Der Vorgang 27971

Der erste Kontakt 27971

Anzahl der Mails: 7

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my mr. Juicy)
May u do me a favor?
Currently I'm looking for stylish mister:-)
I'm jolly person,
This is E-mail box for response is :-)
I am going to reply to You my photo.
Hello !!!Please send me your photo! I need to know who I'm talking to! I amglad to receive a letter from you. I want to hear you more and I hopeto find a good friend. My name is Magdana of the year. I reallywant to find a good friend, hope a companion during life Do youunderstand me and we can correspond with you? i should like It's notenough to communicate about yourself, for the first time I never metthrough the Internet but I think to make an exception for myself. Igraduated from university, I am a children's pediatrician Clinic work years. As my salary small, sometimes I sit in stock exchange Binance.I really love nature. I live alone in the house in whichthere are rooms, I have a dog named Ball. I have a lot friends. Ireally like spending free time with them. I am very pleased that Ihave good friends ... I think friends are very important to everyone.write me a little about yourself how are you, spend it for free thetime you love. I look forward to your reply. From xxxia :)Your friend Magdana.
Hello !Yesterday I wrote you a letter but I didn't get your reply. I hopethat my letter reached you and you simply did not have time to answerme. I am a decent woman. I'm looking for a decent and decent man. Iwrote to you and sent my photo. Look at my letter. Maybe my email gotinto your spam? I hope to continue our acquaintance with you! I'm alsowaiting for your photo. With great respect, Magdana.
Hello !My name is Magdana ! Just recently I answered your letter. I sent aphoto and told a little about myself. Did you get this letter? If not,then check the spam folder. Maybe it got there. I also found yourletter in the spam folder by the way. I hope that you will answer meas soon as possible and we will continue our acquaintance, and alsosend your photo! :) Magdana.
Hello !
How are you how are you? It's sad that I still haven't received a
letter from you. My workday will end soon and I will go home. Tomorrow
is my work day, I was called to duty. I hope that tomorrow I will
receive a letter from you and answer it! Good weekend! Sincerely, Magdana
Hello !!
It’s very sad that there is still no letter from you.. Today is
Sunday, I went to work in the hope that you would write to me, but
there was no letter.. I hope that tomorrow I will receive a letter
from you and your photo! I'll be looking forward to it.
Sincerely, Magdana
Hello !
A lot of time has already passed since I wrote you my first letter. If
you don't want to continue communicating, then say so! Don't ignore
it, be a man!!! Also check your spam folder!!! What if my letters are
there? In general, one way or another, I’m waiting for your answer! Magdana.