Der Vorgang 27388

Der erste Kontakt 27388

Anzahl der Mails: 6

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Good afternoon my dear man.

Wonderful day and good mood!.

I seek a handsome man to establish a very reliable relationship..

I live alone and I am very sad to spend my evenings alone.

I thought write you maybe we can become friends and more, I can send you photo, tell about me,.!

Attach me your photos and I will send my images too!! Wonderful day! Best wishes, Aruzhan!.
Hello xxx!

Dear xxx, thanks you for your letter. I am glad to that you have written to me. I shall hope
that in the future, we shall be very good friends, and can and more. I do not know what to tell in
my first letter because I never got acquainted through the Internet before. It - something new and
unusual to me. But I shall try, write good letters to you. Please not be too strict to My mistakes
in words, the English language - not my native language. But I Assume, that I know it well.

Well, my name - Aruzhan, as you to know. You can name me as you like. I shall not be
disappointed. To me of 30 years. My birthday - on 28 -th of May 1992. My height - 169 see. My weight
52 kg. You can see my photo, it is pleasant to you? I live in city Kostanay. Kostanay known city
of Kazakhstan. Kostanay - very much beutive city. I have finished medical university. My formation
will consist of 3 levels: school, college, university. You know something about this city? It is a
small city, here lives almost 30 000. Approximately 700 kilometres from capital of Kazakhstan. You know
the city of Nur-Sultan? Tell to me what your full name? Where you were born and in what city live? When
your birthday? Who you on a zodiac sign? I studied within 18 years. All 18 years I have studied the
English language also. I have finished university in age 25. How to me gave with a medal for
excellent results during my studying. Than I worked as the second surgeon in small clinic within 4
years. It was very much intresting and in the same Time responsable. I was happy to give health of
people, to help them. Many things depend on me during actions. I think in The future I will be
capable the surgeon to become independent. You think, what it - good dream? Probably that I’m
Doctor, I shall work in Clinic, as the children's therapist. I treat children.

You can see my photo, it is pleasant to you? I have no man now, and I am completely lonely and free
for relations. In searches on the Internet I was resulted by that I was disappointed in men of our
city. Here a little good people, all of them rigid also are not able to love. I have the small house
with a small garden. I live one for this reason I am not capable to Work in a garden it is constant.
But however my garden is very beautiful and pleasant. I like to raise flowers because they the most
beautiful which have been created by the nature. I live one, I have no neither children, nor the
boyfriend. Sometimes I feel like very lonely in my house. Perhaps, for this reason I have decided to
get acquainted with you. To me already 30, also I take a life philosophically. I have the house,
work, friends, but I cannot tell that I am happy. I have was not present many who I can my best
half. I have written to you all over again, it means, that I can divide my ideas and feelings with
you. I hope, that you will not be laughter. And we shall write many letters to each other. I am very
pleased and grateful, that you have answered my letter, because I Decided to try to get acquainted
through the Internet only once. I never get acquainted before in such a way. I cannot Understand
completely as it works because I have no computer. I only beginner in work of the Internet. But I
hope, that I shall be capable to write to you constantly. I hope, that you are interested in our
dialogue, as I. You can tell to me about all of you, that you want. I shall be pleased to know all
about your life. It only female curiosity. I understand that tastes differ, but I hope, that my
image will be pleasant for you. But I should tell that I cannot receive the big files. I shall have
trouble. As I use a computer on work. I hope, that your letters will not be Will be more than 5,5
mbytes, at us very expensive Internet. If not I shall understand and I shall not be angry. I will
wait your letters with your photos. Necessarily send to me some the photos, I wish to have a little
that it is better to present you. I hope, that you will write to me soon. I thank you Beforehand.
With the best regards.

P.S. As I will wait your photos!!! I very much wish to see you on a
photo because I consider it to see important each other on a photo!!!


Good evening xxx. How is your health? How is your mood? I'm looking forward to learn you better.
This working day was really hard for me and I got really tired, but in spite of my mood I think that
I'm due to write to you because I'm,as if,charging with positive energy and warmth from our
correspondence. How was your day xxx?????? I with impatience shall wait for your letter. Your

Good day xxx. How are you doing? How is your mood? I've already got attached
so much to you that i miss when I can't read your letter. If something will go wrong and you'll need
some encouragement,care and understanding,Just remember that I'll will help you. I hope everything
is well with you? The exchange of letters does us closer every day - therefore very important to
communicate as possible is more often. But unfortunately not always there is such possibility. I
understand that sometimes you can be occupied. But I would like that you wrote the small letter when
you are much occupied. It really not difficult and occupies only 10 minutes of your time. I hope
that you will give to our dialogue enough attention in the future. Hope to hear from you soon. Your

Good evening xxx. I have not received from you the letter. Today I engaged in all theday house affairs and after that I have gone for work to a night shift. At me has appeared a fewtime to look mail at presence of letters. I've got a little time to write you a letter. I hoped withyou today to communicate while at me there is a free time. But most likely it will not occur. Nowyou are either busy and you don't have time to write to me. Or you haven't received the previousemails. If this is really the case, then write to me again and I will send you an email. I hope,that in your city you have good weather and excellent mood. On it I will finish the letter. I lookforward your letter. Your Aruzhana
Good day my xxx.Today i have not received from you the letter. You were reached by my letter??? Or you did not havetime to write to me??? If so explain to me why you could not write it to me. I can understand, thatyou have work and house efforts. You should understand, that i too have work and house efforts. Butnot looking at it i find time to write to you. I work for hours per day. Means and at you shouldbe a few time. You can write to me after the working day. If to you it will not be difficult. Towrite the letter occupies - minutes a maximum. I write to you from a workplace because the athome I have no possibility to write. You have found a way out of this situation if would like tocommunicate really. Please do not upset me. You must understand my concern for our communication.It's really not difficult to take a little time to write. Or just to warn that today you will not beable to write for one reason or another. Just warn me, I'll understand. If there is such a situationwith me that I will not have the opportunity to write. I'll warn you. I hope next time. You will letme know if you are delayed in responding. I will wait for your letter with your photos. YourAruzhana