m totally thrilled that my message grabbed your attention!!! I m a rookie in online dating, but I ve always been interested about meeting someone this method. It s not every day you send to a completely unknown individual, so I anticipate this astonishing message elicits further pleasure than apprehension. My authentic enthusiasm in befriending you is sincere, and I ll be delighted if you feel the same sentiment. Let me to introduce myself: My name is Aibike, but close friends usually nickname me Abby. I m 5 8", weigh 57 kg, and I m in my mid-forties. I hail from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. If you re interested in engaging with a woman my generation, I d warmly embrace to get to understand you better. I m keeping this letter concise, mindful that connecting with someone so far demands determination. However, if you are okay with it, I d be happy to explore further into our history in subsequent letters. Would that be fine to you? Given my age, I wish to mention right away that I m looking for a man who is minimum 45 years old!

I am hopeful my note has stimulated your interest, and I m eagerly anticipating your reply - perhaps with one or two of your pictures.

Sending warm regards,
I m happy to continue our conversation. How are you ? You may be surprised to receive a letter from a woman you do not know personally, but rest assured that my intentions are sincere. That is the reason for this letter. And thank you for the photos you shared; it was nice to see them...

As I said, I was born in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, where I currently reside. I work as a sales manager in a construction company. I am looking for a serious relationship without any intellectual games. My last relationship ended about two years ago. We were together for more than four years. However, as time went on, our views on the future and life began to diverge. So we made a mutual decision to break up. I am glad that it ended this way and that we did not have time to seal our relationship with the bonds of marriage and have children.

After a while I was pushed to sign up on a dating site and I decided to give it a try. I filled out an application and they offered to speed up my search for a partner for $5. I agreed and paid for this service, after which I was informed that my profile had been sent to potential partners. I waited a few days and received your reply.

What attracted you to the world of online dating? Do you have little time or is it easier to meet a girl? I m new to online dating. Are you? I am thrilled to meet someone who is looking for a serious relationship!

See you soon, Aibike

P.S. Pictures are attached! Looking forward to seeing yours!
Good morning!

I hope this message finds you well. I thought I d drop you a line to inform you that I enjoyed our conversation the other day, and I was hoping we could keep talking. I know that online dating can be intimidating at times, but I believe that it s all about making a genuine connection with someone.

I have to admit, I m curious to learn more about you. What kinds of your favorite hobbies? How do you like to spend your leisure time? I think to share interests with someone I m talking to, and I d be thrilled to see if we have any in common.

I understand that life can get busy, but I would love to hear back from you when you have a moment. If you re eager, we could arrange to discuss more and explore where things go from there. And if not, I completely understand and all the best on your search.

Hi xxx!

I am very happy to see your picture. I love the image of you! Our communication is moving in the right direction. I was touched by your letter and I really want to continue getting to know you. I think everyone has their own reasons for online dating and I am no exception. I have many reasons, but I will tell you about the most important one.

I am 45 years old. I live in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. I have a great job. I work in a construction company. If we talk about myself personally, my height is 172 cm, weight 52 kg.

I had a happy marriage with my husband. But many years ago, he died in a car accident. We were never able to have children. We were happily married for over 15 years! He was quite eloquent and verbose, I could not argue with him at all - I gave up... We discussed films, politics, football, thought about children....

I think that the closer you were, the more frank with each other, the harder it is to feel loneliness. Friendly families are built on communication - all decisions are made together, everyone s opinion is taken into account. That s how it was for us. That s why it was so hard for me to readjust to the new way - to go through all the issues only in my head, without being able to discuss something with my husband....

xxx, I didn t want to talk to anyone else. And with whom? Who would listen to my whining about problems at work? How I was feeling, how I was sleeping? Who cares about me?

For the first three years, I didn t even think about looking for a new man. But living alone depressed me more and more. One day I had a dream in which I saw my husband and he said to me, "Abby, I will always love you, but you have to move on and find yourself a decent man. I want you to be happy!" Friends and acquaintances also told me that I should find myself a man, and I began to think about it more and more often.

I even got myself a dog called "Jarvis." It s a golden retriever breed. I ll send you pictures..... But the older I got, the harder it was to find a mate.

After years of being single, I felt it was time to look for the possibility of a long-term relationship again. My sister Emilia supported me in my search for a man outside our country, and online dating seemed like a practical way to get to know a person before taking any serious steps.

I am optimistic about the future and look forward to where our communication will lead.

I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow!

Good evening! I m wondering if if ever my email have already you as intended. Have you take into account examining your spam folder? It seems that my correspondences could be getting through, since I send messages to you daily, yet receive replies from you sporadically. I respectfully request that you please peruse your bulk directory and respond to my most recent message, if you want to keep up keeping up our dialog...

Hi xxx!

Life s whirlwind can take us away sometimes. I hope you re finding moments of joy and peace amidst it all. Whenever you re ready, I d love to reconnect and dive deep into our previous chat.

Hi xxx!

There s so much more I wanted to share. Let me know when you re available.

Hi xxx!

I was very pleased that my letter did not leave you indifferent and that you took the time to reply to me. It was important to me to let you know about my past experiences. Don t get me wrong, I don t want to live in illusions and be disappointed if you are not interested in me as a woman. I don t want to be wrong about you and think that I am entertainment for you and my looks are more important to you than my character and soul. I hope to get to know you better and understand how compatible we are in order to analyse our future prospects.

I am looking for a kind, honest, and most importantly faithful man. A man with whom I can feel truly desirable and happy woman. Who will appreciate not only my appearance, but also my inner world, will share my worries and fears, will support my ambitions and will be a faithful life partner until the end of my days. What about you? What should your girlfriend be like? What qualities should she possess? Maybe you can find those qualities in me?

I am not perfect, but I have many good qualities like sincerity, understanding and patience. I am a woman who doesn t care about looks or money. I am looking for a heart to heart relationship. I want my man to be sure that he has an understanding and caring life partner with whom he can share all the difficulties and triumphs.

I hope I have made my thoughts clear and honest to you, and I look forward to getting to know you better through our correspondence.

See you tomorrow.

Hey xxx!

Not sure where we left off, but I’m eager to dive back in. How about you?
