Der Vorgang 27725

Der erste Kontakt 27725

Anzahl der Mails: 5

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Hello interesting friend! I apologize, the fact is that I am lookingfor acquaintances, but I don’t even know how to start our conversationand I’m a little worried when I write my letter to you ... I have tostart a dialogue with you, so I want you to know my name my name isKristina. I first meet in the Internet space and I have your emailaddress, so if I am interested in you, I will wait for a letter fromyou. I am actually very embarrassed, because for me the firstexperience of getting acquainted with a man in this way, namely withyou, I hope that you understand me. I am very sociable and I thinkthat you too, in my letter I enclose my photos and I hope that you areinterested in our acquaintance! I really hope so, because I no longersend my letter to anyone but you. If I am interested in you, then Iask you to write your answer as soon as possible. I am sure that wewill definitely find a common language and become loyal friends. I'llbe waiting for your letter ... Your new friend Kristina
Today I am sending my second letter and my letter is already thesecond for you, because I haven’t received your reply yet. Maybe youthought about what I write to many men? But it is not so! I’m waitingfor your answer, because I’m interested in meeting you exactly ...I’ll feel very sad if you ignore my second letter and it makes me veryupset. Excuse me for taking your time, but I would like to know youranswer about our acquaintance. If you forget, my name is Kristina andI am years old, I am not looking for anyone, because I have alreadyfound you and I am waiting for your letter ... I ask, dear friend,make me happy and send me your letter. Your new friend Kristina
My hope of seeing the letter goes out for the third day in a row ...Today I am again upset that you don’t have a reply letter ... Itreally upsets me ... Am I really not interested in you as a woman?Forgive me for disturbing or distracting you from important matters,but I will still be waiting for your answer! I still hope you want tomake friends with me! Perhaps you are simply busy with importantmatters and therefore you could not answer me, but I am still waitingfor your letter because I want to know you and I have seriousintentions towards you! Tomorrow I hope to see your letter ... Withgreat respect to you, your new friend Kristina...
Today I am sending my second letter and my letter is already thesecond for you, because I haven’t received your reply yet. Maybe youthought about what I write to many men? But it is not so! I’m waitingfor your answer, because I’m interested in meeting you exactly ...I’ll feel very sad if you ignore my second letter and it makes me veryupset. Excuse me for taking your time, but I would like to know youranswer about our acquaintance. If you forget, my name is Kristina and Iam years old, I am not looking for anyone, because I have alreadyfound you and I am waiting for your letter ... I ask, dear friend,make me happy and send me your letter. Your new friend Kristina
My hope of seeing the letter goes out for the third day in a row ...Today I am again upset that you don’t have a reply letter ... Itreally upsets me ... Am I really not interested in you as a woman?Forgive me for disturbing or distracting you from important matters,but I will still be waiting for your answer! I still hope you want tomake friends with me! Perhaps you are simply busy with importantmatters and therefore you could not answer me, but I am still waitingfor your letter because I want to know you and I have seriousintentions towards you! Tomorrow I hope to see your letter ... Withgreat respect to you, your new friend Elizaveta