Der Vorgang 27847

Der erste Kontakt 27847

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Vor- bzw. Nachgänger

Es wurden insgesamt -- 1 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Good day, I am very glad that my note caught your attention!!! I'm new to digital dating, but I've always been interested in getting to know someone this way. It's not every day you communicate with a stranger, so I hope this unexpected message will lead to more delight than worry. My enthusiasm for our meeting is sincere, and I would be overjoyed if you felt the same way.
I could not understand, what is exact country of your residing?
Let me present myself: My name is Sabina. My height is 166 cm and my mass is 61 kg. I am 41 years old and I am from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. If you are keen on corresponding with a woman of my age, I will be sincerely delighted to acquaint with you better. I am writing this note briefly, acknowledging that connecting with such a remote person requires determination. But, if you do not mind, I will be pleased to explore our history in following letters. Would that be a joy to you?
I hope my message has sparked your inquisitiveness and I look forward to getting a reply from you - maybe with one or two photos of you.
I'm waiting your letter on my e-mail:
With best regards,