Der Vorgang 27225

Der erste Kontakt 27225

Anzahl der Mails: 6

Es wurden insgesamt -- 6 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello! I m pumped that my letter attracted your focus!!! I m fresh to this on dating websites, but I ve always been fascinated by the thought of connecting with someone using this method. It s not an ordinary event to send a message to a total stranger, so I hope this unplanned communication causes a positive reaction in place of any concerns. My eagerness in learning more about you is sincere, and I d be totally delighted if you share the same sentiment. Allow me to introduce myself: I go by the name of Aibike, but my close friends commonly address me as Abby. I stand at 166 cm in stature and come in at 61 kg on the dot. I am 45 years of age originally from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. If you re keen on chatting with a lady around my age group, I ll honestly content to build a rapport. I m writing this message succinctly, understanding that interacting with someone so far away calls for resolve. Nonetheless, if that s alright with you, I d be pleased to start delving into our stories in upcoming correspondence. Would that be acceptable to you? I m hoping my letter has ignited your interest and I m excited to receiving your reply - perhaps with one or two photos of yourself. Take care,
I m glad to continue our conversation. How are you xxx? You may be surprised by a letter from a woman you do not know personally, but rest assured that my intentions are sincere. This is precisely the reason for this letter. And thanks for the photos you shared; it was nice to see them.


As I said, I was born in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, where I currently live. I work as a sales manager in a construction company. I m looking for a serious relationship without mind games.

Before talking to you, I corresponded with another man for about a week. At first glance, he seemed quite decent. However, it soon became clear that he was still married and was only looking for a casual affair. He directly said that he only wants a physical relationship, which really surprised me! Ahh...

After that, I hesitated for a long time to open a local dating site again. I was even a little disappointed in local men. But after a while, curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to expand my horizons and register on an international dating site! I filled out a form and was offered to speed up my search for a partner for $5. I agreed and paid for this service, after which I was informed that my profile had been sent to potential partners. I waited a few days and received your answer.

xxx, what attracted you to the world of online dating? Do you have little time or is it easier to meet a girl? I m new to online dating. And you? But I m excited about the opportunity to meet someone who is looking for a serious relationship!

See you soon, Abby

P.S. Photos included! I look forward to yours!

It s my hope I m not bothering you, but I recently reached out expressing my desire in learning more about you, although I didn t receive a response back so far. I realize that things can become chaotic, so if you can spare a minute, I d really appreciate you could respond.

I m truly fascinated in establishing a connection with you. In order to give you, I ve attached a photo of myself to this message. I would love to know your thoughts and if I catch your eye.

So, if you re still curious, I d be thrilled to get a response and continue our discussion.

Good evening! I m curious if whether or not my e-mail reached you properly. Did you ever examining your bulk mailbox? It looks like that the messages I send could be arriving, since I send messages to you regularly, yet receive replies from you sporadically. I respectfully request that you please browse through your bulk folder and respond to my latest letter, if you want to keep up keeping up our correspondence...

Heya xxx!

Let s flip the page and continue our story. What do you say?

Good afternoon xxx!

How about a do-over? I'd love to pick up from where we paused.
