Der Vorgang 27484

Der erste Kontakt 27484

Anzahl der Mails: 6

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Hey I m ready to share photos with you! I am very lonely I am looking for new acquaintances, and what are you looking for? write to me here
good afternoon my lovely xxx

Thank you for answering me. I will try to tell about myself as much as possible. I was offered your profile at a dating agency. Most people close on the first contact, but I'm not on that list of people. If I like a man, then I try to show all my vital qualities.
Do you mind if I start talking about myself!? :) I am 39 years old, 5 feet 8 inches tall, 132 lbs. I've never been married. I have no children. But I love children. If you have children, then this is a great joy. Children are flowers of life!
I travel a lot. I visited many countries. Saudi Arabia, Australia, America, Norway, France, Italy, Spain. I was born in the United Kingdom. My mother lives there. My dad passed away a few years ago. and I miss him very much. I often travel for work.
But about 1-2 times a year I try to come home. to see mom, and friends. Real friends are only 1 or 2 in life. everyone else is just acquaintances. this is the truth of life.

Where do you live now? where do you work? I'm a little sad because I have to finish.
I am looking forward to your letter. I hope I become your friend. I want to ask you to answer and say that you were able to receive my letter. Even if you don't want to communicate. Then say so so that I don't continue to build hopes for our friendship.
Sincerely xxxe

P.S. I ask you to mark my email as "favorite". so that you can always see at a glance. what I wrote to you. and so that my emails don't end up in spam. I just did this with your address. and now I always know if you write to me.
Kiss for you my lovely xxxSome time ago I sent you a letter. and sent my photos. did you receive? I'm asking. because you still haven't answered me. and a lot of time has passed. please tell me.I want to get to know you better. I'm looking for a serious long term relationship only. If you are interested in further acquaintance. please answer me.I'll be waiting to hear from you.xxxe
Hi my dear xxx

we met on the 20th of October. But I have not received any news from you for a long time. You still have not responded to my last letter.
I want to ask you. do you want to continue getting to know me? If yes. Please write me a reply.

I'm looking for a serious long-term relationship. I am very serious about getting to know you. I was waiting for your answer. But you don't write. Maybe you just didn't receive my last letter? Please let me know. if you wish to continue. please give me your answer. I will be waiting for your great letters and photos.
Best regards, xxxe

How are you today xxx

Happy New Year!
I don't know why you stopped answering me. I'm worried. where did you go? Are you okay? please let me know.
I was really looking forward to your answer, my dear. but you still haven't written to me.

I'm going to do some housework. cleaning, washing, cooking dinner. I'll probably bake pancakes today. I'll make pancakes with cottage cheese and fruit jam. It will be very tasty with hot tea. do you like pancakes? I would like to cook something for you one day. I'm sure you'll like my cuisine. I like to cook very much. and I know a lot of delicious, different dishes. I hope you are doing well. and you will answer me as soon as possible. I wish you a good day and a great mood! I'm looking forward to your answer.

your xxxe

Letter to my dear xxx

Where have you gone my dear? why don't you answer me? I'm very worried. Because you haven't written to me for a long time. and I wonder what's going on? Are you okay? why did you decide to stop answering my letters?
I miss you terribly. I think of you. please answer me soon. I miss you. I'm looking forward to your answer.
Your Jane