Der Vorgang 27632

Der erste Kontakt 27632

Anzahl der Mails: 4

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admirable Mister Hot Stuff!

at this moment I am waiting for robust dude! I m modern Chick)

I can reply to You my picture attached! it s Email box for contact: . talk to you later
Hello xxx!!! I from xxxia.Please send me your photo. I am pleased to get the letter from You. Ito want to hear You more and I hope that find the good friend. My nameis Anna to me years. I much want to find the good friend hope,the satellite during life You understand me and we can correspond withyou? I should like to report small about itself, this for me for thefirst time I never got acquainted through Internet but I think do theexception for itself. I have finished university, I doctor (thesurgeon medicine) work in clinic of years. As my salary small,sometimes I sit in stock exchange Binance. I much love the nature. Ilive one in house in which there is rooms, I have a cat by nameFluffy. I have much friends. I much love to spend its free time withthem. I very pleased that I have a good friends... I think thatfriends very important for each person. write me little about itselfas You, conduct its free time that You love. I wait anxiously youranswer.Your friend Anna.
Hello xxx!Recently I wrote you a letter but I didn't get your reply. I hopethat my letter reached you and you simply did not have time to answerme. I am a decent woman. I'm looking for a decent and decent man. Iwrote to you and sent my photo. Look at my letter. Maybe my email gotinto your spam? I hope to continue our acquaintance with you! I'm alsowaiting for your photo. With great respect, Anna.
Hi xxx!!It's been a long time since I wrote you a letter. Do you get what Iwrite to you? Check the spam folder if my email reaches you. If youjust ignore me, then tell me that you don't want to get acquainted andcontinue our communication. I'm waiting for your letter.. Every day atwork I check my mail, but there is still no letter. I hope thattomorrow I will receive a short message from you. With respect, Anna.