Der Vorgang 27111

Der erste Kontakt 27111

Anzahl der Mails: 7

Es wurden insgesamt -- 7 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello xxx

my name is Saara this is my name i come from beautiful city i am looking for a serious relationship how do you

Can you send me your cell phone number

we can communicate on WhatsApp

Hopefully you want to go on and who knows what is to come

I can send you a video clip of myself on WhatsApp in which you will see me alive.

What do you tell me in response?

That name - xxx. This is your nickname?

What s your real name?

tell me about yourself too

I am waiting for your reply to explore our friendship

Hello friend xxx.

I saw your address on the bulletin board and I decided to try to write to you, suddenly something will come of it, and here s a miracle, you answered me and we are already exchanging messages with you.

I am happy to start our acquaintance and share some information about myself.

I hope this letter will bring you joy and interest.

I wanted to share some aspects of my past life with you so that you can get to know me better.

I m just an ordinary Russian girl, I live in Russia,

I live in a Russian city called Novosibirsk, do you know where it is?

My city can be viewed on Wikipedia

Saara is my real name.

I am 1.65m tall. Tell me, do you mind that I m young years?

For me, the age difference doesn t matter.

On the contrary. You are older and that is the best.

I have absolutely no problems with your age.

Unfortunately, I am still without a partner. I am lonely

I feel this loneliness all the time...

are you feeling the same?

I am a honest and sincere woman.

I am looking for the man with whom I can have the family.

I want the man to give me love and care.

Tell me more about you.

where do you come from and what are you looking for?

Which city are you from?

My past life was full of various experiences and adventures

I graduated from the Humanitarian and Economic College Novosibirsk

And now I m not working in my specialty,

I am an ordinary salesperson in a women s supermarket.

I work as a salesperson in the Letual Store,

I am a seller of cosmetics and perfumes.

Today I want to show you that I am a living and real woman,

and today I want to send you a video of me so that you can open it and look at me.

Photos are good, but a video will be even better,

so you can imagine me in real life

and so you will be convinced that I am a living woman.

I am attaching my video to this letter and I don’t know if it will be played on your video player?

Please let me know about this

I really want to have you, from viewing videos, got a lot of positive mood.

I also want to get a good-positive mood from you.

Please do not hesitate, send me your freshest photo or video.

If you have specific questions just ask and I will try to answer you honestly.

Tomorrow I will look at your letter. So write me.

Greetings and a gentle kiss.

Your Saara
Hello xxx,
I am glad to receive your letter, I really like the way you write!
What a pleasure to read your letter, your words warm my heart.
Did the latest video I sent you shock you?
Did you probably get a heart attack from the video I sent you in my last letter?
All my clothes that you see in the photo I wear only at home and these clothes are only for my eyes.
Although what I wear at home can hardly be called clothes,
these are most likely tights, panties and a tunic,
In the morning, getting ready for work, I’m always half dressed.
I can have fun like this every day at home.
It's all because I'm single and I don't have a family I don't have a husband I don't have children I'm not in a relationship.
And at home in a calm environment I do what I want.
This morning, when I was getting ready for work, I accidentally caught my tights with my nails and accidentally tore them.
What a shame that my favorite tights, which I still felt comfortable walking in, were torn,
but that’s okay, now I’ll wear them under my trousers.
Having lived some part of life alone and understood the meaning of life
I realized that there are things in life that you need to live and see, for example, I realized that you can live life somewhere in a remote village where your hands will hurt from calluses due to the fact that you have to keep your garden
in which I would plant potatoes onions carrots peppers cucumbers and tomatoes,
But for myself, I always always wanted a better life for myself, one in which it would be possible to work in my specialty
and receive a good, stable salary, which is enough not to dig soil in the garden, but enough to enjoy life
I honestly confess to you that I want to move to live in another country,
in which I will receive a stable normal salary several times more than I receive now, because the money that I earn now is not enough for me to live,
I can barely survive a month if I only work 1 job,
here you simply can’t survive with just one job,
that's why I work 2 jobs in rotation every day
If I still had a family, I would have no idea how you can survive in my country.
I spend all my money on utilities, clothes and food. Since the salary is small, so my money quickly ends.
I know that if I move to live in another country with a normal civilization where the salary is much higher, then I can already start a family, have children, live normally, raise children and love my future husband.
I’ll say right away that I don’t think it’s necessary to get married and go to the registry office
if I meet a man suddenly it will be you,
then I can live without a registry office,
but at the same time I would like you and I to have something in common,
I want to live as a family and be happy next to my loved one,
I keep thinking that you can become this person, would you have a desire to take me and start living with me?
The fact is that I already thought about it and came to the conclusion that I could move to live in another country
and could get a job and take some other language for training that will be necessary in your country
so that I can work in your country and start receiving a normal salary
to support our family with you, for example.
I can share this salary with my future husband and have a common life.
If you and I lived together,
I could earn money and share some of my money with you so that we can have a common life and shop together so we will depend on each other and so we can create our common future together.
What do you say to that, what are your thoughts on the matter?
I want your day to be filled with joy and happiness, I want you to see something very beautiful after reading my letter, so I will be open to you, I will send you my video
And you can watch these videos here:
Here are videos with me:
maybe you don't notice but my eyes, what's wrong with my eyes?
My eyes are sparkling with happiness because I met you on the Internet, and I would be even more glad if I could meet you in real life somewhere in your native land.
Hello xxx,
Today I checked my email and found your letter. To say that I am happy is to say nothing.
It is with great pleasure that I would like to answer your letter.
First of all, I want to say what day it is today, today is Wednesday here, 4 October.
I'm going to ask you a few questions. And then I will answer them myself.
I would also like to receive answers from you:
How many relatives do you have???
My answer: I have no relatives. I am alone now.
I don't have any children, I don't have a brother and I don't have a sister.
How much alcohol do you drink? I do not drink alcohol.
what kind of alcohol do you drink then?
My answer: I don't like the smell of alcohol at all.
I don't drink anything. I have only tried red wine 1 time in my life, but after tasting the wine after myself, after 5 minutes I got a headache and I lay down on the bed and lay there for half a day.
Do you have bad habits? My answer: I don't have any bad habits.
Do you smoke cigarettes? My answer: I don't smoke and I don't like smoking.
I've lived my whole life here in Russia,
and I live in my City Novosibirsk.
Since I told you where I live in what country, it's probably time to ask you.
Please tell me about your hometown, I am in my country, what habits do you have in your country, what could you learn from the life and customs in your country???
What do you do at work?
I have already said that I work as a salesman in a cosmetics and perfumery store.
The name of the store is Letual. If you Google, you will probably find the Letual chain of stores.
I work in one of them in my city.
I won’t say that my work will bring me a stable income, but I’m trying to survive on this income
but I work for a company and my salary is standard, no more, no less
After work, I receive women by appointment and give them massages, this is just additional income to survive in my country, since after a special military operation, food prices and utility bills have increased by almost 40 percent.
Everything just became very expensive.
So I said where and what I do.
Tell us what you do what kind of work do you do every day?
What do you do to earn the money you live on?
I was in the park where I saw how many people were walking
or rather, they were couples in love who held hands, sat on a bench and even kissed.
I haven’t had this in a long time and therefore I was very pleased to even look at it.
I even closed my eyes when I sat down on the bench, and imagined that one day I would also walk holding hands with someone and kiss.
But now I don’t have a man, I’m a lonely woman, I can’t afford it to kiss someone because I don’t have anyone, I’m alone, I’m very lonely
If you saw how I live, you would see that in my soul I am not as happy as I would like to be because I am very lonely and my soul too and I will tell you honestly in the future I would really like to meet a loved one with whom I could share my the joy of your warmth and share with your loved one everything that I have in my soul, perhaps you could become if you wanted it
The fact that I'm lonely and I'm going crazy from loneliness, I'll show you this on video
but there’s no one to show it to, only you and me are watching
There is no husband, and never was, otherwise there would be eyes who could look at me in the evenings
so today you can see me going crazy alone,
If I had a husband, I would dress for him in the evening so that he could undress me with his eyes
Have you ever undressed the woman you love with your eyes?
And in order to somehow destroy the loneliness and feel a little better, I try to please myself with something, I like to take pictures of myself and shoot videos of myself on which I dress in front of the camera.
I would really like that I had a man who loves me,
maybe you can be it.
Today I have a surprise for you.
Today I am sending you my live video clip where you can see my live dance with your own eyes.
just please don't laugh at me
I dance as I can.
I just suffered for a long time trying to send you this video file in a letter.
Nothing happened to me. All I could do was attach a video file to a dedicated video sharing site.
Open my dance here:
I would like to share these photos with you.
I'm sorry that my photos seem too candid to you. I'm not naked I'm wearing clothes. more specifically in a swimsuit.
And I am a normal woman and will never send photos of myself without clothes.
Surely you also have photos in which you are wearing swimming trunks?
Send them to me. I would also like to look at you in your underwear.
I look forward to your next letter.
And I'm waiting for you to send me your underwear.
or maybe your dance? On video
or you show me what you're doing this evening
Tell me about your relatives.
If possible, show me your relatives.
I am waiting for your reply letter
Hello xxx,
I hope this letter reaches you in good health and high spirits.
And to make your mood more ardent, I just want to surprise you this ,
I am sending you a video of me where I send you a fiery kiss,
I hope my kiss will warm your heart in the morning and melt your ice.
My name is Saara and I wrote this letter to share with you my thoughts and observations about love relationships.
Firstly, I forgot to tell you, I am 31 years old but I look younger,
since I have not had a physical job in my life,
In my last letter I already told you that I work as a seller of cosmetics and perfumes in the Letual Store
I work don't for myself. I have a boss.
And I got a job under an employment contract with a fixed salary.
I don't receive large fees for my work.
I have a salary and every month I receive a fixed salary.
In other words, my salary is the same every month, and like all normal people, I stretch it so that it’s enough for me.
How are you doing with this?
I'm sorry that I didn't write you a letter yesterday, I go to my second job in the evenings.
I rent a small room 4 by 4 meters, where I give therapeutic massage only to women.
I have 2 jobs, because in Russia you can only survive by working 2 jobs at the same time.
I need to have 2 jobs here and that’s just to survive.
I would like to tell you a few words about myself and my past life, why I am here and how it led me to seek relationships in another country.
I've had a bad relationship experience here in my country.
I was disappointed and hurt to learn that there was no mutual respect and support in this relationship.
This led me to the realization that I want to find an exceptional relationship where a man will respect and appreciate his beloved woman.
Past relationships were solely on the fact that I must completely obey a man who often waved his hand to try to hit me.
There were blows, and it was at the most inopportune moment, every time I was not ready to be hit.
I'm just tired of enduring such a life and such relationships,
I found the strength in myself to take all my will into a fist and I got out of such a relationship,
because I feel like an abuser all the time.
Do you know what it's like to be an abuser?
An abuser is a relationship in which a partner violates the personal boundaries of another person, humiliates,
allows cruelty in communication and actions in order to suppress the will,
often cruelty manifests itself in physical violence.
To put it simply, an abuser is a victim.
I repeat. I took all my willpower into a fist and loudly declared that I was tired of such relationships
and that I wanted to break such relationships once
and for all so that I would no longer feel like an abuser.
I lived alone for about a year in order to restore my former feelings and come to a normal life and no longer feel that someone humiliates me.
In my free time, I read a lot and walked outdoors.
I became interested in studying relations in other countries.
And I came to the conclusion that it is easier and more reliable to build an honest and healthy relationship in another country.
I started researching relationships in other countries, I learned about the culture and values of people in your country.
Around the world, the traditional respect and care that men show to their partners is famous.
In your country, there is an opportunity to find a relationship in which each partner will mutually support each other and succeed in everything together.
I am not looking for the perfect fairy tale, but I hope to find a partner who appreciates and respects me for who I am.
If you are open to acquaintance and are interested in the opportunity to get to know each other better, I would like to continue our communication.
I would be glad if you tell me about your views on relationships and what they mean to you.
Can not wait for your reply.
I wish you peace in your heart for the whole day
Best wishes,
Hello xxx!
Thank you for answering me.
You are interested in knowing me. I am also interested in knowing you.
So that you know me better, I'll tell you something about me.
I am a simple girl from Novosibirsk. Russian Federation. I've never been abroad.
I was only once at sea and that was it. I have never had a husband.
I have never been married and do not know what it is when there is a husband.
But if I had a husband in the future. I would give all my warmth and affection with all my heart.

Once, if I fell in love with a man who offered me to live in a civil marriage.
I would definitely agree.
Because in the morning I want to wake my husband up with a kiss and then cook him breakfast.
But there is no man. And I can only dream of that in the future.

I go to work every day. I have my favorite job.
I work as an ordinary salesperson in a women's cosmetics and perfume supermarket.
Maybe you've heard about the Letual chain of stores?
Here I am a seller in the city of Novosibirsk.
And I took part in training courses for this profession.
Now I have a specialist diploma, which gives me the right to work as a cosmetics specialist.
I also completed courses in therapeutic massage, and I can do massage.
I do different types of massages. I try very hard for my work.
That everyone who takes part in a massage would be satisfied.
It is not enough to be satisfied, it is necessary that the massage has a therapeutic effect.

During the day I work as a sales assistant in a store,
and in the evenings and on weekends I do massage.
I have 2 jobs, because in Russia you can only survive by working 2 jobs at the same time.
If you work just one job in Russia you simply cannot survive.
To live 1 month in Russia, you need to have 2 jobs.

I don't smoke and I don't like alcohol.
I have a healthy lifestyle.
You can see for yourself the fact that I have a healthy lifestyle when you watch my video.
I'll send you a video of me so you can see me alive.
I made this video especially for you.
I hope you enjoy the music and my dance.
now you can see that i am a living woman.
Do you have your photos and live video with you ???
Send me pictures and live video of you xxx.

Do you like going for a walk outdoors?
How do you spend your free time?
I hope you are not against an exchange of letters.
Tell me something about yourself and your family if you have one.
It is very interesting for me.
I hope to see your answer tonight.
I hope that in the next letter you will tell more about yourself than I said.
See you soon! Sincerely, Saara

Hello xxx!
Thank you for answering me.
You are interested in knowing me. I am also interested in knowing you.
So that you know me better, I'll tell you something about me.
I am a simple girl from Novosibirsk. Russian Federation. I've never been abroad.
I was only once at sea and that was it. I have never had a husband.
I have never been married and do not know what it is when there is a husband.
But if I had a husband in the future. I would give all my warmth and affection with all my heart.

Once, if I fell in love with a man who offered me to live in a civil marriage.
I would definitely agree.
Because in the morning I want to wake my husband up with a kiss and then cook him breakfast.
But there is no man. And I can only dream of that in the future.

I go to work every day. I have my favorite job.
I work as an ordinary salesperson in a women's cosmetics and perfume supermarket.
Maybe you've heard about the Letual chain of stores?
Here I am a seller in the city of Novosibirsk.
And I took part in training courses for this profession.
Now I have a specialist diploma, which gives me the right to work as a cosmetics specialist.
I also completed courses in therapeutic massage, and I can do massage.
I do different types of massages. I try very hard for my work.
That everyone who takes part in a massage would be satisfied.
It is not enough to be satisfied, it is necessary that the massage has a therapeutic effect.

During the day I work as a sales assistant in a store,
and in the evenings and on weekends I do massage.
I have 2 jobs, because in Russia you can only survive by working 2 jobs at the same time.
If you work just one job in Russia you simply cannot survive.
To live 1 month in Russia, you need to have 2 jobs.

I don't smoke and I don't like alcohol.
I have a healthy lifestyle.
You can see for yourself the fact that I have a healthy lifestyle when you watch my video.
I'll send you a video of me so you can see me alive.
I made this video especially for you.
I hope you enjoy the music and my dance.
now you can see that i am a living woman.
Do you have your photos and live video with you ???
Send me pictures and live video of you xxx.

Do you like going for a walk outdoors?
How do you spend your free time?
I hope you are not against an exchange of letters.
Tell me something about yourself and your family if you have one.
It is very interesting for me.
I hope to see your answer tonight.
I hope that in the next letter you will tell more about yourself than I said.
See you soon! Sincerely, Saara