Der Vorgang 27154

Der erste Kontakt 27154

Anzahl der Mails: 6

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I got your letter today. I have long waited for, when you write me. But you never did it. When you answer me? I hope that tomorrow you will get back to me tomorrow. I wait you letter ... Ekaterina
I have not received your email. I am tired about it. Why do not you answer me? you do not want that would we communicate? I hope that you want to know me. I ll wait for your email soon. Ekaterina
Hello xxx. I am glad to see your response! We don t know you

personally. But I will try to tell you a little about myself. I m from

the countryside Osokino village, Kirov region, Russia. It is a small

village with a population of about 220 people . An ordinary old town.

I live alone. As you already know, my name is Ekaterina! I am 35 years

old, my birthday is August 19, 1986. I know that Catholics celebrate

Christmas on December 25) I am Orthodox A xxx, and we celebrate

Christmas on January 7th. I m not married! I have no children!!! I m a

free girl!!! As you understand, I m looking for serious relationships,

only serious relationships! Deep down, I m looking for my soul mate, a

life partner! I want to tell you why I decided to find a man through

the Internet. I tried many times to find love in my city, but nothing

worked. I had an idea to find a man in another country. My best friend

advised me to find my happiness using the Internet. That s how she met

her future husband. I decided to try my luck on the Internet. I m

looking for a man who I can trust you. Who will love and respect me.

respect for each other and trust is the most important thing in a

relationship. I want my man to be kind, gentle and love me! So that I

feel in safe hands, as if behind a stone wall. You know, I often feel

lonely and I want to have a man next to me that I will love! Do you

get bored when you re single too? I hope that our acquaintance with

you will help us get to know each other better! I have some questions

for you. Are you a serious person? What kind of relationship are you

looking for??? I m interested to know about you. What country do you

live in? How old are you? Do our goals? I am asking you these

questions in my letter because I want to know if you are really open

to further relationships? Because it s very important to me! I want

to continue my acquaintance with you. I ll finish the letter now. I

will expect an answer from you tomorrow! I m sending you your photo.

Do you like my photos? I want to see your photos. Can you send me some

photos? Your friend Ekaterina.
Good afternoon xxx! I am very glad to see your answer. It s nice that

you are ready to continue our acquaintance! I would like to get to

know you better. I m sorry I didn t get your photo today. Tomorrow, I

hope you can do it? I m interested in looking at your photos. Why

didn t you tell me about yourself? xxx I thought that today you would

write me a long letter, and describe you. But you didn t. Why? I hope

you can tell me more about yourself. It is important to me that I know

you. Yesterday I was talking about myself, where I live, how old I am,

who I work for. I would really like reciprocity. Why didn t you answer

so little? xxx don t you have time? Or maybe you re just not

interested in our acquaintance? Tell me about it tomorrow. Maybe you

didn t like my photos? I understand you and I m not offended. xxx but

I hope that s not the case. And tomorrow you will answer more. I am

very interested to know more about you. Therefore, I will ask you to

write me letters every day. Doesn t that make it harder for you? I m

writing to you from work. I don t have a computer at home. If the boss

sees that I am doing personal things on my work computer, problems may

arise. But don t worry. I ll be able to answer you every day. By the

way, where are you writing to me from? Do you write from home or? I

take our communication seriously. I m not looking for games or

entertainment. I m just looking for a serious relationship. A man with

whom I can build a family will have a happy future. I am looking for a

relationship where there will never be infidelity, only trust, sincere

love, care, affection and support. I will try to tell you more about

myself. I live alone in a small apartment. I live with my cat. He is

very handsome and I love him very much. I ll send you his photo. His

name (Fat Man) I have a mom. She is the closest to me. My mother lives

in the village. It s 15 kilometers from my city. My family raised me

well and gave me a good education. I am very grateful to my mother. I

had a really happy childhood :) My father died when I was five years

old. As I said before, I work at a local barbershop. I like my job.

And who do you work for? What is your job? Tell me more about what you

are doing? I am a very curious girl. I like to travel and meet new

people. There are many beautiful ones in Russia cities. I have been to

many cities in Russia . do you like to travel? I really like to listen

to music. I like music from the 90s. I m not into modern music.

Sometimes I listen to classical music. What genre of music do you

prefer? I also like to watch movies. I prefer comedies, science

fiction and romantic movies. My favorite movie is "Ten Feet Above the

Sky" with Mario Casas. Do you like to watch movies? What s your

favorite movie? I lead a healthy lifestyle. I don t drink alcohol. But

sometimes I can have a glass of good wine with friends. I ve never

tried cigarettes. I like to be outdoors. I also love outdoor

activities. I like skiing, skating, cycling, as well as swimming. Are

you interested in any kind of sports? I think that s enough for today.

Don t forget to answer my questions. ok? I will be waiting for your

answer. I m sending a photo with my mom. See you soon! Ekaterina
Hello, xxx! How is your day? I m fine. Thank you for the letters you

write to me. :) I m very interested in learning something new about

you. I am very pleased to have a friend like you. xxx why didn t you

talk about your work? I want to know what you are do. And I hope that

you will not forget to let me know about this in your next letters. I

didn t talk much about my family. I want to start with mom. My mother

has worked at the factory for more than 20 years. She is happy with a

stable income. That s why she s not looking for another job. My

mother s name is Ulyana. I am very grateful to my mother for giving me

a good education and raising me so well. We can talk to her about

anything, anything. Because she is the closest to me. I have a

grandmother. My grandmother s name is Vera. She lives in a village

outside the city. She is a pensioner, she is 79 years old. She

recently had a birthday. Grandmother does only household chores in her

house. I go to see her almost every weekend. I don t communicate much

with other relatives. Many live in different cities. Therefore, there

is very little communication with them. My father died when I was

little. I like to spend time with my friends. We go to each other s

houses for a cup of coffee. We love going to the cinema and karaoke. I

love sports, swimming and tennis. I ve said this before. In winter I

like to ski and snowboard. do you like it? My friends share my

interests. Now we rarely get together. All my friends are busy with

work and have no free time. xxx, I have a question. How do you spend

time with friends? Tell me about your friends. I have to finish my

letter and get back to work. By the way, I tried to send you a short

video. I hope it reaches you. Summer photos. I will be waiting for

your reply. Ekaterina
It s Ekaterina again. Did you receive my message yesterday? I thought

you would like to communicate with me. And I wrote to you. But you didn t

even answer me. Are you not interested in me? I hope you want