Der Vorgang 27838

Der erste Kontakt 27838

Anzahl der Mails: 13

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Hello interesting friend! I apologize, the fact is that I am lookingfor acquaintances, but I don’t even know how to start our conversationand I’m a little worried when I write my letter to you ... I have tostart a dialogue with you, so I want you to know my name my name isKristina. I first meet in the Internet space and I have your emailaddress, so if I am interested in you, I will wait for a letter fromyou. I am actually very embarrassed, because for me the firstexperience of getting acquainted with a man in this way, namely withyou, I hope that you understand me. I am very sociable and I thinkthat you too, in my letter I enclose my photos and I hope that you areinterested in our acquaintance! I really hope so, because I no longersend my letter to anyone but you. If I am interested in you, then Iask you to write your answer as soon as possible. I am sure that wewill definitely find a common language and become loyal friends. I'llbe waiting for your letter ... Your new friend Kristina
Hello,Dear friend, thanks you for your letter. I am glad to that you havewritten to me. I shall hope that in the future, we shall be very goodfriends, and can and more. I do not know what to tell in my firstletter because I never got acquainted through the Internet before. It- something new and unusual to me. But I shall try, write good lettersto you. Please not be too strict to my mistakes in words, the Englishlanguage - not my native language. But I Assume, that I know it well.Unfortunately, you didn’t write me your letter, why? What is yourname? I ask you to write me your name...I am very glad to receive your photo. For me so it is pleasant to seeit, that you understand, that I very much wish to see your person asit is possible is more often. I very much want that you sent me yourphotos more often, because at you such courageous features. You suchbeautiful man you are not similar to one of men which I know here inRussia. You very beautiful man and for me it is a little strange, whyyou remained till now one and are compelled to search to yourself forthe girlfriend on the Internet, I think, women in your city are blindthat do not notice you. I think, if you lived in my city I think Iwould not pass by you when would meet you in the street. Your personinstal in me confidence, that you can protect any woman from anydanger. I would like, that near to me there was such person.Well, my name - Kristina, as you to know. You can name me as you like.I shall not be disappointed. To me of years. My birthday onSeptember . My height centimeters. My weight kg. I live incity Perm. Perm known city of Russia. Perm - very much beautiful city.I have finished medical university. My formation will consist of levels: school, college, university. I studied within years. All years I have studied the English language also. I have finisheduniversity in age . How to me gave with a medal for excellentresults during my studying. Than I worked as the second surgeon insmall clinic within years. It was very much interesting and in thesame time responsible. I was happy to give health of people, to helpthem. Many things depend on me during actions. I think in The future Iwill be capable the surgeon to become independent. You think, what it- good dream? Probably that I shall work in Clinic, as the basicsurgeon.I live one, I have no neither children, nor the boyfriend. Sometimes Ifeel like very lonely in my house. Perhaps, for this reason I havedecided to get acquainted with you. I have the house, work, friends,but I cannot tell that I am happy. I hope, that we shall write manyletters to each other. I am very pleased and grateful, that you haveanswered my letter, because I Decided to try to get acquainted throughthe Internet only once. I never get acquainted before in such a way. Icannot understand completely as it works because I have no computer. Ionly beginner in work of the internet. I hope that you are interestedin our dialogue, as I. You can tell to me about all of you that youwant. I shall be pleased to know all about your life. I understandthat tastes differ, but I hope, that my image will be pleasant foryou. I hope, that you will write to me soon. I thank you Beforehand.With the best regards.Kristina...P.S. I hope it won't be a problem for you to send me a few more ofyour photos? I will be looking forward to your photos in your nextletter...
Hello ,how are you? How is your health dear? You can't imagine what apleasure for me was to recieve letters from you.As if I'm living onlyfor your letters.I must say that I enjoy your letters.I'm lookingforward to learn you better.I'd like to assure you that you can alwayscount on my attention, understanding and encouragement - Main thingfor me is how honest,thoughtful,colourful and interesting are yourthoughts,words and answers to me and I'm glad that we continue ourcorrespondence.I wait your letter.Hope to hear from yousoon, Kristina
Hello,How is your health? How is your mood? How are you doing?!Thankyou for who you are and for what you've brought to my life and forwhat you do everyday.This day was really hard for me and I got reallytired, but in spite of my mood I think that I'm due to write to you.How was your day?????? Have a nice mood. Wishing you very good day andhope to hear from you soon, Kristina
Hello dear...God...I'm just in great shock now, because I've been
trying to restore access to my mailbox for almost two weeks...God...I
finally managed to restore access to my mailbox today!!! Only today! I
am both happy and angry at the same time, because the administration
of my mail system did not want to restore my account without
explanation, but today I was granted access and thus I am no longer in
danger of such a situation in the future! That is, now I will not be
deprived of access to my reading box...I don’t know why this happened,
but it was for this reason that I could not write my letter to you, I
hope that you understand me? Every day I came to the Internet cafe and
every day I couldn’t do anything, I only managed to access my email
today... I was so worried because you are the only person I
communicate with, it’s true! You are the only man I have and I am not
interested in anyone else. I hope that I am also the only one with
you? I hope you are faithful to me? I am faithful to you, because I
was very worried that I would no longer be able to write to you, but
God sees everything! God gave me the opportunity to access my mailbox
today...Finally I can write to you! I hope you will forgive me? I
kindly ask you to write me your letter as soon as possible...And
tomorrow I will answer your old letters...I miss you very much!! I
will be waiting for your quick response!!! Kristina

Good afternoon, this is Kristina, I think that you are not indifferent
to our new friendships that we have begun to develop. I hoped that you
were worried while I was having problems, and I thought that I had
lost you forever. but when I restored my email and saw that I didn’t
have a letter from you, I was upset. And yet I feel hope that you will
write to me so that we can get to know each other better and be able
to transfer our relationship to the other side of happiness that we
both want, and I hope for this Kristina.

Hello ,

How are you doing ?How is your health?How is your mood?I wish you good
Wekend ,today I have shopping,washing,cooking, cleaning,and work to do
so have a full day.I hope you have a great weekend and do lots of
lovely nice things.I hope you have a great weekend and do lots of
lovely and nice things.I wait your letter.Hope to hear from you soon,

Hello,how are you?How is your health?Recieving your letters,brings me
glee and joy.You make checking my e-mails so much more enjoyable,an
ear to ear smile appears on my face when I see your name in my
inbox.We are both not alone,we have each other,when we feel down or
lonely,we only have to think of each other and the whole world seems
such a better place.My thoughts are about you.Hope to hear from you

How are doing today? How is your health?Hope this letter will find you
in high mood.Wonderful things that make my day and raise my mood from
the idea that there is such a nice noble man even on the other side of
the world, who appreciate me and look with favour on me.Today I had
very intensive day.I have shopping, washing,cooking,cleaning,and work
to do so have a full day.What did you do?Hope to hear from you

You probably have a lot of troubles on the eve of Christmas and still
have the weekend ahead...I know that tomorrow will be Christmas! This
is a great holiday, it seems to me that a miracle should happen on the
night from December 24 to December 25! Namely, the fulfillment of
wishes...I have an idea of how Christmas is celebrated in your
country, but I would like you to tell me what your plans for Christmas
will be! How will you celebrate Christmas? It is very interesting to
me! Unfortunately, in Russia this is the main holiday of the New Year,
they usually set the table and prepare various delicacies and open the
champagne exactly at midnight... This is how they celebrate the New
Year in Russia. And Christmas is only on xxxuary 7th, I’m sorry, this
is an Orthodox holiday and it is celebrated very modestly...
Unfortunately, we have different cultures, but this does not interfere
with us in any way, am I right? I hope I'm right! In fact, we have a
lot in common! Well...Tomorrow I will specially arrive at the Internet
cafe and I will write my separate letter with my congratulations and
my wishes, okay? But I will only be able to answer your letter on
Monday, so I wish you a great weekend! I will write you a Christmas
letter tomorrow! And on Monday I will answer your letter...Kristina

The weekend and Christmas are ahead, I hope you will write me your

You probably have a lot of troubles on the eve of Christmas and still
have the weekend ahead...I know that tomorrow will be Christmas! This
is a great holiday, it seems to me that a miracle should happen on the
night from December 24 to December 25! Namely, the fulfillment of
wishes...I have an idea of how Christmas is celebrated in your
country, but I would like you to tell me what your plans for Christmas
will be! How will you celebrate Christmas? It is very interesting to
me! Unfortunately, in Russia this is the main holiday of the New Year,
they usually set the table and prepare various delicacies and open the
champagne exactly at midnight... This is how they celebrate the New
Year in Russia. And Christmas is only on xxxuary 7th, I’m sorry, this
is an Orthodox holiday and it is celebrated very modestly...
Unfortunately, we have different cultures, but this does not interfere
with us in any way, am I right? I hope I'm right! In fact, we have a
lot in common! Well...Tomorrow I will specially arrive at the Internet
cafe and I will write my separate letter with my congratulations and
my wishes, okay? But I will only be able to answer your letter on
Monday, so I wish you a great weekend! I will write you a Christmas
letter tomorrow! And on Monday I will answer your letter...Kristina

Hello how are you? I never had a lot of real happiness in my life.But
now I'm happy because I write to you.I shall never forget you and I
hope that you will not forget me too because now I cannot without your
letters.You help me to be such happy.How is your health dear? What
have you done today?I hope that you write to me very soon because
without your letters,my life seems boring.I shall look forward to
hearing from you.

Hello , how are you, ? How is your health ? How is your condition?
Would you like ? My mood is very good :):):)I am very happy from what
I write to you every day. I believe, I'm used to reading your letter
and writing the reply. Today I had a very intense day weekend. I had
lots of time to do different things during the day. In the morning I
went to the store. I cleaned the house. Clean very much carefully. I
like cleanliness and order. What have you done? OK, I am waiting for
your letter. Enjoy your weekend with friends, I hope for discussions.
soon :-) See you soon, Kristina