Der Vorgang 27184

Der erste Kontakt 27184

Anzahl der Mails: 9

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I went the meeting service to find a serious relationship. I m going to delete my profile because almost everyone here just wants sex. If you are also looking for a happy future together, answer me and I will answer when I am free. Your new friend Nadya.
Hi xxx! Whats up? I tried snowboarding a couple of times in the winter and I liked it, but I fell a lot. I sometimes watch Turkish TV series about love. I work as a primary school teacher from 1st to 4th grade. I like to work with children. Do you have any hobby? Did you receive my photo? I hope you will also attach your photos. Best regards! Your new friend, Nadya
Sorry for not answering so quickly. Lots of reports at work. Tomorrow I won’t be able to answer you, but after that we will be able to communicate more often. I hope you ll wait. Good morning Whats up? xxx I enjoy communicating with you and hope that you can write every day. You said almost nothing about yourself. Why have you written so little? I hope you will tell us more about yourself tomorrow. Once I was at the seaside in Sochi. They gave me a break from my work and I had a very good rest. My skin burned several times and peeled off. Sunblock didn t help me much. Did you like my photos? Do you like picking mushrooms or berries? Do you like visiting the forest or taking walks? Do you like pizza? Do you like your dough thin or thick? What kind of cuisine do you like? We`ll talk again soon. Yours Nadya
Hi xxx What happened? Why do not you write me? I want you to write me a letter as soon as possible and I will again be happy as a little child. Nadya.
After work, I always walk in the park and I thought about you when I walked in the park. I am pleased to read your answer today. Why didn t you tell me about what I asked you. It was interesting for me to learn something new about you and find out your hobbies and what you do when you have free time. xxx Do you want to talk a little about friends? I don t have many good friends. I have many work colleagues, but I would not say that I am friends with everyone. In the photo you see my best friends who are really ready to help me in difficult times. xxx Do you have many good friends? What are you doing with your friends? Perhaps you play football, and sometimes you knock out a beer? I m sure a man like you should have real true friends. You have many relatives, how often do you visit them? My colleagues said that I have changed in the last few days. They often see a smile on my face and I can say with confidence that this is your merit, you make my day brighter and I always smile when I read your letter. xxx Do you want me to meet your friends or relatives? I think that I will not ask a lot of questions, otherwise it will cause not very pleasant feelings. I will wait for your answer tomorrow or when you are free. Nadya.
Hello! xxx why do not you write me? I worry when you do not answer me. What happened? I do not know what to think. And I ask you to write to me tomorrow. Each your letter makes me happier from that mood rises.
xxx I'll be waiting for your letter! your Nadya.
  I like to communicate with you. You know, it seems to me that we had little contact ? You don't think so? xxx I have tried to find other ways that to communicate. But I didn't find it. Maybe you have some ideas on how to communicate faster? I do not know how to do it differently. In addition to emails.  I would like to talk to you by phone. But we don't have cellular Us in the village. The school has a phone. Stationary. However, the director does not It allows to use it. She said that the phone is for emergency communication. The internet cafe is also denied. xxx I asked the administrato call to their phone. And even offered money. He said that it Internet cafe, not a negotiating point. Maybe you know other ways of communicating? Through the Internet?  if you explain, I will try do it? What do you think? I'm not good at this. because, I have no experience with computers and the Internet. But, I will do as you say. xxx and can we talk to others, the easy way? I want to communicate with you more. And not just to communicate ... I want to keep your hand and talk. Do you think we will like it? xxx although too early to think about it. We need to know we are better. xxx I hope you know how we communicate more. If you know, necessarily Tell me more about this. Ok?I need to go now. I hope that tomorrow we will learn other ways of communicating.I will think about you...... Your curious, Nadya.
xxx I don't understand why you don't answer my letters. Are you all right? If you don't like me, just text me. And tell me to stop writing to you.
xxx, today I have not received an answer from you. Why didn't you
answer? You were busy? I hope that you are all right. I'm a little worried.
xxx Tell me how you are doing at work? What do you do there and how
long have you worked there? Do you have many colleagues and are they your
friends? How big is your team and how many women are there among you? Maybe
you get together after work or have corporate parties? I love my job very
much. We have a large and kind team. The director is an elderly woman and
she is very kind. Of course she needs to be strict so that her subordinates
will listen to her, but in reality she is a very kind person. She loves to
joke. We often drink tea and talk a lot in our free time. But today I told
them about you. xxx my colleagues conducted a full interrogation and
wanted to find out more about who you are and how we met. I told them all
about us and how I found you. They were very happy for me that I had found
such a good person at such a great distance. xxx my colleagues asked
me to say hello to you. Do you think you have changed since we met? Has
anything changed in you lately? I look forward to, and even a little bored.
Your thinking about you, Nadya.