Der Vorgang 27874

Der erste Kontakt 27874

Anzahl der Mails: 3

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Welcome! Lovely the stranger, I wish to be assured, as it is strong you are interested in searches and to begin acquaintance with new and good the girl? My name is Magdana I wish to believe, that I to you like on a photo. I wish to meet the man with whom my life will be quiet and interesting. I very much interesting, opened and optimistical the girl. But to me am lonely at present and I very much have got tired from this vital situation. Therefore I have addressed in agency of acquaintances and have sent to you the letter. Actually, I wish to meet present the man for stable relations and marriage further. My purpose - to meet love. I wish to believe, that you are this man. I will be happy if we find common language, and our acquaintance - the most great moment in our future life. At present I do not know, as is strong have interest in continuation our conversation, for this reason in more details I will tell about myself later.Interested? Please answer ONLY to my regular mailbox: magdana.doc@outlook.comI will wait for the reciprocal letter with big impatience. Kiss, Magdana!
Hello xxx,Dear xxx, thanks you for your letter. I am glad to that you havewritten to me. I shall hope that in the future, we shall be very goodfriends, and can and more. I do not know what to tell in my firstletter because I never got acquainted through the Internet before. It- something new and unusual to me. But I shall try, write good lettersto you. Please not be too strict to My mistakes in words, the Englishlanguage - not my native language. But I Assume, that I know it well.I am very glad to receive your photo. For me so it is pleasant to seeit, that you understand, that I very much wish to see your person asit is possible is more often. I very much want that you sent me yourphotos more often, because at you such courageous features. You suchbeautiful man you are not similar to one of men which I know here inxxxia. You very beautiful man and for me it is a little strange, whyyou remained till now one and are compelled to search to yourself forthe girlfriend on the Internet, I think, women in your city are blindthat do not notice you. I think, if you lived in my city I think Iwould not pass by you when would meet you in the street. Your personinstal in me confidence, that you can protect any woman from anydanger. I would like, that near to me there was such person.Well, my name - Magdana, as you to know. You can name me as youlike. I shall not be disappointed. To me of years. My birthday - on -th of May . My height - see. My weight kg. You can seemy photo, it is pleasant to you? I live in city Kutaisi. Kutaisi knowncity of xxxia. Kutaisi- very much beutive city. I have finishedpedagogical university. My formation will consist of levels: school,college, university. You know something about this city? It is a smallcity, here lives almost . Approximately kilometres fromcapital of xxxia. You know the city of Tbilisi? Tell to me what yourfull name? Where you were born and in what city live? When yourbirthday? Who you on a zodiac sign? I studied within years. All years I have studied the English language also. I have finisheduniversity in age . How to me gave with a medal for excellentresults during my studying. After I graduated from university, Iimmediately started working as a teacher in a kindergarten. It wasvery much intresting and in the same Time responsable. I really enjoyworking with children and I really love children. Many things dependon me during actions.You can see my photo, it is pleasant to you? I have no man now, and Iam completely lonely and free for relations. In searches on theInternet I was resulted by that I was disappointed in men of our city.Here a little good people, all of them rigid also are not able tolove. I live in rented housing. I like to raise flowers because theythe most beautiful which have been created by the nature. I live one,I have no neither children, nor the boyfriend. Sometimes I feel likevery lonely in house. Perhaps, for this reason I have decided to getacquainted with you. To me already , also I take a lifephilosophically. I have the, work, friends, but I cannot tell that Iam happy. I have was not present many who I can my best half. I havewritten to you all over again, it means, that I can divide my ideasand feelings with you. I hope, that you will not be laughter. And weshall write many letters to each other. I am very pleased andgrateful, that you have answered my letter, because I Decided to tryto get acquainted through the Internet only once. I never getacquainted before in such a way. I cannot Understand completely as itworks because I have no computer. I only beginner in work of theInternet. But I hope, that I shall be capable to write to youconstantly. I hope, that you are interested in our dialogue, as I. Youcan tell to me about all of you, that you want. I shall be pleased toknow all about your life. It only female curiosity. I understand thattastes differ, but I hope, that my image will be pleasant for you. ButI should tell that I cannot receive the big files. I shall havetrouble. As I use a computer on Internet cafe. I hope, that yourletters will not be Will be more than , mbytes, at us very expensiveInternet. If not I shall understand and I shall not be angry. I willwait your letters with your photos. Necessarily send to me some thephotos, I wish to have a little that it is better to present you. Ihope, that you will write to me soon. I thank you Beforehand. With thebest regards.P.S. Thank you for your photo I really liked.Magdana…
Hello xxx, I have already sent you an email, but unfortunatelyI have not received an answer. I would like to know why? Didn't youlike my picture? Or do you not want to communicate with me? I hopethat's not the case and you just didn't have time to answer. Pleasewrite at least a note.