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Der erste Kontakt 27890

Anzahl der Mails: 4

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Good afternoon,Let me introduce myself as Kristi and I wrote to you in the hope that I can give you a chance to make today better. I'm looking for a gentleman who, like me, is ready for a serious relationship and meeting. Or at least be friends. naturally if our plans for life coincide.
If you are open and willing to share your plans for life, I would be glad to hear from you. Let's start this exciting expedition, I'd love to meet you. I don't know what else to say in such cases. This is my first time meeting people in this way. Therefore, I hope for understanding. Even if you're not interested. Tell it like it is. Simple and honest. Oh yes, don't forget your photo. I won't say goodbye. I say SEE YOU! Kristy

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Hello. How are you keeping?? Sorry to keep you waiting for an answer. I just found your email in my spam folder. I am so glad that we were able to get to know each other! I wasn't sure if you would respond, so I'm pleasantly surprised.
It seems to me that our communication is a wonderful sign that indicates that life is just starting to give us its best moments. Everything in my life becomes better and better, and I rejoice at every new day. You're likely interested in why I hold this belief and what positive changes have transpired in my life, correct? I'm excited to tell you a little bit about myself. I appreciate your frankness about your family, after your letter I was able to introduce all your loved ones. And I'm glad you shared it with me, because that kind of honest brings us closer.The fact that you're older than me doesn't bother me at all. In my opinion, it's natural for a man to be older than a woman. I enjoy our conversations, and I find it fascinating to learn from the wisdom and experience of the older generation. I believe that genuine relationships have no age restrictions, and there's always something to talk about and share, regardless of the age gap. The most important thing is to have mutual understanding and find common ground.
Recently, it became clear to me that health and development are integral parts of my personal growth. Specialization of purposes and concern for my own development has become a priority for me. My attention is currently devoted to health. Now I read more books, go in for sports and attend vocal courses that help me develop as a personality and a professional. This is not easy, but I am ready to spend efforts to achieve my goals. I realized that this is my purpose - to live a real and full life. I am sure that I can achieve more than now, and I work to become the best version of myself. And what about yourself? What hobbies do you have that you enjoy?
What have you changed in your life to find more happiness? What inspired you to pursue your dreams and what are your long-term aspirations? I believe that our acquaintance and communication is a wonderful chance for me to grow and develop as a person. I would be pleased if our friendship becomes a source of energy and motivation for both of us.
What else, I can call myself that I am an optimist because I know how to have fun every moment of my life. Now I want to get acquainted with the man with whom I will be calm and not afraid to discuss any topics. I am looking for a friend with whom it would be possible to have fun and engage in interesting things. I'm searching for a person who can help me in accomplishing my ambitions and observe my achievements. Getting out of the comfort zone is an arduous task that requires great effort. Honestly, sometimes I just want to spend an entire day lying in bed without doing anything, but I can't afford it, and I envy those who have the chance to do so.
It is very interesting to learn more about you I'm eager to know more about you. Could you tell me where you live and a little about your interests and hobbies? I appreciate your selfie.
So, it's time to finish my message. I wish you a lot of happiness today:) Kristina, 34 years, I am at home now Astana, Kazakhstan.
P.S. I'm enjoying our conversation, but I feel like I'm missing a key piece of information - your name! Could you please let me know what it is? I hope to hear from you soon. I send you some of my photos and I hope that you will like them :)

Hello! How is everything? I sent you a message a few days ago, but you still replied. To be honest, I'm starting to get worried, maybe I did something wrong or you didn't like my message. Or perhaps you're really busy right now, and that's why you haven't had a chance to reply? I hope that you'll be able to soon. I'm eagerly awaiting your message. Kristina
Hello. How are you? I hope that everything is fine with you. I still have not received from you an answer to my message, which I sent you recently. I hope you were just busy and therefore have not yet contacted me. I hope that we can continue communication. I wish you a good day and a great mood, write to me soon.