Der Vorgang 27853

Der erste Kontakt 27853

Anzahl der Mails: 12

Es wurden insgesamt -- 12 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hey hey my new mate!.
great day and wonderful mood. I seek a friendly man to establish a very reliable relationship!.
I are alone and I am very sad to spend my evenings alone!.
I decided send you a letter maybe we can get closer, I can send you photo, give information more about you..
Send me your photos and I will send my photos too.,
Wonderful day., Best regards, Magdana..

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Thanks for the new photos. They always raise my mood). I hope my photos give you the same emotions?Now, I will try to explain how I found your mail. So that in the future you will not have anyquestions about this. I found your email on the dating site "Parthner". I decided to write to you.This site was advised to me by my sister with whom we are on good terms. First of all , I wasinterested in finding a man from another country . Because I 'm not satisfied with men from mycountry . This is primarily because of their mentality. men from our country have a lot of problemswith which many women face is alcoholism , they beat their women , and the most important thing isthat they do not appreciate their other half , in my opinion . They are egoists!!! I don't want tosay that all men are bad, but I speak from my own experience and from the outside. As they say,there are enough fools in any country. For this reason, I decided to try my luck on the Internet andtry to find a man abroad.I'll tell you about yourself (little). As you already know my name is Magdana. Me old.First of all, I am from xxxia and live in the city of Tbilisi. I have been working as anassistant surgeon for two years, in the state polyclinic. I love my job and am proud that I can helppeople. My hobby is sports. I like playing volleyball, basketball + I like to skate, skate, ski andso on Further. I can list a lot of things I love doing. But, The best option is to tell more indetail in our further communications. I hope you do not mind??I have a big question for you, I want to know what are you looking for on this site???? A seriousrelationship or a simple flirtation? I hope you're a serious person. After all, that site onlyserves to find serious partners. Personally, I am looking for a serious man with whom I can be morethan friends. I am sending you my photos and I hope that you will like this photo. I will be waiting for your nextemail, don't forget to send your photos. With this , I will end my letter . Sincerely yours Magdana.
Good day my friend xxx. How are youdoing???? Today it was a great surprise for me not to receive a returnletter from you. Please tell me the reason. Why did not you write tome ??? Maybe the reason is that I did not answer all your questions??? Tell me . Is this the reason ??? Or the reason in other ??? Ifnot, tell me what the problem is. Maybe the problem is at my age ?? Soyou do not want to communicate with me ??? Please tell me the reason.I hope that you will respond to my letter. It does not take long towrite a letter. I'm waiting for your letter. Your friend Magdana
Good day my friend xxx.I've already sent you my letter with photos but you still didn'tanswer. Why? You did not like my photo? Have you received my letter?Maybe simply you didn't have time to answer immediately or maybe myphotos and everything what was written there didn't interest you atall??? Please write me at least a note of explanation, because most ofall I'm afraid of indefinite situation when you don't now what toexpect. Hope to hear from you soon. Magdana
Hello xxx. I've already sent you my letter. Have you received my letter? Maybe simply you didn'thave time to answer immediately. Why? Please write me at least a note of explanation. Well? Hope tohear from you soon. Your friend Magdana
Good evening xxx. How is your health? How is your mood? I'm looking forward to learn you better.This working day was really hard for me and I got really tired, but in spite of my mood I think thatI'm due to write to you because I'm,as if,charging with positive energy and warmth from ourcorrespondence. How was your day xxx?????? I with impatience shall wait for your letter. Yourfriend Magdana
Good day xxx.I have started to ask a question. You have received myletter??? If is not present, look in folder Spam, my letter can laysthere. I very much wish to continue with you conversation. Now thefriend who so does not suffice me now is necessary to me. I do notknow the reason why you have not written till now to me, though Ialready sent you letters. Can at you not was time answer, or you haveaffairs on more important, than to answer the letter of the girl whichreally wishes to continue with you conversation. If you wish tocontinue with me dialogue, I with pleasure on communicate with you. Ifyou do not wish to continue with me conversation and write. I Hope Iwill receive from you the letter.Magdana
Good day xxx.You know that I am writing to you, not the first time a letter.Interesting. Why??? Is not this a Shame on you ??? On the one hand, Itry to write to you almost every day. You do not seem strange ?? Iunderstand that you have your own problems, work, family, or at lastyou need to heal your health. But why can not you devote your precioustime to answer my letter ??? You only need - minutes to write aletter. It will take some time. Understand that this is not the firsttime. I am writing you a letter when you do not reply to my letter. Iask that you take a more serious attitude to our conversation. Maybethe reason is different when I do not receive emails from you. If youdo not receive my letters, please check your SPAM folder can be myletters. I hope everything is fine with you. I hope to receive fromyou the following letter with answers to my questions from the lastletter. With respect Magdana
Hello xxx.I'm wondering, are you going to answer again once a week for myletter???? Why can not you write me often ???? Tell me!! Is it reallyso difficult for you ???? If now I will write you such a letter. Youwill find this an insult !! Every day I look forward to your letterwith impatience. But this hope is dying. Each time when you do notwrite me letters for a long time. I'm already going to finish ourcommunication. I wrote a lot of letters to you. But!!!! I see that youare not serious about our communication. If in days, I will notreceive a letter from you. This concludes our communication. I do nothave the patience to write daily and wait for your answer. If you wantto resume our communication. I'm ready to give you a second chance. Ifyou are not going to send letters, then after this moment. You willnot receive a letter from me. NEVER!!! I give you one last chance toremain friends. I will look forward to receiving a letter from you.Magdana
Good day xxx.I do not know the reason why you do not write to me. You can write atleast one reason. Why i do not receive from you letters???? Can youdid not receive my letters???? I can to you I do not like???? I canseem you suspicious??? Tell in what the reason. Really you cannot findprecious time to write me the letter??? Simply answer pair myquestions and all!!! Probably we will stop dialogue if you do not wantto communicate with me. Be the man, cease to ignore my messages. It isnot a shame to you, what you are written by the girl of the first????Answer my letter and answer my questions. I wait for your letter. Magdana
Hello xxx.
Why you ignore me???? If you don't want to communicate with me, write
to me!!!! I have already sent you a large number of letters. You have
still answered one of them. I ask a question why??? I am not pleasant
to you???? Or at you other reason not to write me:??? Tell me in what
a problem???? I with hope still hope that I will receive from you the
letter. I hope at you there will be enough courage to write me couple
of offers. I wait from you for the. Magdana
This is my last letter to write to you after this letter will not bother you anymore. I have written
to you many times and asked that you wrote to me every day. But you do not react to letters, I'm
sorry that you have this situation. I will not write to you again, because I do not see any reason
to hope and wait for a miracle. This will be my last letter for you. I hope you find that woman. On
this I will tell you goodbye and good luck in the search :)