Der Vorgang 27900

Der erste Kontakt 27900

Anzahl der Mails: 8

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I hope you're having a good day. I thought I'd drop you a line to inform you that I had a great time during our conversation the other day, and I'm looking forward we could continue getting to know each other. I understand that online dating can be daunting at times, but I think that it's all about making a genuine connection with someone.
I have to admit, I'm curious to learn more about you. What kinds of things that interest you passions? How do you like to spend your leisure time? I think to share interests with someone I'm dating, and I'd love to see if we have any in common.
I know that life can be hectic, but I'd be happy to hear back from you when you have a moment. If you're enthusiastic, we could arrange to chat more and explore where things go from there. And if not, no worries and all the best on your search.
Good morning!
It's my hope this isn't too forward, but I recently reached out expressing my desire in establishing a connection with you, although I didn't receive a response back as of yet. I realize that it's easy for things to be hectic, so should you have a moment, I'd really appreciate you could reply.
I'm genuinely interested in getting to know you better. In order to give you, I've attached a picture of myself to this message. I would like to know what you think and if I pique your interest.
So, if you're still curious, I'd be delighted to hear back from you and keep up our discussion.
Howdy! I'm wondering to know if my email reached you as intended. Did you you take into account looking into your bulk directory? It seems that my correspondences could be arriving, since I write to you regularly, yet get responses from you sporadically. I would kindly ask that you kindly peruse your spam folder and respond to my newest note, if you maintain an interest in keeping up our chat...
Good evening! I will make an effort to communicate with you once more, as you don't seem to remember me, having getting a single message from me, and none. Seemingly, my initial effort to begin a conversation between us failed to work, because I did not get a answer from you. I am curious in knowing you more and discovering where this bond can lead. Hopefully, we can talk and find out more each other's interests. I am truly pleased to pick up our discussion, assuming that you remain keen in corresponding with me. If you're curious, I would like to hear from you. I'm excited to your reply. With appreciation,
Good afternoon xxx!
I've saved a spot for our next conversation. Hope you're in!
Good afternoon xxx!
I'm excited for us to continue getting to know each other I can't wait to get to know you better and see if we have common aspirations and values? Wouldn't it be great to learn more about your interests, dreams and what you are looking for in a relationship? I believe that through open and honest communication we can uncover the many facets of our personalities and see if we have the foundation for a fulfilling relationship?...
I was fortunate enough to live with my husband in a beautiful marriage for over 12 years! Tragically, my husband passed away before we had time to veil our children. He was a coal miner working in the coal mines, and one day while he was working there was a mine gas leak that killed him. I think the deeper the bond with a person, the greater the feeling of loneliness when they are gone. Friendly families thrive in an atmosphere of open communication where every decision is made together and every family member's voice is valued. This was the case in our case as well. Therefore, it was very difficult for me to readjust to the new way of doing things - to solve all the issues only in my head, without being able to discuss something with my husband. I was not inclined to open up to anyone else. Who else could be genuinely interested in the minutiae of my day, my work problems, my feelings and well-being. For the first three years, the thought of finding someone new didn't cross my mind. However, as time went on, the burden of loneliness became heavier and heavier.
One day I had a dream in which my husband appeared and said: "Abby, my love for you is eternal, but you need to find happiness again." Over the years, the prospect of finding a partner seemed increasingly difficult, especially as I got older. In an attempt to alleviate my loneliness, I even got a Yorkshire terrier named "Ariel."
After much introspection, I felt ready to find meaningful relationships. Emilia, my sister, supported my decision to look for a partner outside of our country, especially since it gives you the opportunity to get to really know a person before diving into a deep relationship.
I have attached a picture of Emilia and my dog "Ariel" for reference.

Good day xxx!
Still thinking about our last chat. Hope you're doing well???
Greetings xxx!
Keeping the conversation spark alive. Let me know when you're ready to jump back in.