Der Vorgang 27207

Der erste Kontakt 27207

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Es wurden insgesamt -- 1 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello I m absolutely excited that my message grabbed your attention!!! I m a rookie in internet dating, but I ve always been curious about getting to know someone this method.

It s not every day you compose to a totally stranger individual, so I hope this astonishing message provokes greater joy than concern.

My sincere enthusiasm in connecting with you is heartfelt, and I ll be happy if you feel the same sentiment. Allow me to present myself:

My name is Aibike, but close pals often refer to me as Abby. I m 172 cm tall, weigh 57 kg, and I m 45 years old. I hail from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

If you re keen in communicating with a woman my age, I d sincerely love to get to know you more.

I m keeping this letter short, conscious that communicating with someone so remote requires resolve.

However, if you are okay with it, I d be glad to dive deeper into our narrative in future messages.

Would that be fine to you? Given my years, I desire to mention right away that I m seeking a man who is at least 45 years old!

I expect my note has piqued your curiosity, and I m impatiently awaiting your response - maybe even with one or two of your photos.

With warm regards,