Der Vorgang 27634

Der erste Kontakt 27634

Anzahl der Mails: 3

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I am single right lady)

For now I m seeking no.1 gentleman. this is e-mail: :)I can reply to You my picture;)

Hello !!!Sorry for not writing for so long. I thought that you would not writeto me. I am pleased to get the letter from You. To continue thecorrespondence, send me your photo.I to want to hear You more and Ihope that find the good friend. My name is Anna to me years.I live in xxxia. I much want to find the good friend hope, thesatellite during life You understand me and we can correspond withyou? I should like to report small about itself, this for me for thefirst time I never got acquainted through Internet but I think do theexception for itself. I have finished university, I doctor (thechildren's paediatrician.) work in clinic of years. I much love thenature. I live one in house in which there is rooms, I have a cat byname Fluffy. I have much friends. I much love to spend its free timewith them. I very pleased that I have a good friends... I think thatfriends very important for each person. write me little about itselfas You, conduct its free time that You love. I wait anxiously youranswer.Your friend Anna!
Hello ! I answered your letter. I want to continue our communication. Please write about yourself and send a photo. Alsocheck your spam folder. Perhaps my letter got there. I thought so because I also found your letter in the spam folder. I will be waitingfor your answer! What are your plans for the weekend? Anna