Der Vorgang 27819

Der erste Kontakt 27819

Anzahl der Mails: 6

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My bang-up mister buddy! May you're able to improve chat.
Righ now Im looking for delicious guy! I'm solitary nice female.
I can send You my picture attach;)
Response to me: , good bye
Hello xxx!!! I from xxxia.Please send me your photo. I am pleased to get the letter from You. Ito want to hear You more and I hope that find the good friend. My nameis Magdana to me years. I much want to find the good friend hope,the satellite during life You understand me and we can correspond withyou? I should like to report small about itself, this for me for thefirst time I never got acquainted through Internet but I think do theexception for itself. I have finished university, I doctor (thesurgeon medicine) work in clinic of years. As my salary small,sometimes I sit in stock exchange Binance. I much love the nature. Ilive one in house in which there is rooms, I have a cat by nameFluffy. I have much friends. I much love to spend its free time withthem. I very pleased that I have a good friends... I think thatfriends very important for each person. write me little about itselfas You, conduct its free time that You love. I wait anxiously youranswer.Your friend Magdana.
Hello xxx!Yesterday I wrote you a letter but I didn't get your reply. I hopethat my letter reached you and you simply did not have time to answerme. I am a decent woman. I'm looking for a decent and decent man. Iwrote to you and sent my photo. Look at my letter. Maybe my email gotinto your spam? I hope to continue our acquaintance with you! I'm alsowaiting for your photo. With great respect, Magdana.
Hello xxx!!Several days have passed since I wrote you a letter. are you receivingwhat I write to you? Please check your spam folder. I want to get toknow you and see where our communication with you can lead, if youdon’t mind. I’m waiting for your letter... Every day at work I checkmy mail but there’s still no letter. I hope that tomorrow I willreceive news from you. Regards, Magdana.
Hello xxx! How are you doing? How was the weekend? Today is already Tuesday, andI still haven’t received a letter from you. I hope that my letterreached you and you simply did not have time to answer me. I wrote toyou and sent my photo. Did you receive it? If you have not received myemails, please check your spam folder. I hope everything is okay withyou, you will write me a letter and we will continue ourcommunication. I will also be glad to see your photos in the nextletter. With great respect, Magdana.
Hello xxx!A lot of time has already passed since I wrote you the first letter.If you do not want to continue communication, then say so! No need toignore it, be a man !!! Also check the folder with spam !!! Suddenlymy letters are there? In general, one way or another I am waiting foryour answer! Magdana.