Der Vorgang 27448

Der erste Kontakt 27448

Anzahl der Mails: 2

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Good morning my man, How are you today? I hope you are OK and you will be glad to answer me! I am extremely glad that I’ve got a chance to meet you. My name is Marina. Probably you have grasped where I come from judging by my name. I come from a large picturesque country Russia. My age is 25. I’m searching for a man for true friendship and possibly for meaningful relationship. If you liked me and got interested in me, I will be pleased to get your respond. I belive you will not allow the lonely woman to get bored. I will eagerly wait for your message as soon as possible. I hope what is important for you to have communication of adequate people. I don t want to play the games and waste the time. If you reply to my letter, I will send you more pictures of me. Thus we will be able to see each other much better and get to know each other more closely. I believe you will also send me your picture and give me some information about yourself. I’d like to find out more about you. I wish you a lucky day and good spirit.

If you are interested Please answer ONLY to my private mailbox:

I am waiting
Hello !!!Thank you for your answer. I am very glad that you did not ignore my letter.I was really looking forward to your response and I was very pleased toread your mail.You know, making a new acquaintance is always very interesting. I hope thatyou are also interested in getting to know me? Because in dating thereshould be reciprocity in the interests of two people.I'm very interested in getting to know you better.In this letter I want to tell you a little more about my life. I want totell you a little about myself, I hope you find it interesting.I was born on xxxuary , . Now I'm years old.My zodiac sign is Capricorn. I’m telling you about this because in ourtime, an astrological forecast is very important for many people and youmight be interested in knowing this.What is your sign ? it is very interesting to me !!!I live in Russia in a city called Saransk. My city is located in thecentral part of Russia.I was born in this city and studied. I grew up in this city and I reallylike it.I love my city. I think that every person loves the city in which he lives,otherwise he would not live there.As I told you, I spent my whole life in this city.When I graduated from school, I studied at the institute by correspondence.I studied and worked because I needed to pay for my studies and have pocketmoney.By the way, I learned English when I was studying at the institute.I worked in a store as a salesperson. Trust me, this is not the best job.Perhaps in your country this is not a bad job. But this is Russia. Afterworking as a salesperson, I changed several jobs.Now I work as a courier in a small company. I deliver documents andcatalogs to other companies.When new companies open in the city, I go there and offer them the servicesof our company. This is my job. I use public transport.I live with my Mom, I never knew my dad, he left when I was still verylittle.We have a one-room apartment. It is not very big, but there is enough spacefor my mother and me.I am alone in my family; I have no brothers or sisters. Do you haveborthers and sisters ??You know, when I was little, I dreamed of a brother. What is yourrelationship with your relatives?I have a small but friendly family. My mother is retired and does notcurrently work.I help my mother whenever possible and she helps me as much as she can.It seems that I told you everything I could in this letter about my life.Of course, in the process of our correspondence we will discover more andmore new aspects of our lives for each other. I hope that you will also beable to tell something new about yourself.I am sending you my photos and I hope you like them. I will be waiting foryour letter so that I can write you a new letter as soon as possible.Sincerely your friend Marina!!!!Ñ�б, окт.  г. в :, xxx xxx <xxx