Der Vorgang 27699

Der erste Kontakt 27699

Anzahl der Mails: 5

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How d ye do xxx!

I saw your report and I am pleased to respond it. I am sorry previously for the brif message. today I am at

work and cannot write a large message. Tomorrow I will have more free time and I will write total information about me with no problems.

Now I will write you in fine so that you know I get your letter. My name is Iuliia. I have been working as a dentist and oral maxillofacial

surgeon for over ten years. The third time I try to attempt a man on the Internet for a earnest and continuous communication but didn work out.

My recent trial of dating on the network let me down. It seems like there are only rps,liars, perverts or scammers on the Internet, and very few

honest and clever person. I want to say right away that if you are looking for naked photos and you are looking for adventure, then I will not

respond you. I am a respectable and severe lady and I do not place nude pictures on the Internet and do not jest with men. I arrived at a decision

to have last chance to create connection through the Internet and I believe that I will do well. I believe that you are serious person who is also

looking for a serious relationship that will bring us to appointment. For me, the age difference is not a problem because age is just a number.

Either, range does not mean anything to me, because in the 21st century you can come in any country in the world. If you are ready to get to know

me better, then I am here for your message and your solution. Now I must finish, as patients and my job are waiting on me. I am writing you a message

from the clinic where I work. I will give you ditaled report tomorrow. I wish you a great mood and a good day. I am fastening my pic.

I rely you will be pleased with my picture.

Sirensly, Iuliia.
xxx, i hope you enjoy the exclusive message and you will give me an answer Hello my friends xxx! How is your mood today? As I promised, I am tiping you my second message. Now I m at work, I have minutes to give you a new information. Now I can tell you more about myself. I think you are wondering how I found your mail and what do I want? Am I right? I found your email address on one of the dating sites in your country. By mischance, I can t find the name of this site, since I found your email a long time ago, but I did not dare write to you and doubted it for a long time. I hope I made a right solution when I decided to connect with you? Are you a free man? If you are NOT a free man, then I will not write to you, as it is not good interveneto other peoples relationships. As I wrote in my first letter, I am along thirty five and It s time to build a serious relationship. My last contact lasted years and finished year ago due to the fact that this man I loved cheated on me with another woman. He were trying restart everything and asked for forgiveness, brought presents, but I can t forgive treason, lies and betrayal. Now this has long been forgotten and I want to find a serious and intelligent man in another country and build a new relationship based on harmony and support. Well, now I will try to tell you more about myself. My native place is Kazakhstan, ALmaty city, here I was born and still have been living. It s a pretty big city. If you like to know smth eals, then you can surch more about my city on the Internet. I was born on August , . I graduated from ALmaty Medical University ten years ago, by speciality in Surgical Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. I have been working in a private dental clinic for more than ten years. Several times I have been abroad to exchange experience and improve the classification in my profession. I have been to countries such as USA, France and Israel. The last time I was two years ago in the United States at a dental conference and the introduction of new technologies in the field of dentistry. I came for three weeks to New York. I live in my privat flat by myself in my city. Usually my day past at work and accordingly I write you messages from work. I am centimeters and my weight is about kilograms. I do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, I try to lead a healthy lifestyle. I prefer romantic and good sence of humor person. As they say in my country, humor and laughter prolong life.:-) I would like look to your frankness and please do not trifle with me. Deal? I hope I was able to tell a little about myself and now it s your turn to give me some information. Now I am waiting from you some detailed story about your life with a description about you, your city and your hobbies. Ok? I m truly want to learn everything about you. I will be very happy to get a full summary about you. If you want to ask something me, I will be very glad to respond you . Also I would like to show you some more pics. I really hope you enjoy my pictures. And I ask you to send me your photos too, so I also want to know with whom I am chating. Ok? I will write about my family in thenext letter. I hope my letter was not so boring:-) Yours very sincerely, Iuliia!
Re: How's it going? Greetings xxx. I do hope that you&#;re well. In the morning I came to clinic, checked my mail and did not see any letter from you... But why? I understand that you have a plenty of work and you do not always have time to reply to me. Please take five minutes and send me a few words that you're fine. That will make me happy. I wish to write you every day, I promise. I hope we will find understanding and will not make hasty conclusions. don&#;t leave me alone, I like our communication. And I really like you! I will wait for your letter and wish you a perfect day! Yours, Iuliia!! > Good afternoon Yuliya, thank you very much for your email. I'm pleased to have > the opportunity to communicate with you. Since I'm not exactly sure what > information you already have about me, I'll share a bit about myself. This way, > you'll have all the basic details about me and you can decide if you're still > interested. I was born on March , . I have two sisters and three brothers, > all of them are older than me. So, I'm the youngest child of my parents, who > passed away a long time ago. After completing my studies in business > administration, I was able to get a job at a large German insurance company, > where I am still working. I am an insurance broker and primarily responsible for > assessing damages after accidents. In my free time, I enjoy playing soccer and > spending time at the Dutch North Sea coast. I've a caravan there for many years, > which I can visit year-round to relax. After my parents' passing, it wasn't > entirely clear what should happen to the family home. As the youngest child, I > took over the house. My siblings are all married, have started their own > families, and have built their own homes. My eldest sister lives in Switzerland, > and one brother, who is one year older than me, lives in Mallorca. These are my > important details for now. If I've piqued your interest, I would be delighted, > and I look forward to your response. Until then, I wish you a wonderful day and > a good time. >
Re: How's it going? Hello there xxx! Yesterday I sent you two e-mails. Today there is no reply from you. Did you get my letters? I am sad that you didn&#;t sedn me any line. If you have not got an e-mail from me, maybe check your spam folder. Maybe you didn&#;t like my pics? I really hope that we will continue our acquaintance. I'm getting to worry. Waiting for your e-mail&#; See you soon, Iuliia. > Good afternoon Yuliya, thank you very much for your email. I'm pleased to have > the opportunity to communicate with you. Since I'm not exactly sure what > information you already have about me, I'll share a bit about myself. This way, > you'll have all the basic details about me and you can decide if you're still > interested. I was born on March , . I have two sisters and three brothers, > all of them are older than me. So, I'm the youngest child of my parents, who > passed away a long time ago. After completing my studies in business > administration, I was able to get a job at a large German insurance company, > where I am still working. I am an insurance broker and primarily responsible for > assessing damages after accidents. In my free time, I enjoy playing soccer and > spending time at the Dutch North Sea coast. I've a caravan there for many years, > which I can visit year-round to relax. After my parents' passing, it wasn't > entirely clear what should happen to the family home. As the youngest child, I > took over the house. My siblings are all married, have started their own > families, and have built their own homes. My eldest sister lives in Switzerland, > and one brother, who is one year older than me, lives in Mallorca. These are my > important details for now. If I've piqued your interest, I would be delighted, > and I look forward to your response. Until then, I wish you a wonderful day and > a good time. >
Re: How's it going? How are you xxx. What happened? I haven't received letters from you for some days. May I know why? Don't you have ten monites to write me? I am upset to open my mail box and not see your reply. If I don&#;t attract you, please let me know about your decision so that I don&#;t get my hopes up or keep writing to you. Please find some time and respect for me to answer my e-mails and questions. I will be waiting for your reply. All the best, Iuliia. > Good afternoon Yuliya, thank you very much for your email. I'm pleased to have > the opportunity to communicate with you. Since I'm not exactly sure what > information you already have about me, I'll share a bit about myself. This way, > you'll have all the basic details about me and you can decide if you're still > interested. I was born on March , . I have two sisters and three brothers, > all of them are older than me. So, I'm the youngest child of my parents, who > passed away a long time ago. After completing my studies in business > administration, I was able to get a job at a large German insurance company, > where I am still working. I am an insurance broker and primarily responsible for > assessing damages after accidents. In my free time, I enjoy playing soccer and > spending time at the Dutch North Sea coast. I've a caravan there for many years, > which I can visit year-round to relax. After my parents' passing, it wasn't > entirely clear what should happen to the family home. As the youngest child, I > took over the house. My siblings are all married, have started their own > families, and have built their own homes. My eldest sister lives in Switzerland, > and one brother, who is one year older than me, lives in Mallorca. These are my > important details for now. If I've piqued your interest, I would be delighted, > and I look forward to your response. Until then, I wish you a wonderful day and > a good time. >