Der Vorgang 27978

Der erste Kontakt 27978

Anzahl der Mails: 9

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Presently Im searching for bouncy dude.
Email to me ;) I am going to send You my photos) have a nice day
I'm fine. How are you doing? Where you born and live now?
Hello xxx! Yesterday I wrote you a letter but I didn't get yourreply. I hope that my letter reached you and you simply did not havetime to answer me. I am a decent woman. I'm looking for a decent anddecent man. I wrote to you and sent my photo. Look at my letter. Maybemy email got into your spam? I hope to continue our acquaintance withyou! I'm also waiting for your photo. With great respect, Magdana.
Hello xxx! My name is Magdana ! Just recently I answered yourletter. I sent a photo and told a little about myself. Did you getthis letter? If not, then check the spam folder. Maybe it got there. Ialso found your letter in the spam folder by the way. I hope that youwill answer me as soon as possible and we will continue ouracquaintance. Magdana.
Hello xxx!!! how is your health? How is your mood? Each yourletter, your every compliment, makes me very happy woman. Iseverything is all right with you? Are you still very busy? Hope youare well and nothing bad happened to you.What is your latest news?Just write me few words – just one word and I’ll be happy.Your careand attention warms me and protects me!!! With great and everlastinggratitude. Have a nice mood.Wishing you very good day. Witch respectMagdana.
Good afternoon xxx! I was upset that I haven't received your
letters for several days. Today my friend Natalya and I will go to her
dacha for the weekend. Therefore, next time I can write to you only on
Monday. I hope by this day I will receive your letter and we will
continue our communication. What are you doing this weekend? I will be
glad if you share this with me. In any case, I hope to receive your
letter when I check my email on Monday. I wish you a great weekend.
Your Magdana.
Hello xxx! The working week has come, everything is going
pretty well. Monday was a good day. But today is already Tuesday. I
thought I'd talk to you, but you still haven't texted me. I also check
my spam folder but there is nothing there. How was your weekend? I
hope everything is okay with you and you write me a letter soon. I
will wait for an answer tomorrow! Have a nice day! Magdana.
Hello xxx! There has been no letter from you for a long time. I
hope you're okay? How are you How is your week going? I'm fine. there
is a lot of work, sometimes there is not even time to rest. Now I have
a little free time, I was hoping that I would receive a letter from
you and answer it. I hope tomorrow when I come to work, I will see
your letter. Take care of yourself. Magdana
Hi my dear xxx! How is your health?? How was your work week??
So the weekend has come . What will you do on your day off? I'm
probably going to the ice rink. Then I'll do my chores. I hope that
everything is fine with you and you will write to me as soon as
possible. Magdana