Der Vorgang 27487

Der erste Kontakt 27487

Anzahl der Mails: 5

Es wurden insgesamt -- 5 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello dear man., good day and wonderful mood..

I want a good man to establish a very strong relationship.,

I live alone and I am very sad to spend my evenings alone!.

I decided send you a letter maybe we can make friends, I can attach you photo , give information about me..

I live in the center of Eastern Europe and Near Asia-Kazakhstan!!

My name is Svetlana,. I am thirty five y.old.! I was born May 28.!

According to the horoscope I am - gemini.!

If you are interested in our further acquaintance then I am very happy about our acquaintance and communication.,

Send me your images and I will send my images too!.

Positive day.,

All the best, Svetlana.,
Hello xxx! What's up? I'm glad that you wrote to me. So, we can
start to exchange our photos, biographies, our emotions and cultures
if you a wish. It was pleasant to see your photo. Perfectly you
look!!! The photo of the person can tell much.... It allows better To
understand the person. You agree? It allows to receive the first
Impression about this person. To draw some conclusions... Make
Psychological portrait of the man. I think, you good and decent The
person. Here that I can tell, looking at your photo. Tell to me, What
do you think, when look at my photo? I'm serious in my intentions so
please show me your devotion also. I will hope that in the future, we
will be very good friends. I do not know what to say in my first
letter. This is something new and I. But I'll try and write good
letters to you. Please do not be too strict to my mistakes in words,
English is not my native language. And I hope will improve the poor
level of my language during communication with you. As for me, my name
is Svetlana. I'm 35 years old now. I was born on May, 28th. My weight
makes 57 kg in height 165 centimetres, I do not smoke. I live in the
country of Kazakhstan, from city Pavlodar which is in Pavlodar region.
I graduated from medical university by a trade the Instructor in
medical- improving physical culture. I work in clinic, as the
instructor of physical-health gymnastics. I live one, I do not have
children. Sometimes I feel like I'm very lonely in my house. Perhaps
for this reason I decided to get acquainted with You. I have home,
work, friends, but I can not say that I'm happy. Probably you felt? A
feeling of emptiness? I hope that you will not be Laugh. And we he
will write many letters to each other. I'm very happy and grateful
that you answered my letter. Are you interested in our dialogue. Well
what are you look and expect from woman to be you life partner,
perhaps just a girlfriend or mistress home, maybe the mother of your
children? Another question I would like to ask, what did you to answer
my previous letter, just interest or sympathy or politeness or maybe
something else? The distance between us problem for you? I hope that
our communication will continue. You are welcome tell me also your
preference in women. I send you some photos of me and my life.

P.S. Uuuf, finally I finished this letter yes, which it seems to be
more likely great and probably difficult to read, but I wrote it with
great inspiration and tried to say as much as possible about me.)))I
hope as you tell to me much that interesting about myself?! Wishing
you a very good day and hope to hear from you soon,Svetlana.

Hello xxx! I still haven't received a response from you to my last
one. letter? Maybe your mail just didn't reach me? Then you could send
your last letter again) Today I checked and did not did I get an
answer from you??? If you write that you are not interested in me,
then I won’t write to you anymore. Fine? I would like you to write me
as soon as possible. I want to hear what you think about me? I am very
I'm worried because I've never met someone on the Internet. You
understand This? I hope you answer me soon... Try to do it right away,
How do you read this letter?

Hello xxx! Why you do not write to me? I have already sent you some
letters with my photos. I would like to know why you do not answer me?
You are not interested in dialogue with me or you did not like my
photos??? I would like to know the reason. If you do not want with me
that gets acquainted tell to me and I will not write to you any more.
Now I will simply finish and I will look forward to hearing from you.
I hope to receive your fair answer. Svetlana.

Hello xxx! Why you do not write to me? I have already sent you some
letters with my photos. I would like to know why you do not answer me?
You are not interested in dialogue with me or you did not like my
photos??? I would like to know the reason. If you do not want with me
that gets acquainted tell to me and I will not write to you any more.
Now I will simply finish and I will look forward to hearing from you.
I hope to receive your fair answer. Svetlana.