Der Vorgang 27785

Der erste Kontakt 27785

Anzahl der Mails: 83

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Hey xxx, I have received your "invitation to chat."I was pleasantly surprised by your message.How did you get my e-mail address?I would be interested in communicating with you.I'm sorry, I deleted your message,but I kept your email.I attached you my photo.If you are curious, I expect a message from you.I love new connections and love to make new friends.I would like to know more about you.And may be possibly meet in the future.I am waiting for a message from you.Assel.
xxx,I'm apologetic I didn't write to you for a while,because I have a lot of work.I have a personal computer, but it's not connected to the web.Therefore, I am writing you letters from my work's computer!I'm sorry, but I can't write to you every single day.Now more about me - I'm years old.I live in a tiny village, km from the city,together with my grandfather. I'm very tired of this life.I heard from my friends, who went abroad, that you have a totallydifferent life. They say that kind, sympathetic, and truthfulindividuals live abroad.I dream of this life. And I made a decision that I would certainly leave here.I was very lucky that I met you.I received a letter with your e-mail address and the phrase "invitation to chat".May be this is destiny?I know that now it is highly trendy to communicate throughonline platforms and messengers. But the rules for using work'sineternet prohibit the use of facebook,instagram, and other online platforms.I have a telephone, but this is the most common phone and I don't have access tothe web. Unfortunately, I can't exchange instant messages with you.But I don't think this is a issue for us.I will frequently write letters and send my pictures to you from mywork computer. So we can also get to know each other more.I feel that you are a good person. And I don't want to lose contact with you.I'm very interested what do you do in your spare time.Have you interests and interests?I want to know more about you. And I truly am very glad to meet you.Your new friend, Assel.
xxx,I am very glad that I can write to you again. It is not that often, because I have a lot of work.Today I want to tell more about myself.I guess my life is not interesting as yours.I work as a regular cook in school canteen.And I am writing you all the letters from the school library,because here free internet.My village is far from the city and there is no internet.I already wrote to you that the rules of the school library prohibit the use of social networks.Therefore, I can't use skype, facebook, whats up, viber and all other social networks. I can only write emails.There is also no webcam, so every time I take my photos from home and bring them with me to send to you.Since my childhood I loved to cook. So when I finished school, I went to study to cook.My friends really love it when i cook for them.I already wrote that I am y.o. I have a lot of friends of different ages. I don't see a problem in the age difference. Maybe that's why I work at school?I spend a lot of time at work and I don’t have time for entertainment.My height is cm and my weight is kg.I studied English at school. Sometimes a dictionary interpreter helps me,but I can speak in English. I have a Kazakh accent.I have never been married. My last relationship ended years ago. My ex-man went to live in Astana. He already has a wife and a child.I wrote to you about my village, it is in the east of Kazakhstan and is called Qarqaraly. This is Qaragandy district, East Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan. You can see it on the map.,+Kasachstan/By nationality, I'm Kazakh.I live with my grandfather, because my parents died when I was years old.They were in a car accident. I don't like to think about it...My grandfather says that I must leave here. He says that I'm wasting my time.I agree with him. Live in Kazakhstan very difficult. Sanctions and state policy are very aggressive. And I want to see the world.Now I'm collecting information on how to get a visa to your country.I already have a list of documents required to obtain a visa.I think it will take about a week. What do you think about it?Would you like to meet me?Tell me more about your city. I am very interested in your life.Assel.P.S. Here is my phone number +. But I don't think you can reach me.In Kazakhstan, to take international calls, you need to have a special permit.This rule was imposed after the sanctions. But I will try to obtain thenecessary permits for this.
xxx,I am very glad that I can write to you again. It is not that often, because I have a lot of work.Today I want to tell more about myself.I guess my life is not interesting as yours.I work as a regular cook in school canteen.And I am writing you all the letters from the school library,because here free internet.My village is far from the city and there is no internet.I already wrote to you that the rules of the school library prohibit the use of social networks.Therefore, I can't use skype, facebook, whats up, viber and all other social networks. I can only write emails.There is also no webcam, so every time I take my photos from home and bring them with me to send to you.Since my childhood I loved to cook. So when I finished school, I went to study to cook.My friends really love it when i cook for them.I already wrote that I am y.o. I have a lot of friends of different ages. I don't see a problem in the age difference. Maybe that's why I work at school?I spend a lot of time at work and I don’t have time for entertainment.My height is cm and my weight is kg.I studied English at school. Sometimes a dictionary interpreter helps me,but I can speak in English. I have a Kazakh accent.I have never been married. My last relationship ended years ago. My ex-man went to live in Astana. He already has a wife and a child.I wrote to you about my village, it is in the east of Kazakhstan and is called Qarqaraly. This is Qaragandy district, East Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan. You can see it on the map.,+Kasachstan/By nationality, I'm Kazakh.I live with my grandfather, because my parents died when I was years old.They were in a car accident. I don't like to think about it...My grandfather says that I must leave here. He says that I'm wasting my time.I agree with him. Live in Kazakhstan very difficult. Sanctions and state policy are very aggressive. And I want to see the world.Now I'm collecting information on how to get a visa to your country.I already have a list of documents required to obtain a visa.I think it will take about a week. What do you think about it?Would you like to meet me?Tell me more about your city. I am very interested in your life.Assel.P.S. Here is my phone number +. But I don't think you can reach me.In Kazakhstan, to take international calls, you need to have a special permit.This rule was imposed after the sanctions. But I will try to obtain thenecessary permits for this.
Guy,I am very glad that I can write to you again. It is not that often, because I have a lot of work.Today I want to tell more about myself.I guess my life is not interesting as yours.I work as a regular cook in school canteen.And I am writing you all the letters from the school library,because here free internet.My village is far from the city and there is no internet.I already wrote to you that the rules of the school library prohibit the use of social networks.Therefore, I can't use skype, facebook, whats up, viber and all other social networks. I can only write emails.There is also no webcam, so every time I take my photos from home and bring them with me to send to you.Since my childhood I loved to cook. So when I finished school, I went to study to cook.My friends really love it when i cook for them.I already wrote that I am y.o. I have a lot of friends of different ages. I don't see a problem in the age difference. Maybe that's why I work at school?I spend a lot of time at work and I don’t have time for entertainment.My height is cm and my weight is kg.I studied English at school. Sometimes a dictionary interpreter helps me,but I can speak in English. I have a Kazakh accent.I have never been married. My last relationship ended years ago. My ex-man went to live in Astana. He already has a wife and a child.I wrote to you about my village, it is in the east of Kazakhstan and is called Qarqaraly. This is Qaragandy district, East Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan. You can see it on the map.,+Kasachstan/By nationality, I'm Kazakh.I live with my grandfather, because my parents died when I was years old.They were in a car accident. I don't like to think about it...My grandfather says that I must leave here. He says that I'm wasting my time.I agree with him. Live in Kazakhstan very difficult. Sanctions and state policy are very aggressive. And I want to see the world.Now I'm collecting information on how to get a visa to your country.I already have a list of documents required to obtain a visa.I think it will take about a week. What do you think about it?Would you like to meet me?Tell me more about your city. I am very interested in your life.Assel.P.S. Here is my phone number +. But I don't think you can reach me.In Kazakhstan, to take international calls, you need to have a special permit.This rule was imposed after the sanctions. But I will try to obtain thenecessary permits for this.
Guy,I once again want to say that I'm very sorry that we can'tspeak on-line. I don't have any social pages. I dream to talkto you on Skype, or write short messages. And all I can dois send you an email. I hope you understand that these arethe rules for using computers at school.I want to confess to you that you are not the first man fromanother country to whom I write letters. Before you, I hadcontact with two men on the Internet. But now I don't havecommunication with them.I write letters only to you!!!For me the color of the skin, the nationality or the ageof the person is not important. I like people! I can communicatewith any people equally well.The last man with whom I corresponded lived in Cuba.We stopped communicating with him because he persuaded me tomove from Kazakhstan to Cuba. But I don't want to move to a communistcountry. The other man was from Nigeria. But he stopped writing.I think he was not real. I heard that there are so many scams onthe Internet. Have you ever had experience with a scammer?I want you to trust me. I will never deceive you!!!Today I will send you a photo and you will understand that I am real.I wrote my name and date on a piece of paper.Just promise not to show this photo to anyone!!!PROMISE! Because it is too intimate photo.I made photo for you in my underwear, because it was very hot at home.Hope you enjoyed it? And now you will trust me.I also want to make a short video for you. I will try to send it inthe next letter. I hope I can make it. I can only send a small videobecause school internet is limited. But I think you will like it.Do you want to see my short video?I already said that I work as cook at school. Although I have a small salary, I already have savings for the trip. I don't want to get a simple tourist visa, I want get a residence permit in your country. This will allow me to live and work in your country.And after a while, get citizenship. I really want to work.I don't want to be financially dependent on someone.Tell me more about your beautiful places.Where do you like to rest?Where do you like to spend time with your friends?Where would you like to go in future?Assel.
Guy, did you like the photo with a piece of paper in the last letter?Now you see that I am real? Today I am sending a new surprise for you.I attach my video to this letter.This video is not large. I hope you will like it.If you cannot see my video, I additionally uploaded itto the cloud - I had a day off work, so I went to Karaganda. I collected all necessarydocuments for my trip. It remains to wait for an invitation for an interviewat the embassy. I dont know how long to wait, but I think that I will beinvited in a few days. I can't imagine that in a few days I will be ableto change my life. I am looking forward to these changes. I am very tired here.And only one thought, that soon this life will be in past,gives me life energy.I hope you are also happy for me? And you want to meet me.Of course, you don't have to do this!!! It is your choice to communicatewith me or not. I don't want to be your burden.Can I ask you an intimate question?Do you have erotic dreams? Do you often think about this? Please tell me...I am very interested... Your most erotic moment of life? May be you havean erotic dream that you want to realize? Please be honest with me.If you don't like my questions, please forgive me...Understand, I have never been married and have no children.I am very lonely and haven't had a relationship for years.I wrote to you about it in my letters. I really want to talk to you sincerely.Also I would like to ask you.Would you like to have a gift from Kazakhstan?Maybe souvenir or something else?Give me your exact address and I can send you a gift.Bye, your Assel.P.S.Here, I will write you my address too:Petr Teraev koshesi (street),Qarqaraly(city), Qaragandy oblysy(district),(zip code), Kazakhstan(�ountry).
xxx,Did you like my short videos and my kisses in my last letters?Now you trust me more? Yes, I know that many women have badreputation on Internet. I saw some pictures of these women.They all look like real models.I am very different from them!!!I am an ordinary Kazah girl. I'm not looking for money.I seek only love and friendship. And all that I write in myletters is true. I trust you, and I want you to trust me too.I am a little concerned about my last letter.My letter was very frank. I asked you questions on the erotic topic.But, I think, you understand that I am a girl, and I love to dream!!!Moreover, I have not had sex for years.Today I decided to tease you a little more. And sent you some erotic photos.I hope you appreciate it!!! But please do not ask me for naked photos.We still know very little about each other.When time passes, and we will move to a new level of communication,I think you will see my naked photo.You know that my profession is a cook, and my sexual dream is to cooknaked for my man. That he saw and enjoyed my body while I cook for him.Do you like my dream? Please, say me.I can't write a lot today because I have to go to the visa applicationcenter for new information. I will write you more when I have new visa.I am waiting for your letter and answers to my questions.Bye, Assel.
Guy, Today I want to apologize for my last letter.I hardly slept today.Please tell me, was I too frank and allowed myself too much?Maybe I shouldn't have sent you these erotic photos. I'm very embarrassed.I'm ready to burn with shame. Please do not judge me. Emotions overwhelm me.I really want romance. Once again I want to ask you, don't show these photosto anyone. I sent them only to you.I made them myself, using the time delay on the camera.This is our little secret. OK?Now I was at visa application center. I have good news. I was given a foreignpassport. I sent you a copy in this letter. This passport will allow me tocome to your country.Now I have a foreign passport, and I am very glad about it.Today I will send this passport to the embassy to obtain a residence permitin your country. I already have prior approval for this document. This is notan ordinary tourist visa. This document will allow me to live and work.And if I live more than five years, then I can get the citizenship.I already have some savings to come to you. I also want to sell some ofmy things and computer. Therefore, I think I have enough money for firstdays of stay. I just need to quickly find a job in your country.I don't think that this will be a problem, because I will agree to any work.The only thing that worries me is my grandfather. I don't want to leave himalone. But I promised that I would come to him. Or maybe he will come to me.He is very pleased with my decision. He really wants me to leave here.Are you glad that we will meet soon?What do you feel?I will write you more when I get response from embassy.I can't believe that my dream will soon come true and I will have a new life.Once again I want to apologize for my last letter.Now I have to go.See you soon, your Assel.
xxx, I accidentally deleted all emails on my email.Therefore, I don't know if you received my last letter or not.I have two news. The first - My documents for obtaining residencein your country (residence permit) were approved. I have alreadyexplained to you that this is not ordinary visa, this is permissionto live and work in your country. This document allows me to livein your country for years. And after that, I can get citizenship.This is very good news. But I have bad news too. I didn't think itwould cost so much. Total cost of permit is Kazakhstani Tenge(KZT)(approximately dollars).This is a fee for registration of all necessary documents.It includes:- cost of a visa (residence permit);- air ticket;- medical certificate about my health, that I have no diseases;- medical insurance for the entire period of residence in your country;- certificate from the executive branch that I have no problems with the laws;- certificate from the bank that I don't have loans and debts on them;and many other bureaucratic documents.Now I don't have full amount of money. I only had usa dollars.I paid them that money. But now I need to urgently pay theremaining usd. I didn't write to you yesterday, becauseI spent the whole day searching for this amount. But unfortunatelyI couldn't find money. You already know that I live with my grandfatherand I have no other relatives. My grandfather doesn't have this amount,because he receives small pension, and spends all money on medicines.I asked friends for help, but all my friends refused me because theyhave families.I understand them, they don't have that kind of money. In Kazakhstan,salaries of ordinary people are very small.Then I went around a few banks. But all the banks refused me too...Banks don't give money people that are leaving to live abroad.They think that I will never return this money back.I am very ashamed to ask you about it. But I have no other choice.I'm desperate. I ask you for help. Can you lend me $?Once again, I repeat, I ask you to lend me money.I will give you this money back. I already wrote to you that I putup my computer and other things for sale.I don't know how long it takes to sell all these things.I have to pay all documents now. If I do not pay on time, they can blacklistme and refuse to receive documents. I don't think that I will have anotheropportunity to obtain a residence permit. I think this is my only chance.You are my only chance!!! Please help me!!!And I will come to you right away.I have repeatedly proved to you that I am real.I am completely open and honest to you. I sent you my passport.I will look forward to your reply.I will pray to God to you believe and help me.I believe you are good man and will not leave a girl in trouble.Forever yours Assel.
xxx, I accidentally deleted all emails on my email.Therefore, I don't know if you received my last letter or not.I have two news. The first - My documents for obtaining residencein your country (residence permit) were approved. I have alreadyexplained to you that this is not ordinary visa, this is permissionto live and work in your country. This document allows me to livein your country for years. And after that, I can get citizenship.This is very good news. But I have bad news too. I didn't think itwould cost so much. Total cost of permit is Kazakhstani Tenge(KZT)(approximately dollars).This is a fee for registration of all necessary documents.It includes:- cost of a visa (residence permit);- air ticket;- medical certificate about my health, that I have no diseases;- medical insurance for the entire period of residence in your country;- certificate from the executive branch that I have no problems with the laws;- certificate from the bank that I don't have loans and debts on them;and many other bureaucratic documents.Now I don't have full amount of money. I only had usa dollars.I paid them that money. But now I need to urgently pay theremaining usd. I didn't write to you yesterday, becauseI spent the whole day searching for this amount. But unfortunatelyI couldn't find money. You already know that I live with my grandfatherand I have no other relatives. My grandfather doesn't have this amount,because he receives small pension, and spends all money on medicines.I asked friends for help, but all my friends refused me because theyhave families.I understand them, they don't have that kind of money. In Kazakhstan,salaries of ordinary people are very small.Then I went around a few banks. But all the banks refused me too...Banks don't give money people that are leaving to live abroad.They think that I will never return this money back.I am very ashamed to ask you about it. But I have no other choice.I'm desperate. I ask you for help. Can you lend me $?Once again, I repeat, I ask you to lend me money.I will give you this money back. I already wrote to you that I putup my computer and other things for sale.I don't know how long it takes to sell all these things.I have to pay all documents now. If I do not pay on time, they can blacklistme and refuse to receive documents. I don't think that I will have anotheropportunity to obtain a residence permit. I think this is my only chance.You are my only chance!!! Please help me!!!And I will come to you right away.I have repeatedly proved to you that I am real.I am completely open and honest to you. I sent you my passport.I will look forward to your reply.I will pray to God to you believe and help me.I believe you are good man and will not leave a girl in trouble.Forever yours Assel.
xxx, Did you receive my last letter of assistance?I am very ashamed of this letter. But understandI have no choice... I have to ask for your help.I remind you that I need only usa dollars.I have a personal bitcoin wallet that is registered in my name and my passport. I already sent you a copy of my passport in a previous letter.If you want to help me, is to send money to my bitcoin walletbcqwqejquwnrvrzrwrgylkfvqaqIt is convenient and will not take you extra money.Transfer will cost only dollar. Not more.You will only need to send money to my wallet.I will be very grateful to you for your help. If you don't have your wallet, then you can register it here or install it on your smartphone or computer.The whole procedure will not take you much time (maximum - minutes).There you can buy and send money to my my wallet number or by Qr-Qode, which I attached to this letter.Or you can send money in cash through any ATM - or these sites you will find the one closest to you.They accept cash and plastic cards.just specify my wallet or QR-Qode.Or use my bank account. I remind you that I need USD ( Euro).If you want to send money in dollars, then use this account-KZ .Bank name – Halyk Bank.The bank is located in the city - URALSK.Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX.The account is opened in my full name – ASSEL KURMANALIYEVA.Or send money in euros (that would be euros) to this account –KZ .Bank name – Halyk Bank.The bank is located in the city - URALSK.Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX.The account is opened in my full name – ASSEL KURMANALIYEVA.The bank also provided me with a free plastic card.You can send money directly to the card.My card number is /.And understand the main thing - I am not asking for this money. I ask you to lend me! I will refund you every cent. I look forward to your support and help.I pray and wait for your answer.Assel.
xxx, I hurt a lot.Why did you not believe me and send money?There are tears in my eyes. I feel bad.I am ashamed of having to ask you for money.This is a humiliation for me. It is difficult to realize my helplessness,and your distrust of me. I feel like beggar who stands on edge of roadand asks for alms. Believe me, this is very painful.I think you have never experienced such pain.If you knew what it is, you would surely help me and send money.I understand that it is difficult to trust me after many womenhave deceived men! But understand! I am different from them.I will really come to you! I promise you!And most importantly - I don't ask to give me money as gift!I ask to borrow! I will give you all your money back!Understand, please, i already paid for most of cost my trip.Now I need only Kazakh tenge (this is $ usa dollars).I don't think that this is too large sum. I didn't expect everythingto happen so quickly. It remains so little before I come andrealize all our dreams. I very often present our first meeting.I think it will be very romantic and erotic.Do you think this is erotic?I made for you some erotic photos.I understand that men love to look at naked body.But please don't ask for naked photos.Because I work in school and I am write my letters from school library.If someone sees my naked photos here, I will have problems with the police.And I can't come to you. You will look at my naked when I come.Good?I take great risks when I send you erotic photos.But I like to think that you are looking at my beautiful body.So you can dream of our first sex.Do you want to know my favorite sex position?And my sexual fantasies? I'm upstairs!You caress my breasts. I feel your dick in my vagina.I look into your eyes and see how you like it !!!I will definitely do this when I arrive. I promise!!!But first you must help me. And send usa dollars.Or my dream will never come true, and we will be not ableto have sex when we want.Today I was in banks. But they refused me again.They will not give me loan, because I'm leaving Kazakhstan.I already wrote to you that you can send money by any payment I already wrote to you earlier that you can send money via bitcoinor to a bank account.This is the easiest and cheapest way.In my last letter, I gave you my wallet number.I've attached a qrcode for your convenience.Please do it quickly so that I can pay all my documents and cometo you as soon as possibleI will wait for your reply. I hope you enjoy my photos.Please don't disappoint me and help me.Assel.
xxx, I have a good news. Last week, the embassy asked me to providea certificate confirming the presence of dangerous diseasesand the presence of narcotic substances.. Today I received an answer.My test was sent to a laboratory in Astana and todayI received an answer from them.I'm not sick. I attached a certificate to prove it to you.Now you only need to pay for all documents.I wrote to you that I am missing euros (it usa dollars).Please help me out with this money. I have no one else to turn to.Understand that I have to pay everything now. All my documents havealready been handed in for the citizenship of your country.And I can't miss such a chance.And I have to pay for the documents now. And very fast. By this time,all my documents will be ready. The whole problem is pay.I have to pay right now. In the next few days.The embassy is waiting for payment. Help me please.I do not want to miss this chance.I have already written to you times that I ask you not justto give me money.I will come, I will work and will return all your money to you.I really hope for your kind heart. Please help me.Nothing will stop me on the way to you.Now everything is up to you.Assel.P.S.Here is the information for bank transfer:My full name: ASSEL KURMANALIYEVAThe bank is located in the city: URALSKSwift Code Bank: HSBKKZKXBank name: Halyk BankKZ (IBAN for EURO) KZ (IBAN for USD)Card number: /Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information. Or you can buy and send money to my bitcoin wallet.By my wallet number or by QR-code:- bcqwqejquwnrvrzrwrgylkfvqaqscan qr-code in app ( or
xxx, Today I take a lot of risks when I send you this letter!But remember that I only do it for you! I sent you some naked photos.I hope you will like it. I believe you, so I took a great risk,but did it for you.Now you trust me more??? Can you send me money?You know that I am writing all my letters from school library.I already told you, if someone sees my photos, I will have big problems.But I went to this step to prove to you that I am not deceiving and willreally come to you.I hope my risk is not in vain?I understand that now on Internet a lot of scam.But I don't understand why do you not believe me?WHY?I sent you a lot of evidence that I am real! I sent you a copy of my passport.I will use this passport when I receive your money. You will use my passportdetails when you send me money. Also you will use my home address,which I have already given you. How can I deceive you?If I do this police will punish me.But I am not afraid of police, because I am not deceiving you.I will really come and return all your money!Therefore, I am not afraid to send you copies of my passports.Let's agree? - If I don't come to you, then you can contact the police.They will find me and punish me without any problems.But I know that this will not happen!It will be different - I will come to you and we will be able to enjoy each other!!!NOW DO YOU BELIEVE ME?Yesterday when I was making naked photos for you, I imagined our first sex.I am not very experienced in sex. I had only one man in my life.But I think we will have fantastic sex.Imagine, I slowly undress, you caress me with a feather.You pour a glass of champagne on me and lick it off.Then you tie my eyes with your strong male hands, and tie me to the bedwith a rope.Everything, I am in your dominion. I implore you to stop, but you don't listen meand continue to caress me. Suddenly you enter me, and I begin to moan with pleasure.You feel that I have an orgasm! Then you untie me, and we have sex in front of mirror.I see how you look and enjoy my body. It gives you great pleasure. I want to give youmaximum pleasure, too, I go down on my knees, take your dick in my mouth.......HOPE YOU LOVED MY DREAM?Let my fantasies come true. Help me! Help me out with money.Understand that payment must be made very quickly.We have no time. This needs to be done in the coming days.I look forward to your positive letter.Assel.P.S. what are your favorite poses in the photo?
Guy, once again I am sending you all instructions on howto send money and help me.-Understand that I have to pay everything now. All my documents have already been handed in for the citizenship of your country. And I can't miss such a chance. I have to pay for the documents now.And very fast. The whole problem is pay. I have to pay right now. In the next few days. The embassy is waiting for payment. Help me please.I do not want to miss this chance. I already wrote to you that I only need Kazakh tenge.It's dollars or euros.The most convenient way for me if you send money to my bitcoin walletbcqwqejquwnrvrzrwrgylkfvqaqDo you know what Bitcoins are? This is a very convenient electronic money.You can send money to me without leaving your home.I can immediately go to the exchange office and exchange bitcoins for cash.If you don't have your wallet,then you can create this wallet on your smartphone or computer.You only need to install the application you can both buy and send bitcoin.$ is only . Bitcoins.You can also send money through an ATM.You can see where the closest one to you is here - here - an ATM, you can send money in cash or use a credit card.I have also attached a qrcode. This is my wallet code.This will make it even easier for you to transfer money. Just scan it.I have already written to you times that I ask you not just to give me money.Or you can send money transfer to my bank account:Here is the information for bank transfer:My full name: ASSEL KURMANALIYEVAThe bank is located in the city: URALSKSwift Code Bank: HSBKKZKXBank name: Halyk BankKZ (IBAN for EURO) KZ (IBAN for USD)Card number: /Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.I will come, I will work and will return all your money to you. I really hope for your kind heart. Nothing will stop me on the way to you. Now everything is up to you.Assel.
xxx! I will not write a big letter today.I am very upset and offended! I want to cry.Why have you not yet helped me? Why did you not send money?Did you not like my naked photos and sexy dream?Tell me the truth! Do you want to meet me?If yes, why don you not send me money?Is it a game for you?$ is not big amount, so that we can meet.Several times I argued that I'm real,so I don't understand why you haven't sent me money.Today I will know % whether you want me or not.Because today I send you my completely naked photos.If you ask for more photos or refuse to help me,I understand that you are playing with me.When you read all my past letters, you will see thatI need Kazakh tenge (this is euros or $).Send me this money.Send money to my bitcoin wallet (only . Bitcoins).I don't need more money. I will not ask you.I promise you. I need only euros or $.I already wrote to you that my all trip will cost me dollars.These are all documents: certificates, ticket and much more.I already paid dollars. And now I have to pay euros or $.I hope you enjoy my naked photo.I am waiting for positive news from you.With love, your Assel.
Honey,I am writing to you with hope. I hope to convince you.Today I went to Karaganda and took a certificate from the agency,where I executed the documents.I attached a certificate to my letter.I hope now you will definitely be sure that I am not deceiving you.The certificate says that the execution of all documents costs dollars (visa + insurance + tickets).It is also noted that I paid dollars.Now I have to pay euros or dollars.Now you know that I'm not fooling you. I paid nearly / of the cost.I gave all the money that I had.Please, understand me...I don't ask for money for expensive gifts or entertainment.I ask for help and give me a chance for a new life.I understand that it is very difficult to trust a person from the Internet.Yes, we never spoke on the phone ...I know that there is a lot of fraud on the Internet.I am not one of them! I swear I can't call you.I was looking for ways, but so far all my attempts have failed.I'm sorry... But I promise, as soon as I find a way,I will immediately call or write you a text message.Please believe me.Because, "once taking a chance, you can stay happy for life."I am absolutely honest with you and have proven it to you many times.I promise that I will never deceive or betray you!You are the only one I have and whom I can trust.Kiss your, your Assel.P.S.I already wrote you - you can send money via Bitcoin ($ is only . Bitcoins)My bitcoin wallet -bcqwqejquwnrvrzrwrgylkfvqaqIf you don't have your wallet,then you can create this wallet on your smartphone or computer.You only need to install the application you can both buy and send bitcoin.$ is only . Bitcoins.You can also send money through an ATM.You can see where the closest one to you is here - here - an ATM, you can send money in cash or use a credit card.I have also attached a qrcode. This is my wallet code.Or you can send money transfer to my bank account:Here is the information for bank transfer:My full name: ASSEL KURMANALIYEVAThe bank is located in the city: URALSKSwift Code Bank: HSBKKZKXBank name: Halyk BankKZ (IBAN for EURO) KZ (IBAN for USD)Card number: /Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.
xxx, I had serious problems.You already know that I live with my grandfather.Now I am alone, because my grandfather died today.It's too painful for me. He was y.o.Now you are MOST CLOSE person to me.I am very glad that I have you.Only one thought haunts and very saddens me.Why have you not helped me still???Tell me truth. Are you serious about me? Are you ready to help me?You know that I cannot leave Kazakhstan without your help.My heart tells me that you are very good and honest person.But I don't understand why you refuse to help...We've known each other long enough I have repeatedly proved my sincerity to you.Please prove me your sincerity too.Rid me of bad thoughts.I already wrote to you that I need euros or usa dollars.This money is needed so that I can pay for my visa and come to you.If you are sincere and really want to see me.Please, I beg you, help me. I have no one else to ask.I believe that GOD will not leave me, and very soon I will not be alone.I am looking forward to your reply. Tell me truth.Your Assel.
Hello dear xxx,Yesterday I buried my grandfather. I am very sad.I see God didn't hear me and you didn't help me.This is very disappointing. I was very sad to check my mail today.Do you not feel sorry for me. Why do you treat me like a woman ofthe second grade. I haven't done you any harm. Yes, manywomen were deceiving, but understand main thing that I differ from them.PLEASE, HELP ME.I am desperate, you are my last chance to change my life.Do you have no human compassion for another's grief?And do you not want to help me?You are very unfair if you think that I want to deceive you!Yesterday, employees at the bank said that in your countryit is not large amount. And I don't understand why you refuse me.Understand main thing! - I don't ask to give! I ask in debt.I will give you money back!I will come to you! I PROMISE! I get not just a visa,but a residence permit! I can work and will get citizenship of your country!Just imagine that one your small step will save PERSON! HELP ME!Trust your heart. I'm sure it tells you - help this unfortunate girl changeher life and be happy together. Your deed will be appreciated in heaven.I'm sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If you believe in God, then help. Because He sees that my thoughts are pure.With sad regret in my heart I finish my letter.I want to say only this words - SAVE ME! HELP ME!your Assel.
xxx,Tell me truth! You are afraid of me? Please don't be afraid. I will come secretly! No one will know about me! Only you can help me! I tried to find the money, but could not. Please trust me. I will not deceive you! I already wrote to you - I only need dollars.The most convenient way for me if you send money to my bitcoin wallet -bcqwqejquwnrvrzrwrgylkfvqaqYou can send money to me without leaving your home.If you don't have your wallet,then you can create this wallet on your smartphone or computer.You only need to install the application - or you can both buy and send bitcoin.You can also send money through an ATM.You can see where the closest one to you is here - here - an ATM, you can send money in cash or use a credit card.I have also attached a qr-code. This is my wallet code.This will make it even easier for you to transfer money.Just scan it.Or you can send to my bank account:My full name: ASSEL KURMANALIYEVAThe bank is located in the city: URALSKSwift Code Bank: HSBKKZKXBank name: Halyk BankKZ (IBAN for EURO) KZ (IBAN for USD)Card number: /Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information. I have already written to you times that I ask you not just to give me money.I will come, I will work and will return all your money to you.I really hope for your kind heart. Nothing will stop me on the way to you.Now everything is up to you.Assel.
xxx! Today I walked alone in the forest for a long time.I was very lonely, so I thought a lot about you. About your life there.What are you doing there? Where are you? How do you spend your weekend?From these thoughts I felt sad, because I want to be with you.We could have fun together. But while we can not do that.But I continue to believe... I believe in you and I believe that you canhelp me leave here.Because I have no choice but to believe...YOU ARE MY LAST CHANCE!You are my last hope !!! Don't deceive my hope !!! Give me hope !!!Please do everything to save me. Please give me money for the trip.I am sure that you often ask yourself the question - why so many womenwant to leave Kazakhstan.It's very simple - here is a very bad life. It is very difficult to livewhen men do not respect women.When the state deceives you. It is very difficult to become someone here.But there is another side. I am very ashamed of it. And it is verydifficult to talk about it.Many kazakh women use men to get money.Believe me, I AM NOT SUCH! I sincerely want to come. And I will come!I'm not the person who will take the time to steal your money.For me, chance to leave Kazakhstan is much more important !!!These $ are nothing compared to having a new life.I will never trade a man for money !!!But unfortunately, I feel your disbelief. I do not know how to proveto you my sincerity.At night, I pray... I write letters in the hope ...I hope you will believe and help the little defenseless girl.I believe in you.Your Assel.
Today I had contact with the embassy. They again warned me that
I should pay all the documents in the coming days, or they would
refuse me entry. I'm in a bind and all my hope is YOU.
I have just returned from the bank. I am very worried about us.
Therefore, I went to the bank today to find out all information again.
I again tried to get a loan, but bank refused. And again they said that
banks don't give money to people who are leaving Kazakhstan.
They can't help me, therefore now all hope is only on you.
Bank employee kindly helped me and explained how you can send money.
To pay for documents I need $360 (330 Euro)

Here is the information for bank transfer:

The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29

Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

You have data of my passport (I attached a copy of my passport again, if you
didn't save it).

Or you can buy and send money to my bitcoin wallet.
By my wallet number or by QR-code:
Now you understand that it is very simple. It doesn’t take much time.
Once I saw on TV how one astronaut (Armstrong)
said phrase - "One giant leap for mankind".
If you rephrase these words in our relationship - One your small step
can connect us!
I hope that this information will help you.
Now I will go home and pray. I hope that God will hear my prayers.
And if he hears, you will surely help me and we will be together...

I prepared a little surprise for you. I attached 1 small video.
I found a free service where I uploaded the video.
In case you can't see the video in the email.
But don't tell this link to anyone!!!
Do you like porn movies? What do you most like about sex?
What would you like to do with me in bed? Do you often dream of me?
Yesterday I fantasized our meeting for a long time and became very excited.
I started masturbating!
I decided to make video as I masturbate for you! Don't show it to anyone!!!
I am embarrassed... And I don't want anyone to see this video!!!
decided to send it to you. I hope you appreciate it.
I often dream how I will come to you and we will have sex.
I will make all your moods in sex. I also want to tell you not to worry.
I will not be a burden for you. You will not have unnecessary problems!!!
You can't tell anyone about me! I can be your secret!
I agree on everything, the main thing is to be close to you.
I can live near you, but we will often meet! And have awesome sex!
I have only one problem - you know that I can't come to you without your help.
I already have repeated this.
Really, only you can help me to come.
Please help me and send me money (330 euro or 360 dollars).
I have nothing more to write, I can only hope for your help.
I hope you enjoyed the video.

I feel like a fool. I'm tired of sex games.
I will no longer send videos or naked photos.
I feel stupid. I think that you don't want to help me.
Are you superman or are you only virtual player?
I will be honest with you... I really hoped for you and your help.
Not very nice when your hopes are not fulfilled... Believe me it is not very nice!
I was too frank with you. Now I regret it. I think you didn't like it!!
Today I learned that I had to pay for my documents in the next 5-7 days.
If i don't pay, all my documents will be returned to me and
I will not be able to get a visa.
Therefore, if you don't send me money, you will destroy all my dreams...
Because I think that real man who wants to see me will do all for this.
I did all for you! You have seen my naked photos and video!
Which I did only for YOU! I see you don't appreciate it!
It really humiliates me.
Only one conclusion - you only play and don't want to see me.
This is very disappointing because I so much dreamed about us,
about our first meeting! About our first sex!!!
I imagined how we would be in my favorite pose 69.
I dreamed that with you I would try my first anal sex. Because I never had it.
I want that all in my life to come true! And didn't remain only my dream!
Please, help me, if you want this too!
Sometime I feel like whore, because I made a naked photo and video.
But I will not do this anymore. I don't want humiliation.
I made these photos first time! And I did it only for YOU!!!
I hoped that you would help me come to you.
I wanted to come so that all our sexual dreams would come true.
But now I understand that all this is not real!
No matter how many times I prove to you that i am serious,
you are always unhappy.
Because you are just playing with me. Yes? Is it true???
I ask you for the last time - Can you help me?
You will send me money for documents.
If, yes, after I will do for you what you ask. But until you send money,
I will not to do anything.
Send money and I believe in your sincerity!
Because TRUE MAN will find a way to get money for his woman!
If not, you don't consider me your woman.
I repeat that I have only 5-7 days to pay for my documents
We have to pay for these days! Or I can never come to you!!!
330 euros or 360 dollars is not a large amount!
Tell me truth, please. Do you feel sorry for money?
Think, may be I am much more expensive!!!
Understand one of the most important thing
I am ready to share with you all your difficulties.
Not just sex. We will be together and I will help you.
I promise that you will have a delicious food and your home will be clean!
I will be for you the best woman in the world!
And I don't care that we are from different countries or that our age is different.
The main thing that we had a spiritual understanding.
Now, your choice! - Help and send me money or finish our correspondence,
if you really only play with me. Please don't mock me!
Tomorrow I will know for sure... If you need me, you will go and send me money.
If not, this is only game for you. I don't want to write anymore...
I want to cry...

I already wrote to you - how you can send money.
The first and easiest way to send money is with bitcoins.
You need to send money to my bitcoin wallet:


I already wrote you instructions on how to transfer money.
I remind you that this is the cheapest way.
Because you will pay approximately $1 for the money transfer.
You only need to install the application on your computer or
smartphone - or
There you can buy bitcoins and send money to my wallet.
Or you can find the nearest ATM on these websites − or
And you can send money in cash or with your credit card.
I also attached the QR code of my bitcoin wallet.
It is needed to make it easier for you to send money.
I need 360 dollars or 0.08 bitcoins.
Or you can send to my bank account:
360 USD or 330 euros.

The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29

Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Today I waiting for a letter from you with good news.
But you upset me again. I thought you would send me money today.
Why don't you not believe me? Why do you not help and send me money?
Do you really not want me to come to you?
Understand this is our only chance!!!
I must use it!!! Do you understand? But I can't without your help...
Every night I fall asleep with thoughts of you.
Every night I ask God to help me.
But nothing changes... This is killing me.
I remind you that if I don't pay all my documents by the end of this week,
I will not be able to come to you.
Yesterday I made you some naked photos. I want you to see what you are giving
up when you don't believe me and don't send money.
I want you to finally believe me!!!
I did it myself and no one saw these photos. I did it only for you!
Appreciate it and help me!!!
I hope now you're really want me, you want me to come to you.
I dream of our sex all my time.
One of the things I like in sex is having intercourse deep, shallow and slow.
When I come you go in so deep and shoot your hot juices into me.
What do you like most about sex?
When we are in bed together you would like to watch I masturbate yourself
to a orgasm, then you could lick my juices out of wet pussy.
I want to make me cum with your tongue, fingers and dick.
I want to do loads to you in bed. Tell me what you would like and want.
I do dream about you very often and fantasize about What we would get up
to in bed.
Now everything depends on you.
If you send money I will make you the happiest man in the world.
If you don't help, I will be sure that you only deceived me.
The choice is yours...

If you cannot view the video in the letter, then I have uploaded
the video to the cloud. But please, do not give this link to anyone.

Dear xxx!
How are you???
Today I saw you in my sleep. I saw our first meeting.
It was at the airport...
You held flowers and a card with my name.
I often think about you and imagine our first meeting.
It was lovely sleep!!! I didn't want to wake up. I was very happy.
And I didn't believe that it was only my sleep when opened my eyes.
How do you imagine our first meeting?
What will we do on our first day?
On this day, I want to give myself to you.
Tell me your dreams: What you want? What are your wishes?
I want to fulfill all your dreams! I must know and I must be ready!
I have a surprise for you. But now I will not talk about it.
Believe me, my gift will please you! You will like it!
I promise!!!!!
But, for some reason, I still feel distrust from you.
Most likely, because you never helped me.
Today I will give you another proof that I am real!
I attached to this letter my photo with your name!
Maybe it will help me...
I hope you finally believe and send me money.
I remind you that I have a deadline.
If I don't pay for my visa in the coming days,
I will not get my visa and I will never be able to come to your country.
I hope you understand...
Make me happy - tell me that you will have time to help
and send me money in the coming days.
I really hope for a miracle! I hope for you! You are my MIRACLE!
Don't disappoint me. Fulfill my one request.
I hope for your male support and faith in our future.
Our fate is in your hand.
With love Assel.

Today I am very sad to write a letter to you.
I am very sorry that you don't hear and don't believe me.
I wrote to you if I didn't pay for my documents until the end
of the this week, my documents will be returned and I will never come to you.
You didn't send me money... you don't want me to come to you...
Understand! - if I don't pay until the end of the this week (Sunday),
I can never be with you!!!
Why are you doing this? Why ignore my request?
Tell me truth, will you send money?
I will be waiting for your letter.
I hope your letter will be with good news.
Do not kill me! I am a woman and I want happiness!!!
Give me happiness!!! Give me good news!!! Be my angel!
Do a good deed and you will be proud of yourself all your life!
You will see my eyes when I arrive. My eyes will shine happiness!
You will enjoy it when you meet me at the airport!
Without your help, my life will turn into hell.
Only in your power to change it.
You are my only hope.

I have added my childhood photos to the letter.
You can add your own photos too.
It is interesting to see how you looked as a child.
The easiest way to send money is to use the bitcoin system.
360 dollars is 0.008 bitcoins.
My bitcoin wallet address:
You can send bitcoins online:
Or use a bitcoin ATM:
Or you can send to my bank account:
360 USD or 330 euros.

The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29

Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Do it for me.
I pray for your kindness and generosity.

Hello xxx!
Today, going to school, I saw many couples in love.
Maybe it was a husband and wife, or maybe just lovers...
But it's very nice to watch when people love each other!
I also want to have a loved one and I hope that this person will be you.
I don't have many friends. Most of all I communicate with you.
During this time, you have become very close to me.
I don't know if I can come or not. But I really want it.
Correspondence is one thing, but when you can sit next to your loved one...
Touching his face, hair, hands is completely different.
Every day I dream of seeing you.
I spent all my childhood with my grandfather in the village.
My grandfather raised me.
I already wrote to you that my parents died in a car accident.
But I had a happy childhood.
My grandfather was very caring and kind.
Our favorite pastime was reading newspapers.
Grandpa loved to read newspapers and every week I brought him a fresh issue.
We did crossword puzzles and read anecdotes.
After his death, I continue to buy newspapers - this is in memory of him.
I want him to know that I remember and love him.
If he was alive, he would definitely help us meet.
He would have found money for me, whatever the cost.
He dreamed that we would meet.
I told him about you. He really wanted me to leave here
and I had a happy life...
There are only 3 days left and my payment term will expire.
Today i wrote you a very sad letter...
But this is life and the blows of fate you need to be able to accept ...
I don't despair, there is still time and let it be a miracle!!!
Now I will go to church and pray.
Maybe God will hear my prayers ...
Yours Assel.

xxx, How was your day?

I don't know if you celebrate Christmas or not.

But I know that on the eve of this holiday everyone makes wishes.

I made plans to meet you! Hug and kiss you!

Be my Santa Claus! Make my wish come true!

Help me! Only you are my HOPE!

I have nowhere else to look for help.

And I promise that we will celebrate New Year’s Eve 2024 together.

There is little time left, but a miracle can happen,

If you fulfill my request and help me!

Sorry for not writing to you for a long time.

All days I searched for money for my visa.

But luck is not on my side.

My friends don't have that kind of money.

All my friends are married and have children.

Banks still refuse to give me a loan because I am leaving Kazakhstan.

But I have some good news!

I was given extra time. Now I can pay for my documents by December 31.

I have long tried to persuade them and they agreed.

Tell me, please! Can you help me and send me money by December 31?

I can swear on Bible that I'm not deceiving you.

Please, trust me!

Ask your friends for money if you haven't.

I will give them this money.

I swear! I have no other choice...

I can ask only you. When I arrive, I agree to be your slave.

I will fulfill all your dreams!

Please take me out of here. I will not give you any trouble.

I will work. I can pay for myself.

I am ready for any job. I can wash dishes. To clean the premises.

Any! Just don't refuse me. Help me!!!

After death of my grandfather, you are most close person for me.

I trust you completely!

I repeat that you are the closest man to me.

And I hope for your help.

Tell me the truth - will you help me?

Will you save me, will you have time to send money before December 31?

Yours Assel.


I already wrote you instructions on how to transfer money.

You can send to my bank account:

360 USD or 330 euros.


The bank is located in the city: URALSK

Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX

Bank name: Halyk Bank

KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)

KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)

Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29

Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Or you can send via bitcoin:

360 dollars is 0.008 bitcoins.

My bitcoin wallet

- bc1qw4q4ejq39uw23nr97vr2zrwrgy4l5k2fvq50aq

You can send bitcoins online:

Or use a bitcoin ATM:


I can't write a big letter today.

I only ask a few questions (I am waiting for your honest answers!!!)

1 - Do you really want to see me?

2 - Will you help me?

3 - Will you send me money?

4 - Can you send money until December 31 (it will be Sunday)?

5 - Do you promise to have time to send money before December 31?

Answer all my questions! Answer me honestly.


I am very sad.
You didn't help me. Why?
On Sunday payment deadline...
You know that I'm in a bind.
Last night I made another intimate video for you.
I often dream about you. Yesterday I little fantasized.
I shaved all my hair in intimate part.
You like?
But you can never touch me unless you send me money.
You will not get me if you don't help me!!!
Sunday is the last day of payment my visa.
And I still hope for you.
Last time I ask you is, will you help me or not?
Answer me - only Yes or No?!!!
One your word will decide together me or not!

If you can't watch the video from the letter,
I have uploaded the video from the link.
Do not give these link to anyone!

Can I hope for you today?

Do you not fool me?

Most of all in my life I dream to see you!

And if you don't change your mind and decide to meet with me,

you will send me money today or tomorrow.

Because Sunday is the last day of payment my documents.


I really hope that you are honest with me.

Because I honest with you - I will never deceive you!

I promise to come! I SWEAR!

Hurry TODAY and send me money.

I already wrote you (I need only 360 dollars):

Total cost of permit is 1490 dollars.

This is fee for registration of all necessary documents.

It includes:

- cost of a visa (residence permit);

- air ticket;

- medical certificate about my health, that I have no diseases;

- medical insurance for the entire period of residence in your country;

- certificate from the executive branch that I have no problems with the laws;

- certificate from the bank that I don't have loans and debts on them;

and many other bureaucratic documents.

Now I don't have full amount of money. I only had 1130 dollars.

I already gave this money for visa.

But now I need to urgently pay the remaining 360 dollars.

You can send to my bank account:

360 USD or 330 euros.


The bank is located in the city: URALSK

Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX

Bank name: Halyk Bank

KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)

KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)

Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29

Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

The easiest way to send money is with bitcoins.

I need 360 dollars or 0.008 bitcoins.

You need to send money to my bitcoin wallet

- bc1qw4q4ejq39uw23nr97vr2zrwrgy4l5k2fvq50aq

I already wrote you instructions on how to transfer money.

I remind you that this is the cheapest way.

Because you will pay approximately $1 for the money transfer.

You only need to install the application on your computer or

smartphone - or

There you can buy bitcoins and send money to my wallet.

Or you can find the nearest ATM on these websites − or

And you can send money in cash or with your credit card.

I also attached the QR code of my bitcoin wallet.

It is needed to make it easier for you to send money.


xxx, How are you?
You know that my time is over. I guess I can't get a visa.
Very sorry you couldn't help me. Very painful when broken your dreams.
It is a pity that you didn't become my superhero.
But in any case, I'm glad I met you. I think you will have a good life.
It is a pity that I will not be present in your life.
What do you think? Does our further correspondence make sense?
You refused me... You didn't help me... You don't trust me...
Or just don't want to see me...
But I don't regret anything and wish you happiness.
Today I once again go to the agency. I don't know if I can return
at least part of my money.
Maybe I can persuade them and they will give me some more time.
I don't know...
Maybe a miracle will happen and I can find money.
Maybe you change your mind and send me money.
Then I can come to you.
In any case, the choice is yours.
I'm tired of begging and humiliating myself.
I will no longer ask for your money.
I repeat choice is yours!

xxx! Today I am writing to you again.
I didn't think I would like to write to you again.
You refused me. You didn't help me and hurt me very much.
I will not write a big letter.
I just want to say that I sold some things.
Now I have some money.
And I got the opportunity to leave Kazakhstan.
I don't know if they will accept payment now.
Because payment deadline has expired.
But I will try to do it. I will go to agency tomorrow.
I hope that they would not refuse me.
And maybe we can meet. If you still have a desire...

xxx. I have a good news.
The agency took my payment. I can get a visa and leave Kazakhstan.
They are waiting for me on xxxuary 12 (Friday) in Astana to give all my documents.
And already on xxxuary 13 I can come to you. Or any other day convenient for you.
I can't believe my happiness - I will finally see you.
I already packed all my things.
Also I gave all my unnecessary things to the pawnshop.
Tomorrow my things will be appreciated and I will receive money.
So I will have some money for small expenses.
Please tell me the IMPORTANT INFORMATION I need to know:
-The most convenient and closest airport to you.
-The most convenient day of the week on which I must take a ticket.
-The most convenient time of the day for which I must take a ticket
(morning, evening, noon or night).
I must know this information.
In any case, I will come to your city. But it will be better if you tell me.
I'm waiting for your answer.

xxx, Why didn't you answer?
Did you receive my last letter?
I asked you to tell me important information. Please write me this.
I arrived in Astana.
Why are you ignoring me?
Do you really want me to come? Yes or no?
Then why don't you tell me the name of the airport?
I'm in Astana and on Friday I'm going to the Embassy
for an interview to get all the documents for arrival
in your country.
But I don't understand your silence?
Tell me the airport closest to you.
I will not be a burden to you.
I am only counting on your moral help.
I expect only one answer from you - yes or no.
and the name of the airport.
Yes or no?
Dear xxx!!!
Now I am writing a letter from the airport's internet cafe.
Here in Astana.
I have two news: one is good and one is not very good.
Good – My interview ended and my documents was signed.
I got all necessary documents and permissions.
With these documents I can enter your country and live for 5 years.
Next news is not very good... Sorry...
Yesterday I spent half my day at the police. My money was stolen.
When I went to the airport, I fell asleep on the bus.
Someone made a cut in my bag and pulled my wallet.
There was all my money for trip.
I am very glad that they didn't steal my documents.
When I woke up, the thief was gone. I began to cry and scream.
Bus driver called police and police officers took me to police station.
There I wrote a theft statement. Now police will seek out a thief.
But I don't think it will be easy...
Because, police officers told me that it is almost impossible to find a
petty thief in big city.
To get some money, I sold my camera and phone.
This is small amount, but I was able to pay for time in the Internet cafe
and buy food.
While the police are looking for thief, I need your help again.
Unfortunately, all money that was stolen from me was money for my ticket.
I went to the airport to fully pay for my ticket reservation.
The ticket was booked on xxxuary 20.
A ticket costs 453 usa dollars
(ticket + insurance + baggage + flexible tariff).
For my reservation I paid 53$.
Therefore, I still need to pay 400$.
I understand that I promised not to ask you for money anymore.
I understand that you will not be happy when see this letter.
But it's not my fault that they robbed me, it could happen to everyone.
And I'm back in a desperate situation.
You know that I have only you. And I can hope only for your help.
I will ask you again: Can you help me?
I have nothing more to say to you.
It is very difficult and sad that it happened to me.
Now I'm going to look for place at the airport where I can sleep.
Answer me as soon as possible.

I found out how I can get a money order.
I found a bank near the airport.
Here is the information for bank transfer:

The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29

Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.
Or you can send a money transfer to a Bitcoin account.
- bc1qw4q4ejq39uw23nr97vr2zrwrgy4l5k2fvq50aq

Today I had the worst night of my life.
You already know that all my money was stolen.
So I sleep at the airport...
I hardly slept today. I was afraid that someone would rob me again.
I want this nightmare to end. But I have no other choice.
I will have to sleep here again and again.
Because I have no money.
Today I was at the ticket office,
they are waiting for payment for my ticket in cash.
They reminded me that if I don't pay for my ticket within a few days,
they will cancel my ticket. Please help me!!!
Hurry up and send me money.
Don't leave me. I'm completely alone.
I don't have someone who can help me.
I really hope for your help. I will be waiting for your letter.

I attached a copy of the police id document to prove that
I was really robbed. Please trust me and send the money
for the ticket. I promise I won't let you down.

Sorry I didn't write to you for a long time.
You know that I have no money.
I save on everything. And on the internet cafe too.
Astana is a very expensive city. I never thought that
Astana have such high prices.
Today I went to ticket office again.
They reminded me that I should leave Kazakhstan within two weeks.
According to the rules of my visa, I must cross the border
and put a stamp on arrival at your embassy.
Then I can live and work in your country for 5 years.
If I don't, then all my documents will be canceled.
I told cashier that I was robbed and now I have no money.
I said that I sleep at the airport every night.
She was very good woman and she said she would help me.
As soon as I pay for my ticket, she will rebook my ticket.
And I can fly out the next day.
And I no longer have to sleep at the airport.
I was happy to hear that. Will you help me?
The sooner you send me money, the sooner I'll be with you.
I spent a lot of energy and a lot of time.
I gave all my money. I was robbed. Is this in vain???
Really two weeks can destroy all my dreams.
Please help me buy a ticket. I beg you, hurry up...
If I don't buy my ticket in the coming days,
I can never come to you.
My heart will be broken...
I am waiting for your reply and really hope for your help.
I understand that it's hard to believe a woman whom you have never seen.
I'm sorry that you had a bad experience in the past.
But I really tell you the truth.
I never fooled you.
I have proven to you many times that I am real.
If you help me and send money for a ticket.
You will never regret it.
I promise!

You know that I can't send you new pics because
I sold my phone and camera to survive here in Astana.
But today I found some of my old letters that
I was sending you. And there were photos.
There were even naked photos.
I am sending you one more time.
I hope you will enjoy.
I only need 400 dollars or euros to pay for the ticket.

You can send money to my bank account.
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Or you can send via bitcoin:
My bitcoin wallet
- bc1qw4q4ejq39uw23nr97vr2zrwrgy4l5k2fvq50aq
You can send bitcoins online:
Or use a bitcoin ATM:

I understand that maybe you do not believe me.
Because many airports are closed and there are no flights.
But this is not true. Aircraft fly,
but in a limited number and only on certain routes.
My flight will be long because I will make 2 transfers.
It will be 3 different flights. And this is a legal
flight to you. I can get to you 100%. As soon as
I pay for the ticket, I will show you the full route.
I can not do this without payment. Please trust me,
send money and I promise that I will fly to you.
I don't understand why you refuse me. I need in your help!
I went through so many trials and it would be foolish to leave
everything halfway.
I do not want to return home This is not fair!!!
I want to cry, but I have no force for this.
Don't think that I'm sitting and just waiting for your money!
It is not true!!!
Yesterday I got job at a local cafe near airport.
I clean and wash dirty dishes.
My new colleague made a photo of me, I attached it this letter.
In cafe I get paid a little money. This money is enough for food.
I was never afraid of any work... My hopeless situation depresses me.
I completely depend on your kindness and compassion.
PLEASE believe and help me!!!
I still have a few days to pay for my ticket. And If you refuse,
your failure will kill me.
I will never believe in miracles, and my life will be terrible.
Bad thoughts come to me every day - you have already changed your
mind and don't want me. This is true? Tell me truth!!!
Because every day I live with hope. All my hope is YOU!
I love you and I really want to be with you as quickly as possible.
Hurry up!!! I need your help!
I'm waiting for your answer.

xxx, I have two news:
Today is the last day I can pay for my ticket.
My ticket was given to other people - this is bad news.
But I have good news - my ticket was rebooked on xxxuary 28.
I always knew that there are good people on earth who will help me.
Why do you refuse to help me??? Please trust me!
I have never lied to you or manipulated you.
I am in a hopeless situation. This is true!
I am alone in a strange big city and no one except you can help me.
I never had bad thoughts! I will not cheat on you!
After the death of my grandfather, you are closest and dearest person to me!!!
I told you about it a million times.
Please believe me and take me out of this swamp.
From this black life. I don't want live in here.
I want to be happy. I want to give happiness. Believe me, I can!
My soul is open to exploits. It takes a little - to leave here and be near you.
You will feel my love! You will be happiest man in the world!
Just don't refuse me. This is the last step.
I believe - Fate specifically gives us difficulties so that we can cope with
them and be happy. 400$ is not a fantastic amount to get me.
I understand your doubts and thoughts. But believe me, I also feel pain.
Now I am alone in the whole world. I am very tired of living at the airport.
I dream to come and sleep in a normal bed. CLOSE TO YOU!!!
It is very uncomfortable to sleep while sitting.
I never traveled or thought it was so hard.
But I am ready to go through everything for you!
Please do the same for me. Send me the money.
I hope your heart is not a stone and you will read all my words.
Because I write all this sincerely. It says my soul.
But she doesn't hear your soul when she sees a refusal to help me.
My fate is in your hand. Change it and I will be grateful to you all my life!!!
Please have time to send money before xxxuary 28.
Or at least tell me truth that you are waiting for me and will do it for us.
I went to the bank to find out if there was an easier way to transfer money.
A bank manager recommended the PAYSEND system to me.
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051
Today was my next cruel day at Airport.
I hope you have not forgotten that I live in and sleep at the airport?
I am very tired of sleeping in an armchair. This is a real torture!
Have you tried to sleep for several days sitting?
If so, then you understand how painful and uncomfortable it is.
Only one thing saves me that I have a job here.
If you forget, I work in a cafe. I wash dishes. I am ready for any work.
But my strength is running out.
One thing makes me happy that I can buy my own food.
It is very unfortunate that you do not see all this,
then perhaps you would have pity on me and send me money for a ticket.
I already wrote to you that I was robbed, and in order not to die of hunger,
If I had a camera, I would take a photo for you.
I want you to see my life here. There are a lot of people here.
I am very tired of the noise. But I'm in a hopeless situation.
I have no way back to my city... I no longer have a home or relatives there.
If you remember, before leaving, I buried my last loved one, my grandfather.
Nothing holds me here in this terrible country.
I live as if in a fog. This is not life - this is survival.
Every day I fight death.
Please take pity on me. HELP ME!!!
Trust me and I will live up to your expectations.
I know that no one believes many women,
but I swear before God that I am different!!!
I will wait for your reply. I hope you understand my situation.
I will pray and wait for your reply.
Your Assel.

I am very ashamed of my last letter.
Sorry that I complained a lot in the letter.
I don't want you to think that I can only moan and beg for money from you.
It is not true. I am a strong woman!!!
I have already passed many trials on the way to you.
And I really need your help!
Without you, I can't go this difficult way! Give me a helping hand.
You must be a real man. You must believe in me! You must help me.
Any strong woman even needs a strong man.
I need you! I really need you. I beg to hear me.
I wouldn't ask you for help if I hadn't tried all options.
You know that I live in the Airport and work in cafe of airport
and it's not sweet for me here. Only dreams about you save me.
I already wrote that I sold a camera to buy food here.
When I just arrived and had no job.
Yesterday I told my colleague my difficult story.
She was very upset to hear that.
She doesn't understand why you don't believe me. She made my photo for you.
I'm really in Astana and I will go to you, if you believe me!!!
And really need your help!!!
Therefore, I again tearfully ask you to help me.
And send money for a ticket.

I already wrote to you how you can send a money transfer -

The most convenient way for me to receive money and
pay for the ticket is with bitcoins.
You must send me 400 dollars to my bitcoin wallet -
$400 is approximately 0.008 bitcoins

Or you can send money to my bank account
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

You can also send money using a bank card through the PAYSEND system
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

I am very tired here alone at the airport.
Do you know how hard it is to sleep in an airport chair?
I'm already dreaming when I can just go to bed.
And it's better if it's a bed with you.
I will hug you tightly!
I'm not complaining to you, I'm only telling you what a plight I'm in.
And that only you can help me.
You only need to send 400 dollars and on Sunday I will fly to you.
You will never regret it.
I won't bother you!
If you wish, we can meet at a convenient time for you.
Unfortunately, I cannot make a call to you.
And tell it all in a voice, not in a letter. But I can not. ((((((((((((((.
I sold my phone to buy food.
I have another phone, but it only supports local calls - +77477368132.
I don't think you can call me.
And it's a regular classic phone that doesn't have a camera or internet access.
I wrote about it in previous letters.
Yesterday I asked a work colleague to take a photo of you.
Take a look at this photo and you will understand that I do not want to deceive you.
And I promise to come to you on Sunday January 28!
If you help me and send 400 dollars.
Please help me! You are my last and only hope.
xxx! How was your day?
I will not write a big letter because I don't have the strength
to do that. I just want to remind you that my ticket is reserved
for January 28 and if I don't pay the reservation before
this day, all my efforts will be in vain.
I just want to hear from you one answer - yes or no?
Will you send me money?
Think very well. If not, you will never hear me again.
It was pointless...
It turns out that I spent part of my life in vain.
It is a pity that you didn't appreciate it.

I already wrote to you how you can send a money transfer -

The most convenient way for me to receive money and
pay for the ticket is with bitcoins.
You must send me 400 dollars to my bitcoin wallet -
$400 is approximately 0.008 bitcoins

Or you can send money to my bank account
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

You can also send money using a bank card through the PAYSEND system
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

Forgive me for not writing to you for so long.
But, I hope my letter will please you.
I was able to find a cheaper ticket for February 4.
It will cost 350 dollars.
I rebooked my ticket. My tariff allows me to do this.
The woman at the airport box office helped me again.
I already wrote to you about this wonderful woman.
She helps me a lot!!!
I am very grateful to her for all she has done for me.
Now I have some more time to buy a ticket and come to you.
But that's not all!!!
I was able to find 100 dollars. I sold my last costly thing.
I sold my gold earrings...
I was very sad to part with them. But I am ready for any
actions to be closer to you.
And now I only need $250 for my ticket.
And I have to ask you again. This is not a very large amount.
Do you help me? I hope you don't refuse me...
You know, I have no one else to ask
Can you send $250 until February 4?
I'm waiting for your answer.

Hello xxx! How are you?
Yesterday I was thinking about us all day and I want you to know!
Your age and your earnings are not important to me.
I will work and we can do everything together!
Native soul can all...
And I feel that you are my native soul.
Today I decided that I will not wait until February 4.
I have no more strength, I'm tired... Maybe my faith has run out.
I decided that I would wait until February 4...
And if I don't have money to pay for the ticket, then i will go home.
I don't want to live here anymore... I am very very tired...
I am strong, but it turns out I'm not omnipotent...
I will be very sorry if we can't meet...
And look into each other's eyes !!!!
I hope that in these 5 days you will make the right decision...
Please think well...
And tell me the truth!!!!
There is something else I regret...these are my earrings.
I don't even want to think from the fact that I sold earrings in vain...
Did I really believe in miracles in vain?
It was my memory of mom and grandmother.
Now I can't get those earrings back...
I hope they bring happiness to the girl who buys them...
One that I didn't have...
That's all for today...I don't know what to write to you anymore...
Please think very well. I need you and your help.
I want to remind you that I found a cheap ticket for February 4.
A ticket costs - 350 usa dollars.
I already paid $100 (I sold my earrings).
Therefore, I still need to pay $250.
You can send me money here to Astana also one of these ways:

You can send money to my Bitcoin wallet -
$250 is approximately 0.006 bitcoins

Or you can send money to my bank account
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

You can also send money using a bank card through the PAYSEND system
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

I beg you, think well!
You will not regret it when you help me.
I am really looking forward to your letter!

Why do you refuse me?
$250 is not an expensive price to pay for our happiness.
Tell me the truth. I am very tired of all the tests.
I'm sure you want us to meet,
but I don't understand why you don't trust me.
We've known you so much, but you still don't believe me.
If I wanted to deceive you, I would stop writing you
letters after your first refusal.
I didn't do it. But I'm sure other girls do that to guys.
BUT I AM NOT THIS! You are very important for me.
Therefore, I don’t stop writing to you.
I think this is a valid argument to help me and send $250.
Help me!!
I am getting closer to you step by step and I need your help as a man.

Today I again spent in thoughts about us. In thoughts of our meeting.
I remembered the first time I saw your letter.
I was happy!!!
I already wrote that I am deleting letters.
I am afraid that someone will be able to read them.
But today, when I came to the Internet cafe and opened my inbox.
I saw that some of our letters were not deleted.
I read our letters with tears in my eyes.
In my dreams, I was next to you.
And I was very good in your strong and gentle hands.
I understand... I have little time left.
Only two days and it is possible that all my dreams will forever remain dreams.
But I believe in fate and believe in you!!!
Today I went to the cashier and she told me not to worry
and she would wait for payment from me until Sunday.
I need to pay only $250 and she will immediately give me booked ticket.
I am very grateful to this woman. She helped me a lot.
She is very worried about us and wants us to meet.
In our old letters, I found pics.
I already sent them to you but I want to send again.
May be you don't keep your letters either.
I hope you will be pleased...
I will be very waiting for your reply. We can still be happy.
You only need to redeem my ticket (ticket price is $250).
Only thoughts of you warm my soul. I have no one except you.
And I really want to be near you. Please help me. I ask nothing more.
I'll give you everything and will always be grateful to you for it!
Your Assel.

I wrote to you earlier that you can make a money transfer in different ways.

Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Qarqaraly
Street: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
Zip code: 100800
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Money transfer from card to card using PAYSEND.
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

You can send money to my Bitcoin wallet -
$250 is approximately 0.006 bitcoins

xxx, It is very sad to write this letter.
But I have very little time to pay for my ticket.
Sunday (February 4) is the last day of payment.
Please, help!!!
Turn the world upside down and help me, give me money to pay for the ticket.
I promise, I will live up to your expectations.
I don't know how to convince you... but I really want to see you.
And this is the true truth!!!
When I wake up, I begin to pray that this hell will end
and I finally come to you.
I need your strong male shoulder and your help.
A woman will never be a real woman if she doesn't have a strong man nearby.
I do not understand women who don't want to have a relationship with a man.
I will love and adore you.
You have no idea what awaits you... you are very lucky with me.
Please don't refuse help. I'm waiting for your answer.
I need only 250 dollars.
This is not a big price to pay for happiness.
The choice is yours.

Dear xxx!!!
Sorry for not writing you a few days.
I couldn't, I was looking for money for a ticket.
And now I want to tell you good news.
I bought a ticket. I will come to you on February 20.
You are happy? Will you meet me?
I already hate this country. When I already leave here.
This is hell!!! Only problems.
Once again, fate is testing me for strength.
But I believe that there are no unsolvable problems.
I believe that all problems can be solved.
God gives us tests to make us happy later.
He will give you a lot of happiness.
The main thing is to believe in yourself and never give up.
God loves the strong. And I will be strong!
But often, even strong people need help.
I already wrote that I found money for a ticket.
But As soon as I calmed down, fate prepared me a new test.
My fucking state again prepared a surprise.
I am very tired... I want to leave forever from here!!!!!!
I am forced to ask for your help again...
I have a new problem:
I took a loan from a bank to buy a ticket.
When I took a loan, I didn't say that it was for a ticket.
I didn't say that I would leave.
But today I found out that customs officers will not let me out.
Because I have a bank loan.
These are the fucking laws of my country.
If I don't pay $350, then I can't fly to you.
You understand?
Our happiness was so close........
Can you help me and send $350?
There was the last step to our happiness. I did all I could...
Please help me and send $350.
Otherwise, I will lose everything: you, money from a visa, money from a ticket.
I will not survive this blow. Please, help me!

Please don't ignore my request.
I am very ashamed...
This is not the first time I am asking for your help.
Believe me, before asking for your help, I tried all the options.
I'm in a bind.
Believe me, I ask you for help when I myself am already powerless.
And now such a situation.
I want to remind you that when I was robbed here,
I didn't ask for money for food or housing.
And this is just one small example. I had a lot of problems.
But you didn't even know about them.
I always told you about my problems in extreme situations.
Because I don't want to be a weak woman.
I don't want that you have such thoughts.
I want to can be your "mainstay". And I will never be a burden to you.
The Government has issued a law that states that a locals
citizen can't leave the state if he has a loan.
Now you understand why I want to leave this country?
It is impossible to find a happy life if you are not rich or not
a civil servant. It doesn't matter to me whether a person is rich or not.
I want to be happy!!!!
I feel that there is a spiritual connection between us...
I will do everything to be with you.
Please help me!!!
This is the only thing that separates us...
Please help me and send $350.

Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Qarqaraly
Street: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
Zip code: 100800
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Money transfer from card to card using PAYSEND.
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

You can send money to my Bitcoin wallet -
$350 is approximately 0.008 bitcoins


I want you to know that it hurts me to write my last letters.
I have no strength. I understand your doubts.
Once you believed me and gave me money.
I really appreciate it.
You are the only man who helped me.
I don't understand why you don't want to believe me this time?
Why are these doubts? - Believe once and doubt now.
It is very strange. Can you imagine?
I am alone in a foreign city. I feel that I can die.
Only you can help me.
I have no home. I don't know where to go.
I have no way back to my city.
Nobody is waiting for me there.
I can only come to you or die here.
I don't see another way...
I live in hope. You are my hope !!!
Believing me last time, don't refuse this one.
I will not let you down.
I can't write anymore because tears close my
eyes and I don't see anything.
Help me and believe me!!!
Again, I am writing you a letter with a broken heart.
My soul is torn apart.
Again, I see that my pleas for help were not heard by you.
Again, I will cry and hope for a miracle. Again, I will spend
the night here at the airport.
I remind you, I only have 5 days!
After that I will no longer have a chance to come to you.
Everything that depended on me, I did.
Now you - It all depends on your decision.
I never fooled you.
I have attached evidence to my letter that I am not lying to you.
I attached a copy of the bank document.
It shows the amount of my loan debt.
I'm telling you the truth! I have a debt.
Therefore, they will not allow me to leave my country.
Help me and send money!
This document was given to me by the bank yesterday to prove
to you that I am not deceiving you.
Do you believe me now?
I will not fail you! I will be the best gift for you!

I see that you do not hear my cries for help...
Perhaps this is the END and we can never see each other?
Why are you giving up on me? Did you find another girl?
Or was it your game?
I don't understand you. Our happiness was so close...
I never fooled you!!!
I see no reason to write you a lot of words.
Because I see that it is useless and you do not hear me.
I'm very tired. I stopped dreaming!
I just live another gray day here.
I am an unnecessary, lonely and loyal girl!!!!
I will be in Astana for another 3 days.
After I go back to my village. There I will die.
If you change your mind and decide to send money.
I will wait here for another 3 days.
The choice is yours.
Have a nice day, your Assel.


Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Qarqaraly
Street: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
Zip code: 100800
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Money transfer from card to card using PAYSEND.
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

You can send money to my Bitcoin wallet -
$350 is approximately 0.008 bitcoins

Today I had a wonderful day. It was the best day in Astana.
It is a pity that you were not there.
This fucking bank loan is preventing us from meeting you.
My boss gave me and my colleague one day off. I was able to see Astana.
It's a big city. I constantly thought about you that we could walk together.
I constantly imagine how we communicate. We go to the cinema together or
watch it at home on TV.
I often think about how we could go on a picnic.
Do you know how to fish?
I always wanted to learn this. Imagine how romantic and fun it will be.
I imagine how we make love in a tent. I think we will have fantastic sex.
You will enjoy my body. I will make new surprises for you.
But unfortunately now these are only dreams and only you can fulfill them.
All in your hands!!!
Today, for the first time in my life, I visited city center.
I'm really in Astana. And really looking forward to your help.
I have shown and proven this to you many times.
And I hope for a miracle! I hope you finally believe me and send the money.
Today bank employee said that if I don't pay the loan before February 25,
then they will transfer my details to the court and I will never be able
to come to you.
Please, help me and hurry up to send money before this date.
I changed my flight to February 25.
Have you time to send me money. I want to hear only truth from you.
I want to be sure that you send me this money.
Gladden me! I deserve it. I have already passed so many trials and deserve
your help. I am waiting for your letter and I hope you will help me.

I already wrote you instructions on how to transfer money.
You can send a money transfer in different ways.

Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Qarqaraly
Street: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
Zip code: 100800
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Money transfer from card to card using PAYSEND.
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

Via bitcoin:
350 dollars is 0.008 bitcoins.
My bitcoin wallet
- bc1qw4q4ejq39uw23nr97vr2zrwrgy4l5k2fvq50aq
You can send bitcoins online:
Or use a bitcoin ATM:

Today I had a wonderful day. It was the best day in Astana.
It is a pity that you were not there.
This fucking bank loan is preventing us from meeting you.
My boss gave me and my colleague one day off. I was able to see Astana.
It's a big city. I constantly thought about you that we could walk together.
I constantly imagine how we communicate. We go to the cinema together or
watch it at home on TV.
I often think about how we could go on a picnic.
Do you know how to fish?
I always wanted to learn this. Imagine how romantic and fun it will be.
I imagine how we make love in a tent. I think we will have fantastic sex.
You will enjoy my body. I will make new surprises for you.
But unfortunately now these are only dreams and only you can fulfill them.
All in your hands!!!
Today, for the first time in my life, I visited city center.
I'm really in Astana. And really looking forward to your help.
I have shown and proven this to you many times.
And I hope for a miracle! I hope you finally believe me and send the money.
Today bank employee said that if I don't pay the loan before February 25,
then they will transfer my details to the court and I will never be able
to come to you.
Please, help me and hurry up to send money before this date.
I changed my flight to February 25.
Have you time to send me money. I want to hear only truth from you.
I want to be sure that you send me this money.
Gladden me! I deserve it. I have already passed so many trials and deserve
your help. I am waiting for your letter and I hope you will help me.

I already wrote you instructions on how to transfer money.
You can send a money transfer in different ways.

Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Qarqaraly
Street: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
Zip code: 100800
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Money transfer from card to card using PAYSEND.
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

Via bitcoin:
350 dollars is 0.008 bitcoins.
My bitcoin wallet
- bc1qw4q4ejq39uw23nr97vr2zrwrgy4l5k2fvq50aq
You can send bitcoins online:
Or use a bitcoin ATM:



Hi xxx!
Today I have to tell you some sad news.
They took my ticket and will give it back as soon as I pay off my loan ($350).
I have no other chance to leave here.
I asked for an installment plan, but they can't provide it to me.
Because I am leaving the country.
They promised to give me my ticket as soon as I bring the money to pay the debt.
They are people too, they feel sorry for me.
But they can't do anything. These are the laws of Kazakhstan.
I'm an orphan. My parents and my grandpa died. All my friends stayed in Qarqaraly,
so I ask for your help. Please help me!!!!
I will never forget this. I promise that I will return your money to you. I swear!!!!!!!!
I will have no problem entering your country.
I sent you candid photos, I wrote your name on paper,
to prove to you that I am not lying !!!!
I understand that you want to speak to me on the phone.
But this is really impossible for me.
If I had more time, I would make money and buy myself a smartphone,
to call you. And I will definitely do it if you help me now.
I have so little time left.
I can't find such a huge amount of money to pay for a loan or to buy a smartphone.
You understand???? I urgently need $350. Please help me...
Last night I thought a lot about us, about you, about our acquaintance.
For the first time in my life, I was lucky and I had a chance to leave here forever...
That's why I struggle so hard, that's why I desire it so passionately.
Yesterday I listened to my favorite song (James Blunt «You’re beautiful»),
I also attached it to my letter.
I imagined you... I want to kiss you to the sound of this melody.
goosebumps run down my body when I think about it ...
I was very honest and frank with you today.
Hope you will be honest with me too....
I really look forward to your letter!
Kisses, yours Assel.

I have only a few days...
I understand that you don't want to help me....
It's your right!!! I'm sorry, I have always been honest with you!
I never fooled you...
Yes, I'm a girl, with whom troubles constantly happen.
Everyone has black streaks in life.
Now I have...
I'm sorry... but apparently
I have no other choice and I will have to return home.
Home, where no one is waiting for me...
I am writing this letter to you and crying...
Why is all this happening to me????
Why am I losing people close to me???
Why me?????
I will be waiting for your letter tomorrow...
Now I will go...your Assel.

I wrote to you earlier that you can send money in the most convenient way for you.

Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Qarqaraly
Street: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
Zip code: 100800
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Money transfer from card to card using PAYSEND.
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

Via bitcoin:
350 dollars is 0.008 bitcoins.
My bitcoin wallet
- bc1qw4q4ejq39uw23nr97vr2zrwrgy4l5k2fvq50aq
You can send bitcoins online:
Or use a bitcoin ATM:

Sometimes you need to believe in miracles and God.
I have always believed. And God helped me.
I especially felt it when I met you.
I think this is fate. And we need each other.
God didn't just introduce us. I am not a religious fanatic,
just living here at the airport, I began to appreciate
life even more. I realized how important it is to have
a strong person (man) who will help in a critical situation.
We women can't be without a man. I don't understand feminists
who want to change nature and the world.
It is not right.
I ask you only about one thing - trust me and help me.
I will cope with all the difficulties if I know that you
will be in my life.
I have very good news - I received a loan deferment.
I will be allowed to leave the country and
pay a loan for a year. The bank made concessions and lifted
the ban on departure from the country.
You are happy?
Are you waiting for our meeting?
I have a ticket for March 6.
I hope you will be glad to see my letter.
And you will wait for our meeting.
Bye. Waiting for your answer.
Today I waiting for a letter from you with good news.
But you upset me again. I thought you would send me money today.
Why don't you not believe me? Why do you not help and send me money?
Do you really not want me to come to you?
Understand this is our only chance!!!
I must use it!!! Do you understand? But I can't without your help...
Every night I fall asleep with thoughts of you.
Every night I ask God to help me.
But nothing changes... This is killing me.
I remind you that if I don't pay all my documents by the end of this week,
I will not be able to come to you.
Yesterday I made you some naked photos. I want you to see what you are giving
up when you don't believe me and don't send money.
I want you to finally believe me!!!
I did it myself and no one saw these photos. I did it only for you!
Appreciate it and help me!!!
I hope now you're really want me, you want me to come to you.
I dream of our sex all my time.
One of the things I like in sex is having intercourse deep, shallow and slow.
When I come you go in so deep and shoot your hot juices into me.
What do you like most about sex?
When we are in bed together you would like to watch I masturbate yourself
to a orgasm, then you could lick my juices out of wet pussy.
I want to make me cum with your tongue, fingers and dick.
I want to do loads to you in bed. Tell me what you would like and want.
I do dream about you very often and fantasize about What we would get up
to in bed.
Now everything depends on you.
If you send money I will make you the happiest man in the world.
If you don't help, I will be sure that you only deceived me.
The choice is yours...

Today I got the bad news again. I have no strength.
I want to leave this life. Yesterday I spoke with people at customs.
They told me that the laws of your country is very severe.
There are so many nuances that I never knew until today.
Perhaps I will undergo additional verification.
Customs officers can individually check me when I arrive.
They often do it. Especially they often check single women from Kazakh.
I will have to present all documents and money.
I have no problems with documents, but money will be a problem.
If I don't have cash in my wallet, they may prohibit entry into
your country.
It was't me who came up with it, it is the laws of your country.
They are afraid of emigrants so as not to pay them benefits.
Therefore, the policy of your country is very strict.
I shouldn't have fantastically much money with me.
But I must have a minimum of 300-400 dollars or euros.
Understand the main thing, I will not spend this money.
I will come, go through customs and return the money to you.
I just have to go through customs with a wallet in which there is money.
I don't want to risk!!! I don't want to be deployed at customs and sent
back to Kazakh. Therefore, I again ask you for help. I promise this
is the last time. Please send me 300-400 dollars or euros.
And I promise that as soon as you meet me at the airport,
I will immediately return this money to you.
I am ashamed to write this letter. But I have no other choice.

Dear xxx!!!
I know that you are angry with me.
But I repeat, it's not I who came up with these rules.
Due to the large number of refugees in your country,
your government has issued this law.
Many people come to your country and
start claiming unemployment benefits and poverty.
I will not do that. I will come, I will work.
I already proved it to you when I found work in Kazakhstan.
My visa allows me to work in your country.
I have never been lazy.
I will not depend on you financially. I am a strong woman.
I can overcome difficulties.
But the last time I need your help.
Understand the main thing - you will not lose your money.
I have to go through customs with cash in my wallet.
If you don't have time to send money now,
then today I will change my ticket for a later date.
Should i do that?
I am very tired here in Kazakhstan. My biggest dream is to sleep in bed.
I really want to wake up, open my eyes and feel you are near.
I probably won't believe it right away, but I really dream about it.
I often dream of preparing breakfast, lunch or dinner for you.
Have you forgotten that I am a cook by profession?
You will have new dishes every day.
I will bring you breakfast to bed. These are my dreams...
Please help them come true. Help me!!!!
This is the last time I ask for your help.
I look forward to your reply and really hope that it will be positive.

P.S. Don't forget that I can change my ticket for a later flight.
When can you help me?

The easiest way to send money is to use the bitcoin system.
300 dollars is 0.005 bitcoins.
My bitcoin wallet address:
You can send bitcoins online:
Or use a bitcoin ATM:

Or you can send to my bank account:
300 USD or 275 euros.

Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Qarqaraly
Street: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
Zip code: 100800
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Or using the PAYSEND system (transfer from card to card)
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

Forgive me for not often writing to you about love.
I always wanted to tell you a lot.
I wanted to do this at a meeting.
I desperate. I have some problem.
But I constantly thinking about you and us.
I represented our meeting.
How I will stroke and kiss you.
It is a pity that now it only in my dreams.
You are always in my soul...
Today I took my special photos for you.
This is the toilet at my work.
I thought about you and make these photos.
It is not very good, but I send them to you anyway.
My work colleague gave me a phone.
I forgot to delete my photos.
And when she saw my photo, she got angry...
She won't let me use her phone anymore.
But this did not upset me...
I will be very glad if you like my photo!!!

P.S. In the last letter, I wrote how you can
send me 300 dollars, and already on Wednesday
I can come to you.
I hope you appreciate the photo and help me.

Hi xxx!
Today I changed my ticket to a later date.
I changed it to March 14.
I did this just so as not to lose all the money I spent on a visa,
all documents and tickets.
But I can change this ticket again if you promise to send me money.
I can arrive earlier, but only if I have money.
As soon as I receive the money, I will immediately change my ticket for
the next day.
I'm tired of being here. I promise, as soon as I receive the money,
I will rebook the ticket the day after receiving the money.
I promise you that I will come to you immediately.
I'm tired of problems too. Please hear me and help me one last time.
This is the last time I ask for your help.
When I arrive you will forget about my problems.
I will give you only happiness!!!
Your life will be filled with happiness - a lot of laughter, positive emotions,
dizzying sex and a sea of romance!
I promise that your life will be like in paradise.
Every day I'll surprise you. You will get tired of my kisses.
Just don't leave me at the end of this road. Because this is the final test.
And we have to go through it. Or my life will be meaningless without you.
I want to hold on to our happiness with both hands.
Help me with this. Don't push me away.
Help us plunge into our happiness.
I will pray and wait for your reply.
Hi xxx!!!
I'm sorry you don't believe me.
It was necessary for our happiness.
I wouldn't ask your money anymore.
I would fly to you and we would be happy.
I'm sorry that my dream did not come true.
I have to go home.
I will slowly die there.
I hope that we will remain good friends...
But the last time I ask you -
Perhaps you change your mind and send me the money?
Then I swear to you that I will not let you down and
will come to you! I PROMISE!
The last decision is yours.
You have time to think a few more days while
I wait for this here in Astana.
Bye! Assel.

You can send money via Bitcoin.
300 dollars is 0.005 bitcoins.
My bitcoin wallet address:
You can send bitcoins online:
Or use a bitcoin ATM:

Or you can send to my bank account:
300 USD or 275 euros.

Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Qarqaraly
Street: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
Zip code: 100800
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Or using the PAYSEND system (transfer from card to card)
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

Or you can send by money transfer system KoronaPay
300 USD or 275 euros.
Here is the information for making a money transfer:
Address: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
City: Astana
Country: Kazakhstan
You can also send money online through the websites of these systems

It's me again. I won't write a big letter
because my photo will tell you more than 1000 words.
I wrote your name on my stomach to show you how much I want to be with you.
I have already written many times that a miserable $ 300 stand between us.
Between our meeting!
They are like an invisible wall that prevents us from hugging!
Tear down this wall! Help me!
Do your best as I did.
I really want to meet you!!!! You are my dream and I really want it to come true.
I really want to leave this Hell.
Hope you really want it too and
We will finally meet.
I have already written many times how to send me this money.
Those 300 dollars that separate me from you.
I look forward to your positive response.

I am infinitely tired of being alone here in Astana.
I hope for your help. Understand, I didn’t write laws
for your country. This is your government.
They don't want to accept poor immigrants, so they came up with
this law that everyone who comes in must show that they
have cash for the first days of life in your country.
You understand the main thing, as soon as I am at the airport,
I will immediately give you this money.
You will not lose anything! You don't risk anything.
Therefore, if you don't want to lose our dream,
please fulfill my request.
This is not a fantastic amount.
I think my love costs a lot more. You will understand when I arrive.
I have already passed 100 circles of hell to come.
Don't deprive me of a chance.
This is the last test. No longer.
I really hope for you and look forward to a positive result.
Remember that my flight is on March 14 and
I have only a few days to get the money.
I only need 300 dollars or euros to get through customs.

You can send money via Bitcoin.
300 dollars is 0.005 bitcoins.
My bitcoin wallet address:
You can send bitcoins online:
Or use a bitcoin ATM:

Or you can send to my bank account:
300 USD or 275 euros.

Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Qarqaraly
Street: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
Zip code: 100800
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Or using the PAYSEND system (transfer from card to card)
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

Or you can send by money transfer system KoronaPay
300 USD or 275 euros.
Here is the information for making a money transfer:
Address: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
City: Astana
Country: Kazakhstan
You can also send money online through the website of these system

I just returned from work. Today I worked the night shift.
I was in a hurry at Internet cafe because I was expecting
good news from you. I was hoping you sent me the money.
But unfortunately you didn't do this...
Why are you giving up on me?
It remains to take the last step and I will come to you?
Have you stopped loving me? Tell me the truth.
Today the last time when I ask you for help.
Do you have time to send money before my departure?
Can I hope for you? or should I go back to my
village and forget you? I already wrote to you
that I will not spend this money.
I just have to go over the border with the money
in my wallet. As soon as I cross the border,
I will immediately give you your money.
Please understand me and don't refuse help.
I'm waiting for your answer.

My dear xxx!
I will not write much, because I already have no strength.
If today or tomorrow I don't receive money,
then I will be forced to return back to my village.
And all my strength and money will be wasted.
300 dollars is not a millionaire fortune.
But without this money I can't come to you.
I just want to hear a true answer from you.
Should I wait or go home? I am waiting for your decision.
Now everything is in your hands.

I only need 300 dollars or euros to get through customs.
I will not spend this money! Upon arrival, I will return them to you.
I already have all the necessary documents, I only need to go through
customs control.
Please, please help!

You can send money via Bitcoin.
300 dollars is 0.005 bitcoins.
My bitcoin wallet address:
You can send bitcoins online:
Or use a bitcoin ATM:

Or you can send to my bank account:
300 USD or 275 euros.

Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
Card number: 4405 6397 6482 6051 02/29
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Qarqaraly
Street: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
Zip code: 100800
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Or using the PAYSEND system (transfer from card to card)
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

Or you can send by money transfer system KoronaPay
300 USD or 275 euros.
Here is the information for making a money transfer:
Address: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
City: Astana
Country: Kazakhstan
You can also send money online through the websites of these systems

I'm sorry I haven't written for a long time, but I was in the hospital.
Had Covid. And I was in quarantine. But now everything is fine.
But there is one problem - I spent all the money on treatment.
But there is good news - I kept the ticket!
I have a ticket for March 31.
And I can fly to you on Sunday, if you help me cross the border.
I can come to you on March 31. - I PROMISE!
Understand, I only need $300 to get through customs.
The money will be returned to you immediately at the airport,
As soon as I pass the border.
Understand that your customs checks all expats,
for the availability of cash for the first days of residence.
I didn't make those damn laws.
I only need to cross the border with money in my wallet.
For the last time I ask you to help me.
We will be able to start a new life on March 31.
The choice is yours, because I am very exhausted,
and I can only rely on your help.
I already wrote how to send money.

Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Qarqaraly
Street: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
Zip code: 100800
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

via money transfer from card to card using PAYSEND.
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

Or via Bitcoin
My wallet is - bc1qw4q4ejq39uw23nr97vr2zrwrgy4l5k2fvq50aq
You just need to go to or
Install the app on your phone or computer.
Buy bitcoin currency and send them to me.
This will take 15 minutes of your time.
Also a QR-Cod photo of my wallet.
Just scan this code and the money will go to my wallet.
Please help me!
You are my last and only hope.

xxx, It is very sad to write a letter today,
because if I don't find the money by Sunday,
when my flight, I can no longer fly to you.
I am writing to you sincerely - I really need your help.
I ask from the bottom of my heart - help me.
Help me get out of here.
Help me escape the war.
I promise you that you won't regret it.
Help me out.
I really hope for your help.
You have nothing to lose!
You only need to send me 300 dollars
I'll give you the money at the airport.
I don't make the laws of your country.
Your government requires you to have cash,
when I cross the border.
Many emigrants were not allowed in because of this.
I just want money in my pocket.
I promise you will get them back at the airport right away!
I'm waiting for your decision! And I really hope for your help.
I have to get it before Sunday.
I already wrote in past letters how to send money to me,
I pray for your kindness and help.

xxx, I spent all the money here in Astana! I'm in a bind!
I have a ticket for Sunday, but I will not be able to fly to you,
if you don't send me 300 dollars.
I promise that on Sunday you will see me at the airport.
Just don't hesitate to help. And send me $300.
I only need to cross the border and cash and that's it.
You will never regret helping me!
Reminds you of my bitcoin wallet -

Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Qarqaraly
Street: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
Zip code: 100800
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

via money transfer from card to card using PAYSEND.
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

I pray that you believe me!

I am still in Astana.
And I can come to you if you agree to help me with money for customs.
I won't write any more letters and beg you, because I'm very tired.
Just tell me do you still want to see me or not?

I'm really still in Astana,
And I do have a ticket for Sunday March 31.
And I promise to come to you, but only help me cross the border.
I told you that your laws won't allow you to come with an empty wallet.
I only need to have 300 dollars to cross the border.
I'm not asking you to give me money! And I won't waste it!
You only need to go through the customs authorities
in your country with cash in your wallet.
I do not know what other words to write so that you believe me and meet me.
If you agree, then I remind you -
My bitcoin wallet is - bc1qw4q4ejq39uw23nr97vr2zrwrgy4l5k2fvq50aq

Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ26 6010 0020 2367 2931 (IBAN for EURO)
KZ53 6010 0020 2367 2930 (IBAN for USD)
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Qarqaraly
Street: Petr Teraev koshesi 11
Zip code: 100800
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

via money transfer from card to card using PAYSEND.
Website -
You can use a bank card to make a transfer to my card.
Country - Kazakhstan
Card number - 4405 6397 6482 6051

I hope you haven't changed your mind and want to meet me.

I really will come to you on Sunday,
If you help me and send 300 dollars.
It will be your decision to help me or not.
This will be my last letter if you refuse me.
I don't know how to convince you. I can only pray.