Der Vorgang 27489

Der erste Kontakt 27489

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Es wurden insgesamt -- 1 -- Datensätze gefunden.

My 1st name s Mira.

I am from Sofia. This place is located in Bulgaria.

Actually I m 35 years of age.

I haven t got any offsprings.

I m a widow. My spouse has died.At the moment I m looking for a serious relationship.

If you think that I am not sincere and u have a thought that I want to get something from u then u would better not respond me to this note.

I am a honourable girl and I do not play games! I really wish to build a true romantic bond. It does not matter how old u are. The difference in age is not the problem for me. U know that I have lots of friends among women whose spouses are older than they are. And all of them live happily.

My husband met his end in a horrendous traffic accident almost 2 years ago. And since then I haven t been in any relations with men. I made an effort to have new relationships yet I was unable to do it.Presently I m a single lady.

If you have a wish just to entertain or you have a wish just get photographs of nude me I am making a request you not to answer my message.

I ll be just happy to get to know you.

Write me on my email address:

I m waiting 4 your photographs and I d like to have some pieces of information about you. Tell please of your motherland and the districts where u stay. What s your job?

It will be be too interesting to know about it.

Sincerely yours,
