Der Vorgang 27648

Der erste Kontakt 27648

Anzahl der Mails: 3

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Aloha my new friend.

Wonderful day and great mood.

I seek a handsome man to establish a very reliable relationship.

I live alone and I am very lonely.

I decided send you a letter maybe we can make friends, I can send you photo, tell about me.

I locate in the center of Eastern Europe and Near Asia-xxxia.

My name is Anna. I am 35 years. I was born December 15. According to the horoscope I am - Sagittarius.

If you have nothing against an acquaintance then I am very happy about our acquaintance and communication.

Send me your images and I will send my photos too.

Wonderful day. All the best, Anna.
Hello xxx,Dear xxx, thanks you for your letter. I am glad to that you have written tome. I shall hope that in the future, we shall be very good friends, and can andmore. I do not know what to tell in my first letter because I never gotacquainted through the Internet before. It - something new and unusual to me.But I shall try, write good letters to you. Please not be too strict to Mymistakes in words, the English language - not my native language. But I Assume,that I know it well.The world is so arranged that every person must experiencepain, which is called loss. native person. I'm sorry your parents died. I bringyou your condolences. Life is very difficult and requires many challenges. Everyperson passes these tests, every person misses through pain, separation, loss,bereavement... You are a very good person and you deserve a good life.I am very glad to receive your photo. I'm so pleased to see this you understandthat I really want to see your personality as much as possible. more often. Ireally want you to send me your photos more often, because on you have such boldfeatures. You are such a handsome man, you are like no one else men I know herein xxxia. You are a very handsome man and that's true for me It’s a littlestrange why you are still alone and forced to look for a friend on the Internet,I think there are women in your city a blind man who doesn't notice you. I thinkif you lived in my city, I would probably not to pass you by when I meet you onthe street. Your man has instilled in me confidence that you can protect anywoman from any danger. I would like it to there was such a person next to me.So, my name is Anna. I am years old. My birthday December , . My heightis cm. My weight is kg. You can see my photo, do you like it? I live inthe city of Kutaisi. Kutaisi – famous city xxxia. Kutaisi is a very beautifulcity. I graduated from medical school University. My education will consist of levels: school, college, university. Do you know anything about this city? It isa small city with a population of almost , people. People. About fromthe capital Tbilisi. You know Tbilisi city? Tell me what is your full name?Where were you born and what is the city alive? When's your birthday? What isyour zodiac sign? I studied for years. I also studied English for years. Igraduated from university at years old. How I was awarded a medal forexcellent results during my studies studying my studies. Then I worked as thechief therapist in a small clinic in the city. years. It was very interestingand at the same time responsible. I was happy give health to people, help them.Much depends on me during actions. You think, what kind of good dream is this? Iguess I'm a doctor, I'll work in Clinic specializing in children's therapist. Itreat children.You can see my photo, do you like it? I don't have a man right now and Icompletely alone and free for relationships. I was searching on the Internet asa result, I was disappointed in the men of our city. Here's some good stuffpeople, they are all tough and do not know how to love. I have a small housewith small garden. I live alone, so I don’t know how to garden. it's constant.But nevertheless, my garden is very beautiful and pleasant. I like grow flowersbecause they are the most beautiful things created nature. I live alone, I haveneither children nor a boyfriend. Sometimes I I feel very lonely in my house.Perhaps for this reason I decided get to know you. I'm already , and Iapproach life philosophically. I I have a home, a job, friends, but I can’t saythat I’m happy. I did not have I can give many gifts to my better half. I wroteto you again, this means that I can share my thoughts and feelings with you. Ihope you will there will be no laughter. And we will write each other manyletters. I am very I'm glad and grateful that you answered my letter because Idecided to try meet people online only once. I've never met before in this case.I can't fully understand how this works because I don't have computer. I'm justnew to the Internet. But I hope that I will able to write to you constantly. Ihope you are interested in our communication like me. You can tell me anythingyou want. I will glad to know everything about your life. This is just a woman'scuriosity. I understand it Tastes vary, but I hope you like my image. But I musttell me I can't get large files. I will have problems. Since I use computer atwork. I hope that there will be no more letters from you. There will be morethan . megabytes, we have a very expensive Internet. If not, I'll understandand won't be angry. I will be waiting for your letters with your photographs. Besure to send me some photos, I want to show you a little bit. I hope, that youwill write to me soon. Thank you in advance. Best wishes.P.S. As I will wait your photos! I very much wish to see you on a photo becauseI consider it to see important each other on a photo!Anna
Hello xxx!Hi, this is the third letter I am sending you. My last letters, you obviouslyhave not received. I wrote you a long letter, so please check your spam boxagain. Probably now all my letters are there... I will wait for your response...Anna