Der Vorgang 27211

Der erste Kontakt 27211

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Salut dear stranger., good day and wonderful mood,.

I want a friendly man to establish a very strong relationship..

I are alone and I am very lonely.!

I thought send you a letter maybe we can make friends, I can send you picture, give information more about you..

Attach me your images and I will send my images too.!

Good day.

Best regards, Aruzhana!.
Hello my friend xxx. Thanks for the new photos. They always raise my mood). I hope my photos give

you the same emotions? I hope you don t mind me calling you a friend???

First of all, i want to say thank you for taking a little time and answering my letter and most

importantly answered my question from the previous letter. It was very important to me . Now, i know

what you re looking for on the Internet. I see our intentions have coincided . You are just like me

looking for a serious partner, for something more than friendship. As you know, it is only after a

meeting that you can build a serious relationship. I hope you agree with my opinion. Now it remains

for us to get to know each other better .

A little bit about me , I have been living and working in the city of Almaty all my life. You can

tell a lot about my city, but I don t see the point in dedicating a whole letter to this story. Here

is a link to wikipedia, it tells in detail about the city in which I live.

After I told you about the city I live in. Now I ll tell you a little about my profession. I work as

a dental specialist with a social-maxillofacial in a state polyclinic. So that you know a little

idea about my work. I am engaged in treatment : -Diagnosis of tuberculosis, syphilis or other

specific diseases in the oral cavity, -Implantation of teeth, -Treatment of diseases of the

trigeminal nerve, -Treatment of inflammation on tissues periodontium, -Treatment of diseases of

salivary glands and nerve endings in the oral cavity,-Treatment of tumors of the oral cavity,-An

incision of the gums over the wisdom tooth, -Plastic and regenerative jaw operations, -Preparation

for prosthetics. Etc. This work requires a lot of effort and patience. If you

xxx, if you are interested in something specific , then you can read about my

profession on the Internet . + In addition, I will write to you that I work in two shifts (day and

night) for 8 hours every day, except Sundays . Sunday is my day off, which I use most of the time on


At the end of his letter . I want to tell you a little bit about myself so that you have a little

idea about me, besides the photos that i m sending you. I am a short girl, my height is 1.68 cm and

my weight is 58 kg. I am a brunette. You may have noticed this in my photos. The color of my eyes is

gray-green . It remains to tell about my age. I was born on 28.05.1993 , that is i m 30 years old. Most

likely you may think that I look very young and I am not supposedly 30 years old . As a sign of

proof , I can send you a passport . Joke :) xxx take my word for it. This is really my real age.

There are two factors influenced by genes, and most importantly nutrition, a healthy lifestyle. + I

don t have bad habits (that is, i don t smoke or drink alcohol).

After i told you about myself. Please tell me about yourself . There is nothing written about you in

the dating agency where I am registered , and I really wanted to get to know you and learn as much

about you as possible.

On this note, I will end my letter because I need to get back to my work. I hope that you will write

to me soon. I will look forward to your next letter. Your friend Aruzhana.